problem about combine-Collection of common programming errors

  • Breakthrough
    video images combine timelapse
    I have taken 30,000 still images that I want to combine into a timelapse movie. I have tried QuickTime Pro, TimeLapse 3, and Windows Movie Maker, but with such a huge amount of images, each of the programs fail (I tried SUPER ©, but couldn’t get it to work either…?). It seems that all of these programs crash after a few thousand pictures.The images I have are all in .JPG format, at a resolution of 1280×800, and I’m looking for a program that can put these images into a timelapse movie in som

  • user861587
    php smarty echo combine smarty3
    Why doesn’t this work in Smarty?{my_function($test.’a1′)}It’s showing following error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘SmartyCompilerException’ with message ‘Syntax Error in template “test.tpl” on line 1 “{my_function($test.’a1’)}” Unexpected “‘a1′”, expected one of: “{” , “$” , “identifier” , INTEGER’ in…

  • pluton
    tikz-pgf combine
    I’m trying to combine several articles into a single volume using the combine document class. Some of the articles use the TikZ package, which seems to cause problems during compilation. For example, if my main file is\documentclass{combine} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{papers} \coltoctitle{Paper 1} \coltocauthor{A.~Author} \import{./author1/paper} \end{papers} \end{document}and the document paper.tex in the directory author1 has the contents\documentclass{article} \title{My Paper}

  • Papiro
    abstract books combine
    I included a MWE (a main file and three articles) that uses the combine class with book option. There are two problems. The formatting process creates the LaTeX Error: Environment abstract undefined, and formatting stops at the first \begin{abstract} command in first input file. Press “r” to continue the formatting process. The resulting PDF is almost correct except for the section numbering (0.1, 0.2 . instead of 1, 2 .) in the input article documents. The article documents include the command

  • lockstep
    incompatibility revtex combine
    I’m trying to combine (with combine class) many (about 100) TeX files to prepare a book of abstracts for a conference. They are written using revtex4-1 class. When I use this classes together \documentclass[11pt,colclass=revtex4-1]{combine} \title{Book of abstracts}\begin{document} \tableofcontents % main ToC \clearpage\section{Editor’s introduction} bla bla bla%\begin{papers} % start of individual articles/papers %\coltoctitle{1st article} % first article title into main ToC %\coltocauthor{A.~

  • adn
    For my thesis I need to combine two articles into one document. I have looked at the combine package which looks perfect for this. However, when I try to typeset my document, I get a lot of errors:Latex Error: ./main.tex:81 LaTeX Error: Command \c@minilofdepth already defined. Latex Error: ./main.tex:81 LaTeX Error: Command \c@minilotdepth already defined. Latex Error: ./main.tex:81 LaTeX Error: Command \c@partlofdepth already defined. Latex Error: ./main.tex:81 LaTeX Error: Command \c@partlotde

  • TJ Ellis
    listings combine
    I am trying to use the combine document class (manual) to combine several pre-existing documents into a single file with consistent formatting. It works great, except that there is a conflict of some kind with the listings pacakge. When I try compiling with \usepackage{listings} in my main document file, I getERROR: LaTeX Error: Command \c@lstlisting already defined.— TeX said —Or name \end… illegal, see p.192 of the manual.This happens even without any usage of the package.My guess is tha

  • Brandon
    json object rss google-calendar combine
    The following code I use will display all three calendar feeds and will individually sort them by starttime. I would like to merge these calendars together into one (smush them) in a so called master calendar feed. And then display all of the combined events by starttime in ascending order.<script type=”text/javascript”> // we will add our javascript code here var JSONData = { count: 0,value : {description: “Calendars from the Unitarian Universal

  • RevConcept
    javascript forms validation function combine
    How can I combine these two functions so that they both work? Right now, I can only get one to validate and not the other.SAMPLE OF THE JAVASCRIPT:function validateForm() {var x=document.forms[“giftCert”][“gift_name”].value;if (x==null || x==””) {errMsg = “The recpient’s name is required.”; $(“div#emptyName”).show();$(“div#emptyName”).html(errMsg);return false;} }function validateForm() {var x=document.forms[“giftCert”][“gift_email”].value;if (x==null || x==””) {errMsg2 = “The recpi

  • sth
    javascript combine minify
    I have 3 JS libraries that I use that are in their own separate files. They are commented with the code minified in each individual filefile 1: 2: 3: individually they work fine in my app, don’t throw any errors. But I wanted to load less files so I combined them into one file like this:, in Chrome it throws an error on the last line of the file: Uncaught TypeError: und

  • Shammah
    javascript combine minify
    I am trying to programmatically combine and minify all the javascript on client’s pages using Assetic and JSMin. I believe it is a problem in the combination since the error is thrown when JSMin was turned off.I’m not really an expert in javascript, so I’m unsure where to start, even a vague answer can help me at this point…the error thrown: object is not a function.the files are combined in the order they are included, but there are inline javascripts that are left untouched in the document.

  • Matilda Madinaveitya
    timer actionscript-2 add combine numberformat
    I’m new with AS and trying to add values using either arrays of functions to combine values but they do keep showing NaN. function combine(a, b, c):Number{return a + b + c; } var total = combine(myTimer1, myTimer2, myTimer3); totalTimers.text = total;

  • reitermarkus
    javascript object combine dot-notation
    I have this Code, and it’s working. var URL = new Object();URL.pattern = /https?:\/\/([^\/]*)\//; URL.current = window.location.href;URL.getCurrent = function(){return this.current.match(this.pattern)[1]; };var thisDomain = URL.getCurrent();Now what I want is to put the dot notations into the object, how do I do that? I tried this, but it’s showing undefined when I call URL.getCurrent().function URL(){this.pattern = /https?:\/\/([^\/]*)\//;this.current = window.location.href;this.getCurrent = fu

  • neutrino
    ruby-on-rails find combine
    What I want to do is something like this:searchid = 4while searchid != -1@a += A.find(searchid)@b = B.find(searchid)searchid = @b.parentid endThe problem being the line@a += A.find(searchid) The error being something likeNoMethodError: undefined method `+’ for #<A:0x173f9a0>So, how do you combine multiple ‘find’ requests?

  • durumdara
    delphi compiler combine
    Can I combine some IFDEFS in my source?For example:{$IFDEF INCOMING or OUTGOING} … {$ENDIF}Thanks for your help:dd

  • Exodist
    git history combine
    I have looked at several threads addressing this. Combining multiple git repositoriesCombining multiple git repositories having a space in their nameI also looked at the git filter-branch manpage.updateI have changed to a 2 script system:#!/bin/bash git filter-branch –index-filter ‘~/’ HEADand!/bin/bash git ls-files -s | \ sed “s-\t-&data/perl_modules/-” | \ GIT_INDEX_FILE=”$” git update-index –index-info && \mv “$” “$GIT_INDEX_FI

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