problem about shift-Record and share programming errors

  • user1142769
    c optimization gcc bitwise shift
    I’m seeing behaviour I don’t expect when compiling this code with different optimization levels in gcc.The function test should fill a 64 bit unsigned integer with ones, shift them shift_size bits to the left, and return the 32 low bits as a 32 bit unsigned integer.When I compile with -O0 I get the results I expect.When I compile with -O2 I do n

  • Austin Truong
    c bitwise shift
    Why do I get such a big i

  • nullArray
    c++ c shift
    How exactly do I do this in C/C++? Let’s say I want t

  • CheeseConQueso
    regex perl variables shift
    This code works – It takes an array of full txt file paths and strips them so that when $exam_nums[$x] is called, it returns the file namefor (0..$#exam_nums) {$exam_nums[$_] =~ s/\.txt$//; #remove extension$

  • retep998
    c++ 64bit bitwise shift
    Possible Duplicate:64bit shift problem I’m using Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 8 64-bit, targeting x64 in debug mode, using an AMD Phenom II. So Basica

  • talkaboutquality
    c shift signedness operand
    Note: This question is all about the signedness of the second operand of bit shift operators >. Not at all about the first operand.CERT INT34-C, in part: Do not shift a negative number of bits …Not that it needed justification, but they justify sa

  • sharptooth
    c++ language-lawyer shift
    According to C++03, 5.8/2, left-shifting is defined as follows:The value of E1

Originally posted 2013-08-31 06:23:03.