problem about cocoapods-Collection of common programming errors

  • bodacious
    facebook-ios-sdk rubymotion cocoapods
    I’m getting the following error when I try to build my Rubymotion app:Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:”_sqlite3_bind_double”, referenced from:-[FBCacheIndex _updateEntryInDatabaseForKey:entry:] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)-[FBCacheIndex _writeEntryInDatabase:] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)”_sqlite3_bind_int”, referenced from:-[FBCacheIndex _updateEntryInDatabaseForKey:entry:] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)-[FBCacheIndex _writeEntryInDatabase:] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)-[FBCacheIndex _trimDatabase] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)”_sqlite3_bind_text”, referenced from:-[FBCacheIndex _updateEntryInDatabaseForKey:entry:] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)-[FBCacheIndex _writeEntryInDatabase:] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)-[FBCacheIndex _readEntryFromDatabase:] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)-[FBCacheIndex _readEntriesFromDatabase:excludingFragment:] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)-[FBCacheIndex _removeEntryFromDatabaseForKey:] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)”_sqlite3_close”, referenced from:___23-[FBCacheIndex dealloc]_block_invoke in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)”_sqlite3_column_double”, referenced from:-[FBCacheIndex _createCacheEntityInfo:] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)”_sqlite3_column_int”, referenced from:-[FBCacheIndex _createCacheEntityInfo:] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)-[FBCacheIndex _fetchCurrentDiskUsage] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)-[FBCacheIndex _trimDatabase] in libPods.a(FBCacheIndex.o)”_sqlite3_column_text”, referenced from:-[FBCacheIndex _createCacheEntityInfo:] in libPods.a(FBCa

  • Matrosov Alexander
    xcode xcode5 cocoapods xcode4.6.3
    After this command sudo gem install cocoapods I got error below.I think it is connected to the wrong path for Xcode 5. When I installed it I save it on Desktop but them moved it to the Application folder. I use Xcode 4.6.3 as well as Xcode 5. How can I change path to solve this issue. Command line tools are installed on both XCodes.Building native extensions. This could take a while… ERROR:

  • tGilani
    ios afnetworking cocoapods
    I just started tinkering with cocoapods to manage dependencies of my iOS Projects. Currently I am trying to integrate unit tests using GHIOSUnit. I followed all their instructions and tried their sample tests and it all worked like charm.However, problems start when I start using my actual project files for testing.I am using AFNetworking for client server comms and whenever I

  • Pooria Azimi
    cocoa-touch unit-testing cocoapods kiwi
    I am new to both Kiwi and Cocoapods. I have Cocoapods up and running however even before I start playing with Kiwi my testing target fails with errors like this:Undefined symbols for architecture i386:

  • Cocoa Nub

  • ChuckKelly

  • Nicolas Henin
    ios cocoapods
    I’m trying to upload a branch of restkit from my PodFile (CocoaPod), I d

  • Richard Brown
    ios objective-c cocoa-touch cocoapods
    Hi fellow overflowers,I’ve been pulling my hair for more than a week on this issue now and I can’t seem to find anything at all. I don”t know why or how, but at one point my project stopped accepting more Pods, let me explain. Here is my Podfile : platform :ios, ‘4.3’ pod ‘SVGeocod

  • Bernd Rabe
    ios cocoapods
    I’ve created an iOS framework project and added a .podspec to it. The framework is generated fine as well as the included demo project. But I’m getting errors during the pod spec lint test.The podspec file I’m using do |s| = “HorizontalPicker” s.version = “1.0.0” s.summary = “A similar to UIPickerView but horizontal picker view.” s.homepage = “” s.license = { :type => ‘MIT’, :file => ‘LICENSE.txt’ } = { “RABE_IT Services” => “[email protected]” } s.source = { :git => “”, :tag => “1.0.0” } s.platform = :ios, ‘5.1’ s.source_files = ‘HorizontalPicker/*.{h,m}’ s.framework = ‘QuartzCore’ s.requires_arc = true end-> HorizontalPicker (1.0.0) – ERROR | [xcodebuild] HorizontalPicker/HorizontalPicker/HPickerView.m:42:30: error: unknown type name ‘CAShapeLayer’ – ERROR | [xcodebuild] HorizontalPicker/HorizontalPicker/HPickerView.m:42:1: error: property with ‘retain (or strong)’ attribute must be of object type – ERROR | [xcodebuild] HorizontalPicker/HorizontalPicker/HPickerView.m:63:16: error: pr

  • Loïc Gardiol
    ios objective-c cocoa restkit cocoapods
    I’ve been looking for an answer but could not find somebody with a similar problem.I have installed RestKit 0.20.0 in my project, using the recommended method (cocoapods), with the following Podfile:platform :io

Originally posted 2013-11-09 21:06:53.