Not possible to source .bashrc with Ansible-open source projects ansible/ansible

Steve Midgley

You have two options to use source with ansible. One is with the “shell:” command and /bin/sh (the ansible default). “source” is called “.” in /bin/sh. So your command would be:

- name: source bashrc
  sudo: no   
  shell: . /home/username/.bashrc && [the actual command you want run]

Note you have to run a command after sourcing .bashrc b/c each ssh session is distinct – every ansible command runs in a separate ssh transaction.

Your second option is to force Ansible shell to use bash and then you can use the “source” command:

- name: source bashrc
  sudo: no   
  shell: source /home/username/.bashrc && [the actual command you want run]
     executable: /bin/bash

Finally, I’ll note that you may want to actually source “/etc/profile” if you’re on Ubuntu or similar, which more completely simulates a local login.