javascript,jquery,kendo-ui,kendo-gridRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Elisabeth
    javascript iphone ipad orientation
    I’m having the same problem that a couple of others have had with getting the correct behavior in a web app on an orientation change, and there doesn’t seem to be an obvious solution – I’ve seen this question asked a couple of times on Stack Overflow and no one’s yet been able to answer it.When I start the app in portrait mode, it works fine. Then I rotate into landscape and it’s scaled up. To get it to scale correctly for the landscape mode I have to double tap on something twice, first to zoo

  • Ulker Ibrahimova
    javascript jquery file-get-contents
    This question already has an answer here:Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy11 answersIs there any way to get full page source of snother different site? Example my site is but i want to get facebook’s page source on I tired this one: And it gives me null. So anyone knows it?function file_get_contents (url, flags, context, offset, maxLen) {// Read the entire file into a string//// version: 906.111// discuss at: http://

  • Inator
    php javascript apache nosql couchdb
    I’ve recently successfully installed CouchDB version 1.2.1 and as a test I can access it using the following Apache rewrite in CentOS 6:RewriteRule couchdb/(.*)$$1 [QSA,P]I have a PHP authentication class that I use across a home grown API to support my mobile apps. My API accepts and authenticates each request using an HMAC signature that is included in the URL like so:[timestamp]&signature=[signature]&id=[id]…etcEach

  • shoriwa-shaun-benjamin
    java javascript android cordova webview
    I am trying to get my cordova webview to work with cordova 3.2 an use the phonegap Camera API to access the camera.Reference: Android WebViewsHere are some successful implementations of what I want to do, but these use Phonegap 1.9, i want to use Phonegap 3.2 (the latest one)Cordova WebView using AndroidAlso here’s a VideoWith the code below I am able to make the cordova webview display my index.html page without any issues but when I to access the camera by clicking on “Capture Photo” in my HTM

  • novicePrgrmr
    java javascript ajax json jsp
    I am sorry to ask this but i’ve been working on this for hours and I can’t figure it out on my own. I have to use json for part of a project and I was able to get it to work but now it’s not returning it back to the right jsp but instead just displaying the json jsp. I am pretty sure it is how I am receiving the are screen shots of what is happening:this is the jsp that I need to use ajax on, I am wanting to populate the second dropdown using ajax:this is what is happening instead, (it

  • Andrew Whitaker
    javascript regex
    I am trying to build a regexp from static text plus a variable in javascript. Obviously I am missing something very basic, see comments in code below. Help is very much appreciated:var test_string = “goodweather”;// One regexp we just set: var regexp1 = /goodweather/;// The other regexp we built from a variable + static text: var regexp_part = “good”; var regexp2 = “\/” + regexp_part + “weather\/”;// These alerts now show the 2 regexp are completely identical: alert (regexp1); alert (regexp2);/

  • DOTang
    javascript regex
    I am searching for text inside of website resources (html and javascript), and need to identify 3 regular expressions that will locate this text under certain circumstances:some string of text when it is contained inside of a javascript single-quoted string some string of text when it is contained inside of a javascript double-quoted string some string of text when it is not contained inside of a javascript stringHere are some scenarios that are likely to occur (searching for the string “somestr

  • Andy E
    javascript html
    I’m building up a row to insert in a table using jQuery by creating a html string, i.e.var row = “”; row += “<tr>”; row += “<td>Name</td>”; row += “<td><input value='””‘/></td>”; row += “</tr>”; is a string returned from an ajax call which could contain any characters. If it contains a single quote, ‘, it will break the HTML by defining the end of the attribute value. How can I ensure that the string is rendered correctly in the brow

  • sameer
    javascript angularjs maven yeoman
    I have recently integrated maven yeoman plugin with my app. I followed My angular version is v1.2.3 . When I run the mvn clean install command, I get the following error . [email protected] node_modules\grunt-contrib-imagemin Gö£GöÇGöÇ [email protected] Gö£GöÇGöÇ [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected]) Gö£GöÇGöÇ [email protected] ([email protected]) Gö£GöÇGöÇ [email protected] ([email protected]) Gö£GöÇGöÇ p

  • Ronald Yeung
    javascript jquery ajax json cors
    What I am trying to do is to have a page on the HTTP protocol sending an AJAX call to the same Web server but using HTTPS. Both the requesting page and the AJAX handler are on the same server, having the same domain and port. (I.e., only difference is the protocol.) To illustrate,From a jQuery AJAX call to am hoping to pass the password through HTTPS to make it encrypted over the Internet.

  • Ulker Ibrahimova
    javascript jquery file-get-contents
    This question already has an answer here:Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy11 answersIs there any way to get full page source of snother different site? Example my site is but i want to get facebook’s page source on I tired this one: And it gives me null. So anyone knows it?function file_get_contents (url, flags, context, offset, maxLen) {// Read the entire file into a string//// version: 906.111// discuss at: http://

  • Mitesh Vora
    jquery html css ellipsis
    I tried looking here Insert ellipsis (…) into HTML tag if content too wide but could not get in chrome to work. I there solution for multiline in all browsers??

  • Ronald Yeung
    javascript jquery ajax json cors
    What I am trying to do is to have a page on the HTTP protocol sending an AJAX call to the same Web server but using HTTPS. Both the requesting page and the AJAX handler are on the same server, having the same domain and port. (I.e., only difference is the protocol.) To illustrate,From a jQuery AJAX call to am hoping to pass the password through HTTPS to make it encrypted over the Internet.

  • user2023507
    jquery spring twitter-bootstrap spring-mvc thymeleaf
    I have following code : public class StudentController extends BaseController {@RequestMapping(value = “/student/edit”, method = RequestMethod.POST)public String submitForm(@Valid @ModelAttribute(MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_STUDENT) StudentDTO edited,BindingResult bindingResult, RedirectAttributes attributes) {if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {return STUDENT_EDIT_FORM_VIEW;}//some logic…}@InitBinder public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(“MM/dd/yyyy”

  • thealexbaron
    jquery css
    Click “Rate” – that should pop up a normal boxy dialog, but styles aren’t working. Any ideas?Here’s the working example on the site: official boxy docs: { position: absolute; } .boxy-wrapper.fixed { position: fixed; }/* Modal */.boxy-modal-blackout { position: absolute; background-color: black; left: 0; top: 0; }/* Border */.boxy-wrapper { empty-cells: show; }.boxy-wrapper .top-left,.boxy-wrapper

  • Liam Bailey
    javascript jquery history.js
    On this page: we have the filters down the left hand side, we are having a problem with the link filters under Verfijn uw wensen, if you watch the console you can see it is firing 2 requests, the first one is what the content is loading in from, when it is the second we actually need.This is the click binded event:jQuery(“.codenegar_product_filter_wrap ul li a”).live(“click”, function(e){e.preventDefault();var $this = jQuery(this);if($this.attr(“data-key”) =

  • Eagletrophy
    codeigniter jquery
    I wanted to ask, why does the response from a ajax request using the native ajax not post or get return my entire page? is there anything I should know? I have looked at the documentation on and nothing is mentioned of something like that unless i’m looking else where. Can I get any help on why that keeps happening?This is the function that handles the validation of the form in question.joefunction showsupport() {$this->form_validation->set_rules(‘supportername’,’Your Name’,’tri

  • lokisapocalypse
    jquery jquery-ui accordion sortable
    This is my first time posting so please let me know if I fail to provide enough details. I have a page that contains multiple accordions. I wanted to use multiple accordions because I wanted users to be able to have multiple sections open at once which is not native to accordion. I also want users to be able to sort those accordions. The way the page is currently set up, users can sort the accordion with no problems. When the user goes to sort the accordions, I have a script that will close all

  • CQM
    jquery android webview sencha-touch
    Is there a better webview for android? Google’s own documents mention not to rely on the webview object.But for using webkit it seems strange that it is so limited, compared to other webkit browsers used on mobile devices with comparable hardware.This is evident in jquery mobile implementations, or similarly sencha touch implementations for web apps. The Android version suffers slowdowns, rendering issues, and a poor user experience, where other mobile devices – like an iphone – will run it fine

  • jmort253
    jquery xml
    How would I go about parsing XML cross-domain? Could someone provide an example? The example doesn’t have to be restricted to only jQuery, as JavaScript will also suffice.

  • Basem
    javascript jquery jquery-plugins mvvm kendo-ui
    I extended the multiselect widget with nothing special. The issue is the binding of values no longer work. In a first sample, I’m using the native widget and binds values fine. The second is where I use an extended multiselect which fails on the value binding and is blank.HTML:<selectdata-role=”multiselect”data-bind=”source: selectData, value: selectedIDs”data-text-field=”Name”data-value-field=”ID”></select> <selectdata-role=”multiselectcustom”data-bind=”source: selectData, value:

  • teahou
    kendo-ui kendo-grid
    I am trying to pass a string from the kendo datasource, into a template within the grid, that is acting as the Print button. The button fires a function that opens a new link to the report server, and I need to pass a string value into the function, so that string value is then sent in the url.I have it working if I send the datasource Id field, but if I try to send a string value (Physician), I get an ‘Unexpected identifier’ error. I have tried changing the coluns: field: to Physician, but ge

  • Nips
    javascript ipad scrolling kendo-ui rubber-band
    I have a web application running on iPad. This application contains a Kendo UI Accordion inside it. When the content of the page is more than the size of the screen and when I want to scroll, normal page scrolling happens (as expected). But when try to scroll the Kendo Accordion, the page scrolling happens instead of accordion scrolling (unexpected). I was able partly handle this issue by applying solution given by Chris Barr. After applying this solution the accordion is getting scrolled instea

  • sevargdcg
    jquery ajax kendo-ui kendo-grid
    I am using the Kendo UI grid via the MVC Helper object. If an error occurs in the ajax call (ie. web server is not available), the request returns an error code, however the Kendo UI grid does not respond and just continues to act as though there is no data being returned.@(Html.Kendo().Grid<ProcessInformation>().Name(“Grid”){Edited for brevity}.DataSource(datasource => datasource.Ajax().Read(read => read.Action(“SearchProcesses”, “SystemProcess”).Data(“searchSerialize”)).PageSize(10

  • strike_noir
    javascript jquery kendo-ui kendo-treeview
    Is there a hack in kendo ui treeview so when the user click the root node it will trigger select method, as with the other branch node.Currently there is no options that I can find for this behavior, and the select method only triggered for the branches.var areaDropDownTreeView = $(tvElement).kendoExtDropDownTreeView({treeview: {template: kendo.template($(tvTemplate).html()),dataSource: dataSource}}).data(“kendoExtDropDownTreeView”);var $dropdownRootElem = $(areaDropDownTreeView.dropDownList().e

  • Ravi
    user-interface grid kendo-ui
    When I add a new row kendo ui grid it does not move to next page even I set page number dynamically. But when there is a javaScrip alert it’s working fine. Has any one faced this issue before. Please suggest me a solution.Thank you.

  • Iman Mahmoudinasab
    popup kendo-ui kendo-grid
    The error in firefox browser as follows: TypeError: r is undefinedThis is the chrome browser: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘data’ of undefinedI also did a video for a better understanding.The error occurs when I changed the values ??in a fieldjsfiddle codeyoutube videobutton code update save: function (e) {var that = this;$.ajax({url: ‘/api/apdevice’,type: == null ? ‘POST’ : ‘PUT’,contentType: ‘application/json’,data: JSON.stringify(e.model),success: function (data) {alert

  • TheX kendo-ui
    My template modified from MvcMusicStore tutroial:<script type=”text/x-kendo-tmpl” id=”template”><div class=”product”><a href=”@Url.Action(“Details”, “Store”, new {id = ${ProductSubCategoryId} })”><img src=”@Url.Content(“${AlbumArtUrl}”)” alt=”${Title} image” /></a><span><h3>${Title}</h3></span><p>${kendo.toString(Price, “c”)}</p></div> </script>but there is error in Url.Action method: Unexpected symbol ‘$’.Update 1: An

  • Hrishikesh Choudhari
    javascript json kendo-ui
    If I provide this simple data to a KendoUI chart, the chart data shows up correctly.var data = [{“state”:”NY”,”abc”:12312},{“state”:”AZ”,”abc”:12312},{“state”:”CA”,”abc”:12312},{“state”:”VT”,”abc”:12312}];Please note that the above JSON has STRINGS for the keys.However, if I provide a number as a key, I get an “Unexpected number at line number 2156” error in kendo.all.js.var data = [{“state”:”NY”,”1″:12312},{“state”:”AZ”,”1″:12312},{“state”:”CA”,”1″:12312},{“state”:”VT”,”1″:12312}];Any help?

  • kingve kendo-ui
    I have this code in my View@model IEnumerable<mvcAmerica.Models.Art> @(Html.Kendo().Window().Name(“window”).Title(“Agregar Detalle”).Draggable().Visible(false).Actions(actions => actions.Close()).Events(ev => ev.Close(“onClose”)).Width(600).Height(600).Content(() =>{@Html.RenderPartial(“_ArtViewCreate”);})) <span id=”undo” class=”k-button”>Click here to open the window.</span><script>function onClose() {$(“#undo”).show();}$(document).ready(function() {$(“#undo”)

  • teahou
    kendo-ui kendo-grid
    I am trying to pass a string from the kendo datasource, into a template within the grid, that is acting as the Print button. The button fires a function that opens a new link to the report server, and I need to pass a string value into the function, so that string value is then sent in the url.I have it working if I send the datasource Id field, but if I try to send a string value (Physician), I get an ‘Unexpected identifier’ error. I have tried changing the coluns: field: to Physician, but ge

  • sevargdcg
    jquery ajax kendo-ui kendo-grid
    I am using the Kendo UI grid via the MVC Helper object. If an error occurs in the ajax call (ie. web server is not available), the request returns an error code, however the Kendo UI grid does not respond and just continues to act as though there is no data being returned.@(Html.Kendo().Grid<ProcessInformation>().Name(“Grid”){Edited for brevity}.DataSource(datasource => datasource.Ajax().Read(read => read.Action(“SearchProcesses”, “SystemProcess”).Data(“searchSerialize”)).PageSize(10

  • Iman Mahmoudinasab
    popup kendo-ui kendo-grid
    The error in firefox browser as follows: TypeError: r is undefinedThis is the chrome browser: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘data’ of undefinedI also did a video for a better understanding.The error occurs when I changed the values ??in a fieldjsfiddle codeyoutube videobutton code update save: function (e) {var that = this;$.ajax({url: ‘/api/apdevice’,type: == null ? ‘POST’ : ‘PUT’,contentType: ‘application/json’,data: JSON.stringify(e.model),success: function (data) {alert

  • teresko kendo-ui kendo-grid
    My grid contracts vertically to show barely one row at a time. It looks like this:The bottom grey bar, with “1 – 2 of 2 items” also has the pager on the right hand side, and there is a large white area under that bar that belongs to the grid, contrasted to the grey background everywhere else that doesn’t belong to the grid.It’s a bit long, but here is my grid definition, before someone takes half a millisecond to ask for code:@model VehicleMovementBatchIndexModel @using Kendo.Mvc.UI @using ParkP

  • RandyWhirl
    json wcf kendo-ui kendo-grid wcf-data-services
    Basically, here is an example of my data that is returned by the web service:{“d”:[{“__type”:”MyDataItem:#MyProject.SomeSpace.Data”,”Format”:”msw12″,”Id”:”0900d60b8712e4ea”,”LastModifiedBy”:””,”LastModifiedDate”:null,”Name”:”Jeff’s tax document”,”Size”:12727},{“__type”:”MyDataItem:#MyProject.SomeSpace.Data”,”Format”:”pdf”,”Id”:”0900d60b8714b1d8″,”LastModifiedBy”:””,”LastModifiedDate”:null,”Name”:”Bob’s Test File”,”Size”:11911784}] }Here is my Kendo Grid code. It loads, calls the service, but the

  • deepu sankar
    javascript kendo-ui kendo-grid
    I am using kendo grid for my web portal code for grid is//Grid for award addingvar griddataSource = new{dataType: “json”,transport: {read: function(o){//o.success([]);url: ServiceBaseUrl+”/Magazine/getsubscriptiondetails?magazineid=”+magazine_id, dataType: “json”,},create: function(o) { var item =;//assign a unique ID and return the = len;o.success(item);len++;},destroy: function(o) {o.success();},update: function(o){o.success();}

  • user2567238
    kendo-ui kendo-grid
    I am using kendo ui v.2013.1.514, however a really terrible bug was encountered when I was using the grid widget.As u can see, I set the virtual scroll option to ‘true’, and have a page size of 25. After I add a new row to the grid using addRow function, the web browser will crash every time scrolling down the grid. That was really bad, cause I need the virtualization and I need to add some new records to the grid, too. I paste some test codes below, hope this could do some help.BTW, I test on y

  • user1710400
    c# json wcf kendo-ui kendo-grid
    I am using Kendo UI feature Grid and trying to implement batch Update functionality. Here is what I have done so far:$(document).ready(function () {(“#grid”).kendoGrid({dataSource:{type: “json”,transport:{read: function (options) {$.ajax({url: “IndicatorService.svc/GetIndicators/” + speedID,dataType: “json”,success: function (result) {options.success(result);}});},update: function(options) {$.ajax({type: “POST”,url: “IndicatorService.svc/UpdateIndicators”,dataType: “json”,contentType: “applicati

  • pratap k
    c# kendo-ui kendo-grid
    HI I am stuck in getting data that i need to display in kendo UI GRID , Initially I am able to see the button and textbox and grid as well but when i enter the value in textbox and then press the button i need to show that entered values in kendo UI GRID …When I run this application in google chrome it was giving empty grid,after enters the value and then press the submit button but when I run this one in IE8 it was giving error like this at starting stage itself….Unhandled exception at li

  • user2334753 kendo-grid
    I have a Business Logic Layer (BL), Data Access Layer (DAL) , Model (MDL) and a WebService, How can I parse the Data on the Kendo grid view [Batch Editing] When I’m adding the Kendo grid view Properties, this error pops up:HttCompileException was unhandled by user code External component has thrown an exception I tried to parse the with this codesControllerpublic ActionResult MDEmployee(){ViewBag.Message = “Hello What’s up!”;FAWebService.Service1 faws = new FAWebService.Service1();Array arr = fa

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