Is an NVD3 Line Plot with Markers Possible?-open source projects novus/nvd3

I’m making an NVD3 line plot that will have significantly improved clarity if I can get markers to show for each data point instead of just the line itself. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find an easy way to do this with NVD3 yet. I also considered using a scatter plot, but I couldn’t figure out how to show connecting lines between the points. A third option I considered was to overlay a line and scatter plot, but this would show each series twice in the legend and may cause other unnecessary visual complications.

Is there a way to elegantly pull this off yet? Sample code of my formatting technique is listed below, but the ‘size’ and ‘shape’ attributes in test_data have no effect on the line plot with the current code.

test_data = [ {     key: 'series1',
            values: [
                { x: 1, y: 2.33, size:5, shape:"circle" },
                { x: 2, y: 2.34, size:5, shape:"circle" },
                { x: 3, y: 2.03, size:5, shape:"circle" },
        ] } ];

nv.addGraph(function() {
  var test_chart = nv.models.lineChart();
  test_chart.xAxis.axisLabel('Sample Number');
        .axisLabel('Voltage (V)')

  return test_chart;