Make a fluid animation-Collection of common programming errors

I have 16 images that represent someone throwing a ball. I want to make a fluid animation with these images. With 20 images/s the eye thinks it’s a movement and not a succession of images. So I want to display 1 image every 50ms

public void fire() {
final ImageView image3 = (ImageView) gameactivity.findViewById(;
final int drawables[] = new int[] {R.drawable.fire1,R.drawable.fire2,R.drawable.fire3,R.drawable.fire4,R.drawable.fire5,R.drawable.fire6,R.drawable.fire7,R.drawable.fire8,R.drawable.fire9,R.drawable.fire10,R.drawable.fire11,R.drawable.fire12,R.drawable.fire13,R.drawable.fire14,R.drawable.fire15,R.drawable.fire16};
for (int i=0;i

Originally posted 2013-11-16 20:50:51.