linux,bash,shell,if-statement,cygwinRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • user1184777
    linux tomcat struts2
    hi i developed an struts2 web application on my local machine and its working fine using http://localhost:6060 . but after that i created war file and give that to my admin for deploying [he is using tomcat 5, linux platform], when he tries to deploy war file it is showing false in the tomcat task manager even if you click start it wont start and display message in the message box.FAIL – Application at context path /Sign_Up could not be started all other deploy war file[struts1.3, .net etc] wo

  • user42276
    java android linux eclipse ant
    Readme saysAndroid Screencast Homepage :*********************** HOW TO BUILD THE PROJET ***********************Copy file “andrdoiscreencast.conf.example” to parent folder. Rename it to “androidscreencast.conf”. Use your text editor to tune the configuration Launch ant (with target dist or jnpl).`androidscreencast.example.conf says this// The tag added to produced jar (androidscreencast-xxxx.jar) version=DEV// The location of your android sdk installati

  • Peter Lawrey
    java linux postgresql jdbc driver
    I wanted to test execution of function of an indexing from other host because this function not absolutely correctly fulfilled in hadoop to the program. But I had problems with connection to a database from other host as it is explained below. I don’t understand in what a problem.I wrote following the java programimport*; import java.util.*; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; impo

  • Peter Lawrey
    java linux hadoop mapreduce mapper
    Whether help to define mapper was executed and if it wasn’t executed, for what reason it could occur. I wrote an output of the read ways from a database to the text file of local file system on which mapper is executed. Here I give a codepackage org.myorg;import*; import java.util.*; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.*;

  • Kapil Vyas
    sql-server linux postgresql isql
    I had the PostgreSQL drivers working on my RHEL 6. But after I installed Microsoft® SQL Server® ODBC Driver 1.0 for Linux I can no longer connect to PosgreSQL data sources. I can connect to SQL Server data sources fine.When I had this same issue a week ago I uninstalled MS SQL Server ODBC driver from Linux and it fixed the issue. I removed MS SQL Server ODBC driver by executing the following commands:rm /usr/bin/bcp rm /usr/bin/sqlcmd odbcinst -u -d -n “SQL Server Native Client 11.0” rm -r /opt/

  • natli
    c# .net linux mono
    Running Mono 3.2.6 on Debian 7When using Newtonsoft.Json to deserialize objects in a multithreaded application, my application crashes due to ‘segmentation fault.’ I attached gdb & here’s the output:root@ns38225:/home/stress# gdb program 30380 GNU gdb (GDB) 7.4.1-debian Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to

  • ewuenhob
    java linux r
    I almost tried for 3 days now to install rJava and package FSelector on my Linux machine but couldn’t do so. I searched all the forums and tried some tricks … but unfortunately couldn’t find any solution. First of all I did try to install rJava in my rkward without any changes , that gave me the following error :configure: error: One or more JNI types differ from the corresponding native type. You may need to use non-standard compiler flags or a different compiler in order to fix this.ERROR: c

  • Roopendra
    linux ant build-process tar
    I am trying to create tar and exclude file from directory roopendra but its not seems to work. When I am trying to untar file I am getting error gzip: stdin: not in gzip format. my file exclude also not working. After running build.xml its creating tar but when I am trying to untar as below. I am using Ant version 1.9.3Command : $ tar -xvzf projecttar.tar.gzGetting Error : gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting nowbuild.xml :<?xml

  • grom
    linux segmentation-fault odbc informix unixodbc
    Using the Informix 64 bit driver with unixODBC (with both the default of 2.2.14 that comes with Redhat and also with 2.3.1) and running into problem when a column has a NULL value. unixODBC is using SQLLEN for the (last) StrLen_or_Ind argument whereas the Informix 64 bit driver appears to use SQLINTEGER.So when testing if the return value is SQL_NULL_DATA the test does not work.. since the value -1 (which SQL_NULL_DATA is defined as) as 32 bit integer is 4294967296 when treated as 64 bit integer

  • Ari Malinen
    linux gcc bootstrap glibc
    Im trying to bootstrap gcc/glibc toolchain. It always fails to build failures. I have been trying dozens of times with different methods.Here is how i have been trying to bootstrap:path: export PATH=/home/defer/dev/linux/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/4.8.2binutils: ../configure –prefix=/home/defer/dev/linux –target=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu –with-sysroot=/home/defer/dev/linux –with-lib-path=/home/defer/dev/linux/lib –disable-nls –disable-werrorgcc stage1: ../configure –targ

  • balteo
    bash jenkins npm cloudbees karma
    I am trying to install karma to cloudbees/jenkins. I have added this script to pre-build:# install nodejs, if using cloudbees curl -s -o use-node NODE_VERSION=0.11.1 source ./use-node# install phantomjs, karma [ -d node_modules/phantomjs ] || npm install -g phantomjs [ -d node_modules/karma ] || npm install -g karma [ -d node_modules/karma-junit-reporter ] || npm install -g karma-junit-reporter [ -d node_modul

  • Angelik
    php bash shell apache-pig
    I am learning Pig Latin, and I would like to know how to launch a pig script with PHP.This is my line for launching the script :pig -f ../testjava/calculs_routage.pig -param input=/user/hive/warehouse/tableRoutage/ -param output=/resultatsRequetes/obj1/resultatObj1 -param date1=2013-11-08T00:00:00.000Z -param date2=2013-11-15T00:00:00.000ZI have a script I can launch in my shell (i’m root) and it works, I try to launch my pig script with a bash, and it works too.But when I try using my php appli

  • dimo414
    python bash command-line-arguments
    When I’m writing shell scripts, I often find myself spending most of my time (especially when debugging) dealing with argument processing. Many scripts I write or maintain are easily more than 80% input parsing and sanitization. I compare that to my Python scripts, where argparse handles most of the grunt work for me, and lets me easily construct complex option structures and sanitization / string parsing behavior.I’d love, therefore, to be able to have Python do this heavy lifting, and then g

    bash amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 playframework-2.0
    i´ve been trying for days now to start a poorly documented play application (helping out friends) on aws ec2 as a complete play and bash-rookie and finally managed to start it; but not listening on port 8080, as in the file declared, but on a random port (8081) as 8080 threw an “already in use”- exception. (with changed port):sudo nohup ./start -Dconfig.file=/home/ec2-user/prod.conf -Dhttp.port=8081 -Dhttp.address= &start!/usr/bin/env shexec java $* -cp “dirn

  • devnull
    bash shell unix find
    I’m trying to write a script that will tell you how many files and how many directories are in a given directory. Here’s the script I’ve written, but the output is always “Number of files is .” and “Number of directories is .”Here’s my code:#!/bin/sh if [ -d “$@” ] then find “$@” -type f | ls -l “$@” | wc -l | echo “Number of files is $@” find “$@” -type d | ls -l “$@” | wc -l | echo “Number of directories is $@” fi

  • Hari Karam Singh
    xcode bash compiler xcode5
    I’m trying to implement a certain pre-compilation effect on objective-C code (explained here). I’ve managed to get a custom compiler in place in Xcode 5 following these helpful instructions. However my passthru attempt to clang results in an error:My custom compiler’s executable:#!/bin/bash clang “$@”Error message:While building module ‘UIKit’ imported from /Users/Club15CC/Google Drive/Code/Frogger/Frogger/Frogger-Prefix.pch:14: … In file included from /Applications/

  • user2821096
    java osx bash ant
    I recently installed ANT and I am unable to build due to a file not being found. What I have done so far:1) Installed ANT 1.9.2 via macports When I type ant into terminal I get an output “Buildfile: build.xml does not exist! Build failed”. When I type ant -version I get “Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.2 compiled on July 8 2013”. So it looks like ANT is installed.2) Added paths for ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME in Users/<“myName”>/.bash_profileexport ANT_HOME=/usr/local/antexport PATH=${PATH}:${ANT_HOME

  • Wilson F
    linux bash string-substitution
    I swear I have looked and looked and looked. If I’ve missed the answer to this somewhere, I apologize; it means my search-fu failed me, not that I haven’t tried.I’m relatively new to bash scripts (:sigh: newbie), but I’m trying to write one that takes some input from the user and uses it in another command. My problem is that the other command needs to have any special characters in the user input escaped.The basic form of the code is as follows:#!/bin/bashecho “Enter info:” read _INFOothercomma

  • Adrian Frühwirth
    bash ncurses gnu-screen tty termcap
    According to this (@ Programs using ncurses): this: handles the window splitting using termcap (which I barely know how to use) and not a text library. I’m developing a small C++ console application where I need to do the same thing. I tried with ncurses, which is the obvious choice, but it doesn’t support ANSI escape sequences for colors (http://ascii-tab

  • alexBrand
    java bash shell tomcat tomcat6
    I need to pass multiple system properties to Tomcat 6 through the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. I can’t seem to pass system properties that contain spaces:JRE_HOME=/root/jre1.6.0_34/ JAVA_OPTS=”-DsysProp1=foo -DsysProp2=bar with spaces” ./ runFails with:Using CATALINA_BASE: /root/apache-tomcat-6.0.37 Using CATALINA_HOME: /root/apache-tomcat-6.0.37 Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /root/apache-tomcat-6.0.37/temp Using JRE_HOME: /root/jre1.6.0_34/ Using CLASSPATH: /root/apache-

  • Anu0042
    android git shell mobile touch
    Hi I am trying to create a android native app in salesforce touch platform. I am trying to copy lib from sample project to my app. 1st i entered this commend in my cmdcd $TARGET_DIR $ANDROID_SDK_DIR/tools/android update project -p . -t 1the result was Updated project.propertiesUpdated local.propertiesUpdated file C:\Anu\SalesforceTouch\build.xmlUpdated file C:\Anu\SalesforceTouch\proguard-project.txtIt seems that there are sub-projects. If you want to update themplease use the –subprojects par

  • 0xA3
    windows batch-file shell parallel-processing multicore
    Is there a tool available to execute several process in parallel in a Windows batch file? I have found some interesting tools for Linux (parallel and PPSS), however, I would need a tool for Windows platforms. Bonus: It would be great if the tool also allowed to distribute processes in an easy way among several machines, running the processes remotely a la PsExec.Example: I would like that in the following for loop for %F in (*.*) do processFile.exe %Fa limited amount of instances of processFile.

  • NoBugs
    android python shell unix subprocess
    I’m trying to control a terminal with Python. According to documentation I’ve found, I should be able to use Popen to run terminal commands, with stdin and stdout output. Unfortunately it doesn’t work:import subprocess o = subprocess.Popen(“adb shell”,stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) #for line in o: #print “I got”,line print o.communicate(“ls /”) o.stdin.write(“ls /”) o.stdin.flush() print print o.readline(); print o.communicate()EDIT – I tried monkeyrun

  • roymond
    shell neo4j
    I’m running 2.0.0 M06 on a Mac (ML)Neo4j is running and the web console works fine. But when I try to connect via Neo4j-shell it fails. Everything was fine on Wednesday, but after attempting a Postgres install (part of the MusicBrainz Neo4j project) this problem came up:sneedham-pd:neo4j-community-2.0.0-M06 username$ **bin/neo4j start** Using additional JVM arguments: -server -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Djava.util.logging.config.file=conf/l

  • Angelik
    php bash shell apache-pig
    I am learning Pig Latin, and I would like to know how to launch a pig script with PHP.This is my line for launching the script :pig -f ../testjava/calculs_routage.pig -param input=/user/hive/warehouse/tableRoutage/ -param output=/resultatsRequetes/obj1/resultatObj1 -param date1=2013-11-08T00:00:00.000Z -param date2=2013-11-15T00:00:00.000ZI have a script I can launch in my shell (i’m root) and it works, I try to launch my pig script with a bash, and it works too.But when I try using my php appli

  • puk
    c shell named-pipes
    I have a C program like so (copied from here):#include <fcntl.h>#define PATH “testpipe” #define MESSAGE “We are not alone”int main() {int fd;mkfifo ( PATH, 0666 );fd = open ( PATH, O_WRONLY );write ( fd, MESSAGE, sizeof ( MESSAGE ) );close ( fd );unlink ( PATH );return 0; }and a shell script like so:echo < testpipeOnce I execute the C program, the echo statement returns, but We are not alone is not printed. I have also tried creating the pipe from the command line, and with mknod instea

  • Laurent Bristiel
    shell cron automated-tests robotframework
    I’m trying to set up some automated tests using the Robot Framework’s pybot script that allows you to execute Robot tests via shell. pybot, for those not familiar, is installed along with the Robot Framework to /usr/local/bin, and simply does:#!/usr/bin/pythonimport sys from robot import run_clirun_cli(sys.argv[1:])Effectively allowing you to evoke it “natively” from bash rather than python. Now, the way I’m trying to call pybot is as follows:cd /var/www/parsingdev/meTypeset/tests && for

  • Stéphane Gimenez
    unix shell terminal
    I want to differentiate the STDOUT and STDERR messages in my terminal. If a script or command is printing a message in terminal I want to differentiate by colors; is it possible?(E.g. stderr font color is red, and stdout font color is blue.)Example (using bold):$dateWed Jul 27 12:36:50 IST 2011$dateebash: datee: command not found$alias lsalias ls=’ls –color=auto -F’$aliass lsbash: aliass: command not found

  • devnull
    bash shell unix find
    I’m trying to write a script that will tell you how many files and how many directories are in a given directory. Here’s the script I’ve written, but the output is always “Number of files is .” and “Number of directories is .”Here’s my code:#!/bin/sh if [ -d “$@” ] then find “$@” -type f | ls -l “$@” | wc -l | echo “Number of files is $@” find “$@” -type d | ls -l “$@” | wc -l | echo “Number of directories is $@” fi

  • droiduser

  • dane rias
    java android if-statement
    Button s2; AutoCompleteTextView tran; //Spinner lang; EditText trans; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.translate); s2= (Button) findViewById(;tran= (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(;trans = (EditText) findViewById(;s2.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){public void onClick(View dap) {String input;String output= null;input = tran.getText().toString();if (“Lo

  • Aidan W.
    java if-statement nested while-loop
    EDIT: Recent happenings of me compiling a program I know could not compile lead me to believe I am simultaneously having an issue with my compiler. No doubt due to my running it in WINE on mac as opposed to a native application. Thank you for your responses. I will properly test out all responses and make all changes when I have fixed said error with compiler or I have moved computers to one with a working one.I am relatively new to programming and also this website so please bear with me. I am

  • Dipak Keshariya
    java android android-intent if-statement intellij-idea
    I have a problem in my program. I have a layout named monthlyorannual.xml which has 2 radio buttons:rdbMonthly – that opens monthly_computation.xml rdbAnnual – that opens annual_computation.xml Here is the code:/*** Created with IntelliJ IDEA.* User: Karla Mae Jaro* Date: 11/28/12* Time: 1:04 PM* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.*/ public class OpenMonthlyOrAnnually extends MyActivity { public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceStat

  • smci
    python if-statement pandas series logical
    I’m having trouble evaluating values from a dictionary using if statements.Given the following dictionary, which I imported from a dataframe (in case it matters):>>> pnl[company] 29: Active Credit Date Debit Strike Type 0 1 0 2013-01-08 2.3265 21.15 Put 1 0 0 2012-11-26 40 80 Put 2 0 0 2012-11-26 400 80 PutI tried to evaluate the following statment to establish the value of the last value of Active:if pnl[company].tail(1)[‘Ac

  • user000001
    java if-statement for-loop statements
    I have the following code. The only problem is that we run it through a checkstyle program and it comes up with the error Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). I would like to know how can remove one of the if statement to make it do the same thing and let the program pass the test./*** Check if there is a winner on the board* @return the winner if BLANK there is no winner**/public char checkWinner(){this.winner = BLANK;int totalTiles = GRIDSIZE*GRIDSIZE;//Check if the game has a winf

  • Gilles
    if-statement batch-file
    I’ve tried multiple times to get this batch to work but it won’t and it’s driving me crazy. I’ve also combed this website and tried many different things before I gave in to asking the question.I have a batch that will do a shutdown or reboot or logoff depending on what choice you pick. The problem comes in when I run this and want to move from hours to minutes to seconds by checking the answer to see if it’s zero. It gives the error “There was an unexpected (” and immediately closes. If I

  • Bart
    c++ if-statement infile
    I wrote the code and it works except the total is wrong. It is supposed to multiply the distanceRate by the rate and add each cost to make the total, but it’s not doing that. Any help would be appreciated.#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream>using namespace std;int main() {//Declare Variablesifstream inFile;double packageWeight;double distance;double totalCharge = 0;double rate;double distanceRate;int customerNumber;double shippingCha

  • ?????
    php loops if-statement while-loop
    I’ve made some code which shortens a name if it is over so many characters (shortens first name for initial, removes middles names, and if last name is overall too long shortens until fits).I had version of this working (Which is posted after my current code) but now that I try it with some while loops it complains about an unexpected { on the first if in the loop (Line 9).Current Code:<?php $name = “billy bobby sharkingflardo herdaderpingtonning”; while ((strlen($name))>17){$nameEx

  • sony
    xquery if-statement assignment-operator
    I am trying to use a if condition to assign a value to a variable in an xquery. I am not sure how to do this.This is what I tried:declare namespace libx=’′; declare namespace atom=’’; declare variable $entry_type as xs:string external; let $libx_node :=if ($entry_type = ‘package’ or ‘libapp’) then{element {fn:concat(“libx:”, $entry_type)} {()} }else if ($entry_type = ‘module’) then'<libx:module><libx:body>{$module_body}</libx:bod

  • ThePopa611
    c++ if-statement
    I could use some help because I am really desperate now. Here, take a look at this piece of my code and then look at the output. What is causing this bug? How am I supposed to fix it? Thanks for any kind of help! The code:while (1) {while (1){cout << “Choose your username: “;cin >> username;std::strcpy (username1, username.c_str());if (isdigit(username1[0]) || isdigit(username1[1]) || isdigit(username1[2])){cout << “The first 3 characters HAVE to contain only letters!\n\a”;}els

  • Dmitry Veremchuk
    ruby-on-rails cygwin capybara ffi
    I can’t install ffi gem and get the following error while perfrorming ‘bundle install’:Installing ffi (1.0.11) with native extensionsGem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension./home/Dmitry.Veremchuk/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rbchecking for ffi.h… nochecking for ffi.h in /usr/local/include… nochecking for rb_thread_blocking_region()… yeschecking for ruby_native_thread_p()… yeschecking for rb_thread_call_with_gvl()… yescreating

  • JATothrim
    windows cygwin freetype2 mingw64
    I’m trying to build x86_64 (64-bit code) version of the freetype-2.4.9 with native MinGW-w64 compiler in Cygwin environment. The configure runs fine but the makefile fails.Jarmo@UltraJATmachine /cygdrive/y/tools/cppkirjastot $ cd freetype-2.4.9/Jarmo@UltraJATmachine /cygdrive/y/tools/cppkirjastot $ PATH=/cygdrive/y/Tools/Compilers/mingw64/bin:$PATHJarmo@UltraJATmachine /cygdrive/y/tools/cppkirjastot/freetype-2.4.9 $ ./configure –build=i686-pc-mingw32 –disable-sharedFreeType build system — aut

  • Brian
    ruby-on-rails gem cygwin bundle-install
    I’m working on this tutorial: …You can [ctrl+f] to ” Listing 3.1. A Gemfile for the sample app. ” to find where I am.I just copy and pasted the gemfile as it is given there (it didn’t work, so I went ahead and tried the one from 10.42 as is linked immediately above the [ctrl+f] spot, since I’ll have to use that at some point anyways.)For the 10.42 listing, it is giving me an error, “Could not find gem ‘will_paginate (= 3.0.pre2) ruby’ in

  • Andrew Cheong
    c++ compiler-errors cygwin mathgl
    Where I AmI downloaded MathGL’s source, installed Cygwin and necessary dependencies for compiling and installing said source (e.g. zlib), and smoothly proceeded through the standard installation steps.$ ls /usr/local/lib libmgl.a libmgl.dll.a$ ls -R /usr/local/include /usr/local/include: mgl2/usr/local/include/mgl2: abstract.h config.h dllexport.h mgl.fs other.h type.h addon.h cont.h eval.h mgl.h parser.h vect.h base.h data.h evalc.h mgl_

  • paxdiablo
    c gcc batch-file cygwin preprocessor
    I’m using a proprietary development environment that compiles code written in C, as well as the IEC 61131 languages. For the C compilation, it uses GCC 4.1.2 with these build options: -fPIC -O0 -g -nostartfiles -Wall -trigraphs -fno-asm The compilation is done by a program running on windows utilizing Cygwin.My issue is, IEC language preprocessor is not that useful (doesn’t support #define at all) and I want to use macros! I don’t see why the GCC preprocessor would really care what language it i

  • user1683637
    android android-ndk cygwin crypto++
    I have a problem to make appriopriate GNUmakefile, which should create Crypto++ library for Android. I am using this tutorial, and I’m stuck on patching makefile. Where can I find file GNUmakefile-android.patch which there is mentioned? I’ve tryied to add manually lines to file but I am not sure I am doing it correct. Now my GNUmakefile looks like this:CXXFLAGS = -DNDEBUG -g -O2 # -O3 fails to link on Cygwin GCC version 4.5.3 # -fPIC is supported. Please report any breakage of -fPIC as a bug. #

  • Steven Penny
    ruby-on-rails cygwin
    I have installed rails using rubystack and set env path, so I can use it in cmd. When I try to use it with cygwin I doesn’t work (it shouldn’t), how to make this rails work on both windows and cygwin env or I have to install it separately.

  • anthonator
    c ruby windows cygwin gsl
    I’m having issues installing rb-gsl under Windows using Cygwin. I’m using the RubyInstaller for Windows with the dev kit installed. I’ve installed Cygwin and the GSL runtime, gsl-apps, gsl-devel and gsl-doc packages. When issuing a gem install command I get the following:$ gem.bat install “C:\Documents and Settings\jzh3fd.2UA1071FGF\Desktop\gsl-1.14 .7.gem” Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit… Building native extensions. This could take a while… ERROR: Error installing C:\Document

  • sajay
    android android-ndk cygwin anpr
    I’m trying to build a ANPR project, I got the source from, but wen i try to execute it cygwin for compiling the native codes. I get the following error . I am a newbie to all these stuffs so plz help me out .$ /cygdrive/g/android/android-ndk-r4/ndk-build Gdbserver : [arm-eabi-4.4.0] /cygdrive/g/android/workspace/anpr1/libs/armeabi/gdbserver Gdbsetup : /cygdrive/g/android/workspace/anpr1/libs/armeabi/gdb.setup Gdbsetup

  • Sun_Sparxz
    hadoop cygwin
    i am following Start the namenode in the first window by executing cd hadoop-0.19.1 bin/hadoop namenode Start the secondary namenode in the second window by executing cd hadoop-0.19.1 bin/hadoop secondarynamenode Start the job tracker the third window by executing cd hadoop-0.19.1 bin/hadoop jobtracker Start the data node the fourth window by executing cd hadoop-0.19.1 bin/hadoop datanode Start the task tracker the fifth window by exe

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