problem about temporary-files-Collection of common programming errors

  • jdigital
    java windows-7 windows-7-x64 temporary-files
    We have a Java application that includes components that run as SYSTEM on Windows machines. On Windows 7 x64, one component fails when trying to unpack the jnidispatch library:Exception in thread “main” java.lang.Error: Failed to create temporary file for jnidispatch library: The system cannot find the path specifiedat com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeLibraryFromJar( com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeLibrary( com.sun.jna.Native.<clinit>(Nativ

  • RTOSkit
    windows-7 hard-drive diagnostic temporary-files
    I’m having trouble understanding what is going on with my work PC. Whenever I boot it, it runs fine for a while, then starts to randomly show disk errors. The displayed error often contains the message “not enough storage is available to process this command”, although depending on the application that fails it can be different. This has happened for weeks now and is getting worse.This is what troubles me:It never seems to impact critical parts of the system (no BSOD, no freeze). Only some appli

  • Tshepang
    xml compiler-errors manifest temporary-files
    I have a SLN with 4 C# project (the one of them is my mainProgram forms) and a C++ DLL project.So recently I’m facing this annoying problem, after a PC restart, VC tells me this when I try to compile in Debug or Release mode. I cant figure out what it wants from me. I deleted everything in %tmp% reinstalled .NET 4, deleted Debug, Release folder. Nothing worked so far.Error 20 Unable to read manifest ‘Properties\app.manifest’. Unable togenerate a temporary class (result=1). error CS0008: Unexpect

  • Jarrod Roberson
    linux temporary-files
    I want to create a temporary file on linux while making sure that the file will disappear after my program has terminated, even if it got killed or someone performs a hard reboot in the wrong moment. Does tmpfile() handle all this for me?

  • su27k
    java file-io filestream temporary-files
    I’m using File.createTempFile to create regular files I want to keep, the reason I use this method is because it guarantees a unique file name. However I’m seeing a strange thing with files created by this method: After I flush and closed the output stream on this file, I crash the machine running JVM deliberately, I assumed since the stream is flushed and closed, the file should contain valid data. However, sometimes the file gets filled with 0x0 instead (Note I’m testing this on a VMWare box r

  • JasonSmith
    bash shell temporary-files temporary-directory
    I need a fresh temporary directory to do some work in a shell script. When the work is done (or if I kill the job midway), I want the script to change back to the old working directory and wipe out the temporary one. In Ruby, it might look like this:require ‘tmpdir’Dir.mktmpdir ‘my_build’ do |temp_dir|puts “Temporary workspace is #{temp_dir}”do_some_stuff(temp_dir) endputs “Temporary directory already deleted”What would be the best bang for the buck to do that in a Bash script?Here is my current

  • jeyaganesh
    c# wcf temporary-files temporary-directory
    I have a c# executable that triggers the WCF webservice in the same server.It was working fine until it started to throws this error messageMessage : Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1). error CS2001: Source file ‘C:\Windows\TEMP\mchgnxs3.0.cs’ could not be found error CS2008: No inputs specifiedWhat I tried so far: Provided read/write access to the account that triggers the WCFRecently the server crashed and restored from a backup server.Is there any chance that it is related to the

  • Catskul
    php security apache file-upload temporary-files
    Original questionSo the project I’m working on is deathly paranoid about file uploads. In the scope of this question, I’m not using that term in regards to payloads; I’m talking confidentiality.Programs can always crash and leave temporary files loafing around in the filesystem. That’s normal. The slightly confidentiality-paranoid can write a cronjob that hits the temporary file folder every few minutes and deletes anything older than a few seconds prior to the cronjob call (not everything, simp

  • ripper234
    java temporary-files java-io
    How to create a file in Windows that would have attributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY and FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE set using Java?I do want my file to be just in-memory file.To precise: delete-on-exit mechanism does not satisfy me, because I want to avoid situation, when some data is left on disk in case of, for example, application crash.

  • Tshepang
    vim text-editor temporary-files
    Why does vim create <filename>~ files? Is there a way to disable that? If it’s for backup (or something), I use git for that.Also, these .<filename.with.path.hints>.swp files too.How do I tell vim not to create those, or at the least to cleanup after itself?EDITwops, duplicate:Why does Vim save files with a ~ extension?I adopted rogeriopvl’s answer from there.verbatim copy:set nobackup #no backup files set nowritebackup #only in case you don’t want a backup file while editing

  • asudhak
    windows windows-xp read-only temporary-files file-attributes
    I’m trying to make the \documentsettings\user\temp folder as read only to prevent files from writing files into it ( I have reasons to do so). But I’ve tried all the basic methods of doing so, from the command line using +R on the folder, but it refuses to stay in the read only mode. Basically what I’m trying to achieve is to prevent files being created on the temp folder. I don care about applications that would crash if it was denied access into it. In fact, I am testing what applications cras

  • IMB
    linux performance centos operating-systems temporary-files
    I was under the impression that /tmp will regularly delete “old” files. Seems to me that /tmp will just grow as long as it wants to and won’t delete anything. Some people say it’s betetr to just leave /tmp alone and just delete if disk is getting full.My question is, is /tmp really designed to not take care of itself? What are the best practices?

  • The Fiddler
    windows crash 7-zip temporary-files disk-cleanup
    So I did a drag&drop extraction from 7z (windows), which creates temporary files (this was on purpose, as I was extracting to a network share.)Unfortunately, 7z crashed during this process and 7GB of temporary files were left behind on my disk. I tried deleting %TEMP% via Disk Cleanup and manually, but the files were not there.Anyone knows how to locate 7z temporary files?Edit: This is a work PC, so I cannot install 3rd-party software.

  • Chris B.
    python windows temporary-files
    I’ve got a Python program that needs to create a named temporary file which will be opened and closed a couple times over the course of the program, and should be deleted when the program exits. Unfortunately, none of the options in tempfile seem to work:TemporaryFile doesn’t have a visible name NamedTemporaryFile creates a file-like object. I just need a filename. I’ve tried closing the object it returns (after setting delete = False) but I get stream errors when I try to open the file later

  • user1027319
    ruby-on-rails ruby temporary-files
    i am implementing a few weeks now in Ruby. And what i want to do is read in a csv file, which i put then in a temporary file so i can access it in next views and manipulate the data. I have implemented everything like examples on the internet, but i always get the error : undefined method `original_filename’ for nil:NilClassMy code in my view is:<% form_for :dump, :url=>{:controller=>”project_importer”, :action=>”match”}, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| -%> <table”

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