Angularjs tutorial step2 test chrome not start with Error write EIO-Collection of common programming errors
start scripts/ (on windows: scripts\test.bat)
In the Git Shell / command window, go to the angular-phonecat directory. Enter this command
Please note it test.bat and not .sh file.
You can see that the server started but it may throw error that Chrome cannot be started and it is unable to find the path. I too was stopped at this point and anyhow after several reference, got this solution.
Open config/testacular.conf.js in some editor. Change the
browsers = [‘Chrome’] to
browsers = [‘C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe’];
(This is where my Chrome is installed in Windows 8). You may need to get the correct installation path along with the chrome.exe in path and should use forward-slash otherwise it will not work.
It is working for me now!
Originally posted 2013-12-02 01:31:05.