problem about magic-methods-Collection of common programming errors

  • Will
    php oop magic-methods
    [edit] updated the title to more accurately reflect the problemThe problem I am trying to solve is this: I need to know if a method was called via parent:: and while I can use debug_backtrace it seems like there must be a better way to do this.I’ve been looking into late static binding but perhaps I don’t understand it well enough to fathom a solution.The method in question is __call so I can’t simply pass in an extra parameter as its an err

  • Vince
    php oop design-patterns singleton magic-methods
    On many of my websites, I use a homemade PHP class called “Logger” (basically, it’s intended for logging informations into log files, and organizing these files by date : year/month… automatically).I’m using it by creating an instance of Logger in my bootstrap file (included everywhere) :require ‘lib/Logger.class.php’; $mainLogger = new Logger(‘./my_log_folder’);This forces me to set $mainLogger global in every function that need to log something, and also check if the logger is instantiated before call to any method :function foo($bar){global $mainLog

  • rfc1484
    php magic-methods
    Possible Duplicate:Are Magic Methods Best practice in PHP? These are simple examples, but imagine you have more properties than two in your class.What would be best practice?a) Using __get and __setclass MyClass {private $firstField;private $secondField;public function __get($property) {if (property_exists($this, $property)) {return $this->$property;}}public function __set($property, $value) {if (property_exists($this, $property)) {$this->$property = $value;}} }$myC

  • Ron
    php doctrine2 zend-framework2 zend-db magic-methods
    I read about a magic getter- and setter function which supersede the huge plie of standard getters and setters. (Link)I altered the function of Miles because I’m using AnnotationForms and don’t want the underscore in the variables like $_name. I updated the magic functions but when trying to call e.g. getName() I get:Fatal error: Cal

  • Francisco Presencia
    php bugs specifications magic-methods
    I have experienced something that I think it’s a bug, but I’m not sure. So I come here to ask to the people who know more about this than me, is this a PHP bug? Look at the following lines:


Originally posted 2013-11-09 22:39:21.