JDocumentRAW::addCustomTag() error on joomla component using jQuery.getJSON()-Collection of common programming errors

i m newbie to joomla, although i have worked a lot with jQuery so i feel comfortable in jQuery rather than mootools, now i m developing a joomla component, so what i do..



i write below code

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
$rootURL = JURI::root();
$document->addScript($rootURL.'media/system/js/jquery.min.js' );

now when i go to add a property from


Actualy there is select boxes of province & city,on changing province, select box of city changes dynamically, i write


everythings was working fine when i add jQuery.noConflict(); on that specific page


BUT if i add


on admin.controller.php

it display below error in firbug console

Fatal error: Call to undefined method JDocumentRAW::addCustomTag() in /opt/lampp/htdocs/joomla/administrator/components/com_property/admin.controller.php on line 22

please suggest me how to handle this problem,

actually what i want is

  • i want o include jquery throughout the website
  • also want to include jQuery.noConflict(), so that there shoud be no confliction between jQuery & Mootools( internally used by joomla), bcoz if i remove addCustomTag() method from admin.controller.php, then i need to add jQuery.noConflict() on each page where i use jQuery and that is voilation of DRY concept

please suggest me how to use jQuery in joomla without confliction on all pages of website.

Thank you for Support me always