problem about prestashop-Collection of common programming errors

  • Ferda-Ozdemir-Sonmez
    There were some language problems in my site which uses a specific theme so I thought,I should pick out the language pack edit and reload it. Because I couldn’t find a way to edit it using browser on admin panel. I just pressed a button named export language packet. I don’t know if something happened that time. But it didn’t give me a file (an exported file I mean) . So I didn’t do anything else. But since that time I can’t reach my admin panel. While I write the URL it shows me a big white scre

  • irimie andrei
    javascript regex validation smarty prestashop
    I have a form, and when I submit it, I want to make an email validation before. I created a js file, put in theme’s js directory, included it on the page and my page is WHITE. I activated the errors and I saw that this is the error: SmartyCompilerException: Syntax Error in template”D:\Projects\mpm_shop\themes\pmart\js\processContactFormEmail.js”on line 44 “var re =/^([a-zA-Z0-9_.-+])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9-])+.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;”- Unexpected “,”, expected one of: &quo

  • Cvalya
    redirect login admin prestashop
    Several days ago I couldn’t access the admin panel on my site based on prestashop platform. After entering login and password, I was redirected to login page again and everything repeated. The site is hosted on a dedicated server, where some other prestashop sites I am developing are hosted too. After trying to access the admin panel on these sites I get the same “error”.What do you think, what is problem?Prestashop ver.: and CentOs, PHP

  • Pedram
    javascript php jquery attributes prestashop
    I have an issue that I’m trying to solve. Need some advice to the right direction:With Prestashop when creating combinations, you have a dropdwon-list on product page where customer can choose the combination from. Here within the product.tpl file I have created some extra button to get customers attention for a certain combination. Now I would like this combination beeing automatically selected and activated when user clicks on that button. I have inputted some javascript code within the produc

  • Federico Ciabatta
    javascript prestashop
    Nice to meet you.I need to insert this code script in head of my site:<!–Start of Zopim Live Chat Script–> <script type=”text/javascript”> window.$zopim||(function(d,s){var z=$zopim=function(c){z._.push(c)},$=z.s= d.createElement(s),e=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];z.set=function(o){z.set. _.push(o)};z._=[];z.set._=[];$.async=!0;$.setAttribute(‘charset’,’utf-8′); $.src=’//’;z.t=+new Date;$. type=’text/javascript’;e.parentNode.insertBefore

  • user2908870
    I’m trying to do a Prestashop module, but when trying to set a translatable form field at the configuration form, it fails.This is the error I get, through the JS console:[14:33:39.915] ReferenceError: defaultLanguage is not defined @ http://localhost:8888/js/admin.js:173I think that I have well configurated the languajes in the backoffice, so I’m not sure why is this happening.This is how I try to create the form:public function displayForm() {// Get default Language$default_lang = (int)Configu

  • José L.
    php prestashop
    I am newbie in Prestashop module development so sorry if it is a fool question… I have been reading the docs but I haven’t found what I am looking for so here I go,I’d like to show a message on the screen (just for debugging purpose) with different context vars and so forth when actionCartSave. Something similar to “console.log()” or “alert()” in js.Impossible to add the product to the cart.textStatus: ‘parsererror’errorThrown: ‘SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unrecognized token ‘<”response

  • Stefan Trailovic
    javascript jquery syntax-error prestashop
    I’m trying to get a module working for Prestashop but i get error ” Error code parsererror: SyntaxError: unexpected token <” when selecting a option.Could someone please help? Website: It’s located to the left called ‘SEARCH WIZARD’. When selecting a option/filter it gets error, but should filter products by it.I’m so new to this that i don’t know what file error is in. But i guess the javascript:$(document).ready(function() {var $stepsearch_step_count = $(‘.stepse

  • user3431842
    javascript syntax-error prestashop
    I’m receiving Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected token= error in chrome browser only and the error pointing near by my function function updateSalesQty(id_sale,id_product,id_customer,sign=0,qty=0){Error pointing here $.ajax({type:’POST’,url: ‘index.php?controller=AdminCarts&token=fc9ff5f59559a3d4137b247a768bf320’,data : {ajax: ‘1’,token: ‘fc9ff5f59559a3d4137b247a768bf320’,tab: ‘AdminCarts’,action: ‘updateSaleQty’,id_sale: id_sale, id_product: id_product, id_customer: id_customer,

  • Petr Srámek
    mysql database innodb prestashop myisam
    I make my first eshop using Prestashop and I’m not sure if is better use MyISAM or InnoDB. In eshop could be max about 3 000 items. I think that most important for that question is how much items will be in eshop, but if I didn’t write some other important information, please ask me.

  • Vit Kos
    php prestashop
    I have a back office controller in my module that displays my info. I’m trying to redirect manager to another controller by clicking on a button in toolbar. For this I have made a button using the initToolbar() method: everything seems fine but it crashes on click. here is the code of the initToolbar():public function initToolbar() {parent::initToolbar();$this->toolbar_btn[‘preview’]=array(‘href’=>$this->context->link->getAdminLink(‘AdminClaim’,true),’desc’=>$this->l(“Claims

  • AndrewS
    jquery prestashop
    I can’t figure out how to configure jQuery NoConflict(). This small function (jquery) works fine:$(‘.product_list > li’).css(‘width’, ‘50%’).css(‘width’, ‘-=42px’);$(‘.product_grid > li’).css(‘width’, ‘20%’).css(‘width’, ‘-=42px’);$(‘.product_grid ul.buttons li’).css(‘width’, ‘100%’).css(‘width’, ‘-=21px’);It stops working when I run another jQuery script.This is a “blocklayered.js” and it also uses some AJAX script (this si a script that works for filtering products in prestashop)How can

  • Musti Hakan
    prestashop upgrade-issue maintenance-mode
    First things first I am new to Prestashop.I have two issues. First is when I’m in the maintenance mode and I add my ip adres to gain access, I still can’t access my frontoffice. This gives server error in my Chrome Browser.But the bigger issue is when I turn the Maintenance mode off (and deleting my IP adress from the list) There is nothing. Just a blank screen. After a little research I found how to turn the error reporting on in like this:/* Debug only */ define(‘_PS_MODE_DEV_’

  • Joe
    php ajax json class prestashop
    I’m creating a module for the shopping cart PrestaShop so I have to follow a set framework of rules when creating a module that will work in their system, and I want to submit forms via AJAX without reloading the page.Here is a trimmed version of the module page which builds and determines what is displayed:<?phpclass mymodule extends Module{private $_html = ”;// Module informationfunction __construct(){// Get shop version$versionMask = explode(‘.’, _PS_VERSION_, 3);$versionTest = $versionMa

  • SKU
    prestashop oscommerce
    I am migrating my site from osc to prestashop but module importerosc is showing error.Except category everything else is imported successfully . But when I select category module showing Technical Error.Category class is extends objectmodel and object model showing unsignedint for date_add field . But ImportererOSC module not fetching date_add value from oscommerce database and nothing change if I change the query. TECHNICAL ERRORDetails: Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘PrestaShopException’ wit

  • Tarek Fellah
    category prestashop
    I would like to add categories programmatically to prestashop, i tried this code $object = new Category();$object->name = “xcvxvvx”; if (!$parent_id){ $parent_id = Configuration::get(‘PS_HOME_CATEGORY’); } $object->id_parent = $parent_id; $object->link_rewrite = array((int)(Configuration::get(‘PS_LANG_DEFAULT’)) => $category); $object->add(); $object->id_category = $object->id;$object->id_category_default = $object->id;$object->update(); I get this error message :Fa

  • Hanan Shteingart
    tinymce godaddy prestashop
    I have a prestashop site hosted in GoDaddy. The file is not loading and causes a bug: Uncaught ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined When I debug it with Chrome I see the file is empty. Even direct access to the file shows as if the file is empty. If I FTP to the file I see it is 200KB.What’s causing this? I am helpless… (GoDaddy of course will not take responsibility)

  • KatieK
    jquery prestashop nivoslider
    I have some trouble with the jQuery implementation in Prestashop 1.5. When I install a NivoSlider module, it works at first, but as soon as I rehook it elsewhere it all breaks and the NivoSlider (as well as the product slider) stops working.Could anyone can point me in the right direction?Here’s the link: am also getting this error: Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘nivoSlider’ in line 195.

  • user2919463
    php prestashop
    My site was working fine till last week. Both the admin and front end was working fine, both locally and on the server. On the local server in my system, the site is still working fine. I am facing a problem on the live serverFrom the past few days, I have been getting a blank page online at the server.Upon checking the error log I found the following error::Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘PrestaShopException’ with message ‘Shop not found’ in /home/thebaker/public_html/demo/classes/shop/Shop.p

  • TheCarlJay
    module prestashop
    So I can’t quite get this prestashop module working for a quick look I am trying to add on click for each product.I have the module in the base directory under /modules/quicklook.The files are as follows/modules/quicklook.phpclass QuickLook extends Module {private $_html= ”;function __construct() {$this->name = ‘quicklook’;$this->tab = ‘other’;$this->version = ‘0.2.0’;$this->author = ‘Carl’;parent::__construct();$this->displayName = $this->l(‘Quick Look’);$this->description

  • Danny Beckett
    php paypal smarty prestashop
    I have installed the PayPal module and added all of the API details. It appears on the page, however it cannot be clicked. Why could this be? The code, as viewed in the source, is this:It looks a bit odd to me. Like the image should be linked to the form somehow?Also tried it in sandbox mode and that doesn’t work either.<div id=”HOOK_SHOPPING_CART_EXTRA”><div id=”container_express_checkout” style=”float:right; margin: 10px 40px 0 0″><img id=”payment_paypal_express_checkout” src=”h

  • Rodrigo Sedano Jimenez
    php tree category prestashop
    I’m trying to build a module for Prestashop 1.4, I need to retrieve and show the full category and subcategories list but I’m finding some difficulties:This is my module logic:class HyperFeed extends Module {function __construct(){ blablabla } public function install(){ blablabla } public function _getCategories(){$version_mask = explode(‘.’, _PS_VERSION_, 3);if ($version_mask[1]<5){$id_category=1;}else{$id_category=0;} function getCategories($id_category){$sql = ‘SELECT ‘._DB_PREFIX_.’

  • NewUser
    php google-maps-api-3 module prestashop
    I have a some codes in php which is working fine(with html,php,jQuery). In this I have usedGmap3 jQuery plugin files to show google map. The work of this code is when page is loaded then googlemap will be shown inside a div which id is map.For that my code looks like this<script type=”text/javascript” src=”js/jquery.js”></script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”js/gmap3.min.js”></script> <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’

  • ZacSaeed
    csv download prestashop
    Have been stuck with this issue since the last 4 days and checked everywhere but I cannot find a solution.In Prestashop, I need to offer customers (for a b2b site) csv downloads for each of their order histories. This is what I have done:1- Overridden OrderDetailController.php and written the following code under initContent():if ( !array_key_exists(‘csv_download’, $_GET) ) {parent::initContent(); } else if ( array_key_exists(‘csv_download’, $_GET) ) {header(‘Content-type: text/csv’);header(‘Con

  • Florent
    javascript prestashop
    My site is I am using Prestashop and have added javascript to display a banner on every page load. Currently I only have one banner image and it loads fine on the home page and category pages. But it does not load always on the product pages. I am able to view source and see the script tag appropriately in the source. The tag I used is:<script src=”banner.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>The code in the javascript file is:function random_imglink(){

  • Stratboy
    controller override prestashop frontcontroller
    I know there are similar questions, but none of them can solve my problem.I placed a FrontController.php file in /override/classes/controller/It contains this code:Class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore{public function displayHeader(){if(!self::$initialized) $this->init();$this->context->smarty->assign(‘test_ok’,’okok’);return parent::displayHeader(); } }//end FrontControllerFrom my custom theme, in header.tpl I placed a test code like this{$test_ok}And get this:Not

  • Przemyslaw Suszek
    jquery html prestashop
    I have the latest Presta Shop. When I add above code<script type=”text/javascript” src=””> jQuery(document).ready(function(){if(catapultReadCookie(“catAccCookies”)){//If the cookie has been setjQuery(“#catapult-cookie-bar”).hide();jQuery(“html”).css(“margin-bottom”,”0″);} }); </script>And delete cache from tools/smarty/compile the website don’t display. I dont know why ? Thanks for help.

  • Aaron Pitts
    e-commerce bugs prestashop
    Since updating to I cannot upload images, it just gives an error of ‘Undefined’.Also the product customization has stopped working, it doesn’t remember the field labels after saving them and just shows nothing under ‘Define the label of the text fields:’. Please see the attached screenshot here: ideas on where I could resolve the issue?Many thanks

  • Darhazer
    jquery prestashop jquery-lint
    I’m getting below error at Firebug console at the moment:attr(id) special check failed jquery.lint.js (line 99) More info: Insted of accessing the property via attr(id), use undefined insted Collection: [input.button Change?] Location: @ @ What could this mean?

  • Hardik Raval
    payment-gateway prestashop billing
    i have one e-commerce site made in prestashop and i used the BillSafe as my payment gateway but every time my order is decline when debug the code it give me following response from BIllSafe[ANSWER] => Array([ack] => OK[custom_0] => FOOO[custom_1] => FAAA[custom_2] => Muhahah[status] => DECLINED[declineReason_code] => 101[declineReason_message] => BillSAFE does not secure this transaction)

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