problem about inets-Record and share programming errors

  • Zed
    erlang inets
    I have an Erlang app which makes a large number of http calls to external sites using inets, using the code belowcase http:request(get, {Url, []}, [{autoredirect, false}], []) of {ok, {{_, Code, _}, _, Body}}->case Code of200 ->HandlerFn(Body);_ ->{error, io:format(“~s returned HTTP ~p”, [Broker, Code])}end; Response -> %% block to handle unexpected responses from inets{error, io:format(“~s returned ~p”, [Broker, Response])} end.There is an explicit block to handle anything strange inets might return [Response]. Despite this, I still get what look like inets error reports dumped to the console [sample below]. What am I doing wrong here ? Do I need to configure some kind of inets er

Originally posted 2013-08-31 04:58:19.