javascript,json,node.jsRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Alex Kasina
    javascript jquery
    I want to reload a page when I type a character into a textbox and after reload, take cursor back to the textbox. It (browser) should not reload when I delete a character from the textbox.I was trying this but it doesn’t work$(‘#id_BasePairs’).bind(‘input’, function() { location.reload();$(‘textbox’).focus();});How should it be done?

    Since we can throw anything with the throw keyword in Javascript, can’t we just throw an error message string directly?Does anyone know any catch in this?Edit:Let me add some background to this: Very often, in the Javascript world, people relies on parameter checking as opposed to using the try-catch mechanism, so it makes sense to only throw fatal errors with throw. Still, to be able to catch some system Errors, I have to use a different class for my own errors and instead of creating a subclas

  • romkyns
    javascript browser
    Whenever my JavaScript dies while logging an error message to the Console, I’d like to be told about this immediately. The console is too invisible and often hidden or obscured by other windows.Can I have something as prominent as a .NET exception dialog? To me these JavaScript errors are completely fatal; they aren’t something that can be ignored, and I’d like to know about them before I spend a while wondering why something doesn’t happen.Are there addons that do this for Firefox or Chrome?

  • Vishnu Renku
    php javascript magento checkout
    Fatal error:Call to member function getproduct() on a non-object in app/…../checkout/cart/sidebar/default.phtml on line 29Why this happen?Any solution to remove this error??

  • Amit Kumar
    javascript android phonegap xml-parsing
    Hello i am developing an app in which i am fetching png images encoded using base64 in XML form. In android 2.2 emulator and device images are displaying , but when i try it on android 4.1 emulator app crash and showing these log in locat01-22 11:05:03.104: W/dalvikvm(723): JNI WARNING: JNI method called with exception pending 01-22 11:05:03.114: W/dalvikvm(723): in Landroid/webkit/JWebCoreJavaBridge;.nativeServiceFuncPtrQueue:()V (FindClass) 01-22 11:05:03.114: W/dalvik

  • Baconbeastnz
    javascript jquery
    I’m using window.onerror, and window.onbeforeunload to pass all the errors encountered in the users session with AJAX, I’m trying to test it, and I need to create some javascript errors to test if it is catching it I’ve tried things like var a = b; (where b doesn’t exist) problem is these errors seems to be fatal and stop any further processing…Can anyone think of a decent way to cause some errors without stopping the processing of the script?ErrorManager: (function () {function Init(message)

  • fletch
    php javascript mysql
    I have been utilising the same script in several pages and now am facing this is the first part of the code.<?php require_once(‘REDACTED.php’);$query = “SELECT * FROM tracking WHERE server=’Phoenix’ AND joindate >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)”;$result = $mysqli->query($query);$phoenixShare = $result->num_rows;$query = “SELECT * FROM tracking WHERE server=’Xtreme’ AND joindate >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)”;$result = $mysqli->query($query);$xtremeShar

  • Zachary Burt
    javascript node.js v8 npm
    When I run my node app, I get this error message before it quits:FATAL ERROR: v8::HandleScope::Close() Local scope has already been closedBy hunting around on the google groups, one theory I have is that I have a node module version conflict. But I’m not sure how to resolve it.Note: I have another socket.IO server running on this machine. Could that be the culprit?(function () {“use strict”;var express = require(“express”);var app = module.exports = express.createServer(),util = require(“util”

  • Chinchila
    javascript php jquery load
    I have that code:$(function(){$(“#dirr”).click(function(){$(“section[name=files]”).load(‘pages/files.php?’ + $.param({dir: 2}););}); });and that error on page:Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object in \pages\files.php on line 51UPDATE:<? if($_GET[‘dir’] == “”){echo ‘<form id=”dirform” method=”POST” action=”?f=createdir”><label>Create directory:<input type=”text” id=”cdir” name=”cdir” required><input type=”radio” name=”dirpub” id=”dirpub” value=”1

  • TKVideoChat
    javascript mysql phpmyadmin monitor
    When I open phpMyAdmin – Status – Monitor I get an error: A fatal JavaScript error has occurred. Would you like to send an error report?Report message is:{ “exception”: {“mode”: “stack”,”name”: “TypeError”,”message”: “chartObj is undefined”,”stack”: [{“func”: “addChart”,”args”: “”,”line”: 1042,”column”: “30”,”context”: [” /* Adds a chart to the chart grid */”,” function addChart(chartObj, initialize) {“,””,” var i;”,” var settings = {“,” title: escapeHtml(chartObj.

  • John Woo
    android database json
    I’m making this app that has an activity that enables user to log in, the program checkĀ“s the information against a database and then sends the user to the dashboard screen. It has been working perfectly but now I’m getting some strange errors that i can’t make out where they’re coming from.Here’s the logcat: 01-18 14:54:22.160: E/AndroidRuntime(2621): FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #5 01-18 14:54:22.160: E/AndroidRuntime(2621): java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occured while executing doInBackgr

  • user256009
    php json
    Hi kinda new on JSON so please bear with my stupidty.. I’m developing a chat application and I’m trying to use json on my working php script.. What I’ve tried so far is that after I execute my database query I encode the result as a JSON then after that I use json_decode then Insert it on my foreach statement Here is the php code with both json_encode and json_decode with it<?php session_start(); $username=$_SESSION[‘username’]; $user_id = $_SESSION[‘id’];require “config.php”;$con = new PDO(“

  • user1064660
    php json parsing
    I am using an api for film dates and im trying to parse a json array. Ive tried to parse the release dates but i receive this error – Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an arrayBelow is an example from the arrayArray ([total] => 17[movies] => Array([0] => Array([id] => 22494[title] => Titanic (in 3D)[year] => 1997[mpaa_rating] => PG-13[runtime] => 195[critics_consensus] => A mostly unqualified triumph for Cameron, who offers a dizzying blend of spectacular visual

  • soul
    plugin-development json data-sanitization
    I don’t know why but it seems like wordpress is adding a second backslash when I’m using the following functions:addslashes($str_with_single_quotes) addslashes(stripslashes($str_with_single_quotes)); esc_sql($str_with_single_quotes) str_replace(“‘”, “/'”, $str_with_single_quotes)What I’m doing is that I’m fetching data from different API’s and then converting those data to a json string so I can access them later on:$item_data = array(‘item_title’ => __(addslashes(stripslashes($item_name))),’

  • Stian Instebo
    android database json google-maps loops
    Im working on an app which has google Maps in it. I want to add markers / pointers to the map. The pointers will be added from the data which is received. So if theres 3 rows in the database then it should add 3 markers to the map which the LatLng and the name of the row.I am able to add markers manually but i want it to do it in a loop. So for each row -> add an marker to the map.How can this be done?My activity is as following.public class MapsActivity extends Activity {private MainMapFragemen

  • Sandip Armal Patil
    android json jsonexception
    I am trying to make a project where i am tryin to import the datas from web server and then show then in a listview, But i am getting a error as:FATAL EXCEPTION: main java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat org.json.JSONTokener.nextCleanInternal( Here is my code.package com.ku.trying;import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; im

  • karthikr
    php arrays json object
    Hi I need a help on below, I know its raised in a past but I am currently struggling to figure it out the error Cannot use object of type stdClass as array on line$score[$counter]=($bronze*$tempArray[6])+($silver*$tempArray[5])+($silver*$tempArray[4]);<?php//turning the date other way around that is why explode the date string and stored in an Array$gold=$_GET[‘gold_input’];$silver=$_GET[‘silver_input’];$bronze=$_GET[‘bronze_input’];$gdp_value=$_GET[‘gdp_checked’];$link = new mysqli(‘localhos

  • Mike_NotGuilty
    java android json
    This question already has an answer here:android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException16 answersi’m new in Android programming. I want to read data out of a simple json. I have checked dozen of threads with answers which worked for some people. But i’m always getting a fatal error. can someone help? The JSON is from twitter.code:public class MainActivity extends Activity {/** Called when the activity is first created. */InputStream inputStream = null;String result = “”; public void onCreate(Bundle sav

  • user3313192
    java android json android-asynctask nullpointerexception
    I’m getting a FATAL EXCEPTION with a NullPointerException in line 275 of mainActivity ( Log.d(“Create Response”, json.toString());) I have referenced the object before as JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); and I’m still getting null pointer. My log cat and java code is below. Log cat :02-19 08:56:34.101: E/AndroidRuntime(1913): FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #1 02-19 08:56:34.101: E/AndroidRuntime(1913): Process: com.example.newjudoapp, PID: 1913 02-19 08:56:34.101: E/AndroidRuntime(1913): java.

  • user3025492
    json node.js jsonlint
    I’m trying to run jsonlint on a 40MB JSON file, but it halts execution with an exit status of 5, and the following error message:FATAL ERROR: JS Allocation Failed – process out of memoryDoes anyone know how I can get this JSON pretty-printed? I wonder if it has to do with node’s –max-old-space-size argument, but I’m also unsure how to pass this to the installed executable file.If there’s another approach I could take to rendering this with human-readable indentation, I’d appreciate those sugges

  • user2945435
    node.js smartos
    I got following error when I started node.js server on smartos. anyone who solved this problem, help me please.module.js:356Module._extensions[extension](this, filename);^ Error: node: fatal: /root/aaaa/node_modules/geoip/build/Release/geoip.node: unknown file typeat Module.load (module.js:356:32)at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)at Module.require (module.js:364:17)at require (module.js:380:17)at Object.<anonymous> (/root/aaaa/node_modules/geoip/index.js:4:15)at Module

  • user3335921
    excel node.js mongodb
    I am using nodejs to parse xlsx files with module “jsxlsx_async” and values will be stored in mongodb. My code:xlsx(file, function(err,wb){if (err){//handling err}//get data array wb.getSheetDataByName(‘Sheet1’, function(err,data){if (err){//handling err}//handling dataconsole.log(data);});});Using: Nodejs: v0.10.25, MongoDB: v2.2.6, OS: win8, RAM:6GBMy steps: uploaded xlsx file and saving those read values into an JS object. 2.Save the read values into mongodb collections by iterating th

  • Damodaran
    node.js file out-of-memory fatal-error
    Interesting. Some large file got error. Some does not. Those file created by the following cmd does work.dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/name/testfile.tar.gz bs=280M count=1But some exe file does not work.test.jsvar source = fs.createReadStream(req.files.file.path); var dest = fs.createWriteStream(‘/var/www/uploads/’ + process.hrtime()[0] + process.hrtime()[1] + ‘_’ +;source.pipe(dest);source.on(‘end’, function() { /* copied */ console.log(‘end’); });source.on(‘error’, function

  • nickb
    php node.js npm
    I’ve recently installed node.js with and npm on my linux server I have the npm server script running ok but when I try to execute the PHP client app I get the following error PHP Fatal error: Class ‘DNode\DNode’ not found. I’ve google the heck out of it but haven’t found much about it. can somebody help me set up npm for the first time?

  • Zachary Burt
    javascript node.js v8 npm
    When I run my node app, I get this error message before it quits:FATAL ERROR: v8::HandleScope::Close() Local scope has already been closedBy hunting around on the google groups, one theory I have is that I have a node module version conflict. But I’m not sure how to resolve it.Note: I have another socket.IO server running on this machine. Could that be the culprit?(function () {“use strict”;var express = require(“express”);var app = module.exports = express.createServer(),util = require(“util”

  • user3025492
    json node.js jsonlint
    I’m trying to run jsonlint on a 40MB JSON file, but it halts execution with an exit status of 5, and the following error message:FATAL ERROR: JS Allocation Failed – process out of memoryDoes anyone know how I can get this JSON pretty-printed? I wonder if it has to do with node’s –max-old-space-size argument, but I’m also unsure how to pass this to the installed executable file.If there’s another approach I could take to rendering this with human-readable indentation, I’d appreciate those sugges

  • Nawara
    amazon-ec2 node.js amazon-rds
    I have a node.js application running on an EC2 instance (running Ubuntu) trying to connect to MySQL on RDS. The security group for the RDS instance contains the security group for the EC2 instance as an authorized entry. Both instances are in the same zone, us-east-1c.When I attempt to connect to RDS using MySQL CLI using mysql -u xxxxx -h -p I connect without any problems.However, when I attempt to connect using an RDS connection test utility I’ve writte

  • James Hickman
    ajax node.js
    When I attempt to run the command ‘node server.js’ in my ajaxim/server directory, I get this error: FATAL ERROR: v8::Debug::SetDebugMessageDispatchHandler V8 is no longer usableI am SO close to getting this AjaxIM to work with the node.js (guest).Anyone know what I am doing wrong and how to get it working right? Thanks!

  • Felix Kling
    node.js gruntjs
    I uninstalled grunt with following command.npm uninstall -g gruntThen I again installed grunt with following command.npm install -g grunt-cliVisit following link: want to use the above grunt pluginBut when I run the grunt command it gives me following error:D:\nodeJS\node_modules\grunt-html>grunt grunt-cli: The grunt command line interface. (v0.1.6)Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.If you’re seeing this message, either a Gruntfile wasn’t found or g

  • user2004018
    javascript node.js websocket
    I am trying to unpack a nodejs module I was getting a build error to install Visual stdio 2005 and .net framework2 sdk, so I did. now I am getting the following error with no advice on how to fix it. please help me.I am using vista, 32 bit.Your environment has been set up for using Node.js 0.8.18 (ia32) and NPMC:\Users\shane>CD C:\nodefilesC:\NodeFiles>npm install npm http GET npm http 304 npm ht

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