Unexpected result using PDO in php-Collection of common programming errors

By default, PDO will grab a numeric AND an associative array when fetching data. To ensure you only get 1 of the 2, you can specify it as the second parameter in your query function by using either PDO::FETCH_ASSOC or PDO::FETCH_NUMBER.


foreach($dbc->query('SELECT * FROM `test` ') as $row)


// Fetch associative
foreach($dbc->query('SELECT * FROM `test` ', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row)


// Fetch numeric
foreach($dbc->query('SELECT * FROM `test` ', PDO::FETCH_NUMBER) as $row)

You can also set the default fetch mode after you created your PDO connection by doing the following:

// Set default fetch mode to PDO::FETCH_ASSOC

When doing that, doing

foreach($dbc->query('SELECT * FROM `test` ')

will do exactly the same as

foreach($dbc->query('SELECT * FROM `test` ', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row)

Hope this helped.