

Apache 2.0 – see docs\legal (just LEGAL in the zip folder)




NOTE: If you are looking at the source – please run build.bat before opening the solution. It creates the SolutionVersion.cs file that is necessary for a successful build.


RoundhousE is an automated database deployment (change management) system that allows you to use your current idioms and gain much more. Currently works with Oracle, SQL Server (2000/2005/2008/Express), Access, MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL.There are future plans for other databases.

It seeks to solve both maintenance concerns and ease of deployment. We follow some of the same idioms as other database management systems (SQL scripts), but we are different in that we think about future maintenance concerns. We want to always apply certain scripts (anything stateless like functions, views, stored procedures, and permissions), so we don’t have to throw everything into our change scripts. This seeks to solves future source control concerns. How sweet is it when you can version the database according to your current source control version?

Getting started with RoundhousE


You can download RoundhousE from

You can also obtain a copy from the build server at


If you have Ruby 1.8.6+ (and Gems 1.3.7+) installed, you can get the current release of RoundhousE to your machine quickly!

  1. Type gem install roundhouse
  2. Then from anywhere you can type rh [options]


With NuGet you can get the current release of RoundhousE to your application quickly!

  1. In Visual Studio Package Manager Console type install-package roundhouse
  2. There is also roundhouse.lib, roundhouse.msbuild, and roundhouse.refreshdatabase


Chocolatey is like apt-get, but for Windows! This is an alternative method to get the current release of RoundhousE to your machine quickly!

  1. Type cinst roundhouse
  2. Then from anywhere you can type rh [options]


This is the best way to get to the bleeding edge of what we are doing.

  1. Clone the source down to your machine.
    git clone git://
  2. Type cd roundhouse
  3. Type git config core.autocrlf false to leave line endings as they are.
  4. Type git status. You should not see any files to change.
  5. Run build.bat. NOTE: You must have git on the path (open a regular command line and type git).


  • .NET Framework 3.5
  • SA access to the sql server (for creation or deletion)
  • change access to the database (for everything else)

Donations Accepted – If you enjoy using this product or it has saved you time and money in some way, please consider making a donation.
It helps keep to the product updated, pays for site hosting, etc.


  • Use git as official repository. (mpareja)
  • Upgrade UpperCut to version 1.4.2. (ferventcoder)
  • Database Restore: use restore specific timeout value. (icetoast – pull #90)
  • Ignore EOL format changes when detecting script changes. (lahma – pull #104)
  • Include SQL Print statements in debug log. (ferventcoder – issue #68)
  • Include statement being run in log when an error occurs. (ferventcoder – issue #66)
  • Added ‘runBeforeUp’ anytime directory. (cdrexle – pull #51)
  • Support resolving version from a text file. (mpareja – pull #50, pull #55)
  • Add option to turn off copying scripts into ‘itemsRan’ directory. (lahma – pull #47)
  • WarnOnOneTimeScriptChange will now cause changed one-time scripts to be re-run. (BiggerNoise – pull #35)
  • Upgrade NHibernate to version 3.3.2. (drusellers)
  • Upgrade FubuCore, HtmlTags and StructureMap. (drusellers)
  • SQL Batch Parser: handle training comments, single quotes. (mpareja – pull #108)
  • SQL Batch Parser: fix hang. (AndersMalmgren – pull #100)
  • Token Replacer: preserve case for unmatched tokens. (mpareja – pull #65)
  • SQL scripts no longer truncated to 4000 characters. (charoco, ferventcoder – pull #61)
  • Oracle: Fix handling of null values. (rdingwall – pull #59, issue #58)
  • Script File Versioner: fix exception. (Michael Kobaly – issue #68 on Google Code)
  • Only change DB recovery mode if explicitly told to. (ferventcoder – issue #69 on Google Code)
  • Fixed the debug command line switch. (ferventcoder – issue #40)
  • Ensure version 1.2.10 of log4net is used when installing NuGet packages. (ferventcoder – issue #41)
  • Fix: Improve logging of RH exceptions. (torkelo – pull #60)
  • RoundhousE will change the DB recover mode if the recoverymode mode option is explicitly set to simple or full. In the past, RoundhousE would default to full but would only ever set the recovery mode while creating/restoring the database. If you depended on RoundhousE to create/restore the database for you and you don’t want the database server default to be used, you should specify the recovery mode option.
  • Fixed a few issues with using the connection string. You should now be able to only supply the connection string and not server/database as well.
  • Fixed a collation issue with RoundhousE id columns in its tracking tables. See [issue 46] ( for details. (r274)
  • RestoreFromPath can take a relative path. (r269)
  • RH can now upgrade it’s internals without user interaction. See [issue 40] ( for details. (r268)
  • MSBuild / NAnt tasks are deprecated and no longer hooked up. Please use the console and call it from your tasks. (r268)
  • RH has differencing support with NHibernate Schema Generation/Updates (r267 – branch, r268)
  • FluentNhibernate and NHibernate are now being used for the internals (r267 – branch, r268)
  • SMO is deprecated and removed (r203 – branch, r268)
  • Gems and build upgrades, oh my! (r259)
  • SQL2000 to 2005 is now a smooth transition. (r221)
  • Fix: SQL2000 – ScriptsRun now correctly references Version for the foreign key. (r220)
  • Fix: Connection should be initialized before asking the database if it supports ddl transactions. (r215)
  • Fix: Uppercase User names when running with Oracle. (r200)
  • RH has differencing support with RedGate. See sample project for details. (r197)
  • Fix: Scrips run errors now updates version number and path w/out a dependency on scripts run. Allows for it to finish during transactional runs and still capture errors. (r196)
  • Fix: Capture errortastic changes to DDL/DML (up) files in the script run errors table. (r191)
  • Added admin connection string to do administrative tasks. (r190)

Prior releases notes are on the wiki.


UppercuT – Automated Builds (automated build in 10 minutes or less?!)