problem about mathpazo-Record and share programming errors

  • Konrad Rudolph
    xetex fontspec oldstylenums small-caps mathpazo
    For various reasons, I’m using the fontspec package.However, I’d also like to use Palatino as the document’s main font, and I want to use it with small caps and old-style figures.So I’ve got four requirements:fontspec, Palatino, Small caps, Old-style figures (everywhere, not only selected via \oldstylenums).Any three out of th

  • FormlessCloud
    fonts mathpazo mathdesign kpfonts
    is possible have the \usepackage{mathpazo} with \usepackage[nomath,fulloldstylenums,fulloldstyle]{kpfonts} but with the integrals symbols (\int \oint ecc) fr

  • Silex
    fonts small-caps mathpazo sourcesanspro
    I use mathpazo font package to write my document. I use small caps for some text.When I add sourcesanspro font package small caps don’t work any more for normal serif font.Here it is my MWE:\documentclass[11pt]{book}\usepackage{lipsum} % nopar \usepackage[a4paper,showframe]{geometry} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\usepackage{mathpazo} % COMMENT THIS LINE, COMPILE AGAIN AND SEE THE CHANGES : \usepackage[light]{sourcesanspro}\usepackage[spanish,es-lcroman]{babel} \usepackage[pdftex,hyperfootnotes=false,pdfpagelabels]{hyperref} \pdfcompresslevel=9 \pdfadjustspacing=1 \begin{document}\lipsum[1-2] \textsc{\lipsum[3-4]}\end{document}

  • Xavier
    fonts math-mode memoir mathpazo
    I’m using the memoir document class to write some documents for my master’s program, including my thesis. I decided to use the font mathpazo (Palatino) because I think it looks awesome, but when I try to write some inequalities, the symbols less than and greater than (< and >) don’t appear after compilation and there are NO errors, just a bunch of warnings.So, if I want to write the expression:\begin{equation} a

Originally posted 2013-09-26 03:20:50.