problem about accent-insensitive-Collection of common programming errors

  • Buff
    javascript jquery-plugins diacritics string-comparison accent-insensitive
    Yo guys im currently developing this site and im using jquery isotope, wordpress and jquery quicksearch it works perfectly but i want to extend its functionality. If i type “Mexico” i want quicksearch to work also with “México” but i have no idea where to edit it.Heres my js code for quicksearch:$(‘input#busqueda’).quicksearch(‘#contposts .item’, {‘show’: function() {$(this).addClass(‘quicksearch-match’);},’hide’: function() {$(this).removeClass(‘quicksearch-match’);},}).keyup(function(){if(bandera == 1){$(“#elpostloaded”).fadeOut(400)$(“#content”).delay(400).fadeIn(400,function(){bandera = 0;setTimeout( function() {$contposts.isotope({ filter: ‘.quicksearch-match’ })}, 100 );})}else{setTimeout( function() {$contposts.isotope({ filter: ‘.quicksearch-match’ })}, 100 );}});And the jquery quicksearch plugin:function($, window, document, undefined) {$.fn.quicksearch = function (target, opt) {var timeout, cache, rowcache, jq_results, val = ”, e = this, options = $.extend({ delay: 100,selector: null,stripeRows: null,loader: null,noResults: ”,matchedResultsCoun

Originally posted 2013-11-06 03:08:42.