sql,magento,zend-dbRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • marc_s
    sql sql-server-2008 iis
    Getting the following error from SQL Server 2008:A fatal error occurred while reading the input stream from thenetwork. The session will be terminated (input error: 109, outputerror: 0).I am running Windows 7 Pro 64 BIT / 12 GIG RAM, IIS.Under light load (1 request per second) I get the above error, not sure why.I am using LoadUI (as this is a service based app) to execute the same request 1 per second. Which works fine. Now if I make another request from a Web App then I get the above error me

  • Chris Travers
    java sql database jpa roles
    I have these three steps bellow which I am executing every moment that I need to create a new environment for my app, the step 3 is just part of code…On the first step I create the database, second step I make the Roles and Users, and at the end I am making the structure, creating the tables of database.In my APP I try to connect the database by hibernate, this way:<property name=”connection.url”>jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/LGP_VREF</property><property name=”connection.user

  • Lisandro Vaccaro
    widgets sql
    I’m trying to get_results() in my widget’s front end, this is my current code:public function widget( $args, $instance ) {echo $args[‘before_widget’];if($children = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts” ))echo “working”;echo $args[‘after_widget’];}However I’m getting error “Fatal error: Call to a member function get_results() on a non-object”.I need to access the database to create a menu with the page children. What’s am I doing wrong?

  • Sadiq
    c# sql fatal-error
    I’ve just started playing around with SQL on C#, and I’m trying to connect to a remote SQL server. I’ve added my IP to the list of hosts that have remote access permission.My code keeps producing this error:System.InvalidOperationException: Internal Connection Fatal Error.at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.TryPocessHeader<>at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.TryPrepareBuffer<>at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.TryReadByteArray<.Byte[] buff, Int32 offset,

  • Jerry
    mysql sql
    I execute this query : SELECT `COD_AG`,`NUM_CONJ`,`SIT_CONJ`,`PRF_CONJ`,`NAT_CONJ`,`NOM_PR_CONJ`,`DOTI_CONJ`,`CIN_A_CONJ`,`CIN_N_CONJ`,`DAT_SIT_CONJ` FROM`gipeord_conjoint`,`gestion_delegation`.`dataidentifpersonnel` WHERE`gipeord_conjoint`.`COD_AG`=`gestion_delegation`.`dataidentifpersonnel`.`PPR` and then I have 2363 results and i select all records then click on export button to get the results in a sql file but i get this error : Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded i

  • Ahmed Eissa
    php sql
    I am building a block which needs to execute this SQL statement:$sql = ‘SELECT c.fullname AS CourseName, from_unixtime(l.time) AS DateandTime, u.username AS Username,l.ip AS IPAddress, u.firstname AS FirstName, u.lastname AS LastName, u.email AS Email, l.module As Activity,l.action As Action, l.url As URL, l.info AS Information, r.roleid AS RoleID, l.userid AS UserID, c.id as CourseIDFROM {log} l, {user} u, {role_assignments} r, {course} cWHERE r.userid = l.userid AND c.id = ‘ . $courseid; if($F

  • Matt
    php mysql sql sqlite pdo
    I seem to be having an odd issue when trying to switch my code over to my live server. It works on my local WAMP server without fail, however on my live server, when I try to pull information from my database and put it into a table, I get the error in the question title in my error_log.This is the code that causes the error:<?php$query = ‘SELECT * FROM APPLICATIONS’;$stmt = $dbConnection->prepare($query);$stmt->execute();$result = $stmt->get_result()

  • LLL
    php mysql sql pdo
    Sometimes in my tests on my localhost I´m having this error:Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded And I dont see what can be wrong.The error points to this code below, that is my connection code and the error message points specifically for this line:$pdo = new PDO(“mysql:dbname={$dbName};host={$dbHost}”, $dbUser, $dbPass);Do you see something that may be giving me this error? Because for me everything seems fine!My php file for the connection to DB:<?php function forC

  • dbugger
    c# mysql sql
    I am getting an exception while declaring the local variable in MYSQL. Please suggest me how to solve the issue..Exception: Fatal error encountered during command execution. InnerException: {“Parameter ‘@OrderofParent’ must be defined.”} Code Snippit: StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder(); <br>sbQuery.Append(@”Declare @OrderofParent INT; SET @OrderofParent = 0;select top 1 @OrderofParent = OrderofParent from Filter group by OrderofParent order by OrderofParent desc

  • Ashwini Verma
    c# asp.net .net sql database
    This is the second time I got following error for my website:Warning: Fatal error 9001 occurred at May 5 2012 1:16AM. Note theerror and time, and contact your system administrator.I get this error while login to website. However, there is no any problem for connecting database or fetching records.Last time I just took a backup and restore my database then this issue was resolved. But, I got again similar issue, now I want to know exact cause for this error.I appreciate your reply.

  • Lewis
    git magento github ssh
    We’re working on a clients Magento website at the moment. We’ve been developing some updates on http://dev.theirwebsite.com and using git to track commits etc. We got to the stage today when we were happy to put all of the changes live onto their production website.We went to the root folder of their site via SSH and ran a ‘git pull’ command to pull in the master file (git pull ‘origin’ master) but got the following error back:error: cannot create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable fatal:

  • Paulo Tomé
    magento magento-1.7 fatal-error
    Can someone help me?On index.php/admin the following exception was thrown:Fatal error: Call to a member function getBlockName() on a non-object in /home/ahorraen/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Captcha/Block/Captcha.php on line 43

  • akt
    php zend-framework magento ioncube
    This question already has an answer here:Solution for “Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of 100 reached, aborting!” in PHP10 answersI am getting Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of ‘100’ reached, aborting! with ionCube loader.And I don’t want to uninstall IonCube.So what should I do ?

  • dan.codes
    php zend-framework session magento
    Ok so I have written an integration to a third party order management solution inside of the Magento Ecommerce platform, which is built on top of the Zend Framework. Everything has worked fine on my local machine and also on my local dev server. Both Servers use PHP 5.2.x. When deploying to the Staging server which uses PHP 5.3.3 I am now getting this error in a part of my codePHP Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0I have tried commenting out pieces of code

  • Simon H
    ( ! ) SCREAM: Error suppression ignored for ( ! ) Fatal error: Call to a member function toHtml() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Layout.php on line 555Installed Magento 1.7 and WAMP 2.2 and a custom template. Magento admin works perfect but the frontend gives the above errors.Page.xml in magento 1.7 installation and the custom template doesn’t have the following code at all and therefore, didn’t try the following fix :<block type=”core/profiler” output=”toHtml”/

  • Muk
    magento soap magento-1.7
    When I run following code in magento root <?php $client = new SoapClient(‘http://localhost/mymagento/index.php/api/v2_soap/index?wsdl=1’, array(‘cache_wsdl’ => WSDL_CACHE_NONE)); $session = $client->login(‘testuser’, ‘testuser’); $result = $client->salesOrderList($session); echo”<pre>”;print_r($result); echo”</pre>”; ?>I am getting following errorFatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [4] Resource path is not callable. in /var/www/h

  • Ben Spurlock
    This is the full error:Fatal error: Call to a member function addToChildGroup() on a non-object in WEBSITE/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Block/Abstract.php on line 759I am getting a plain white screen and then turned on error messages and this is what came up. Thanks in advance 🙂

  • Gaz
    magento indexing
    I was having a problem with the row limit in MySQL because of the amount of attributes in a Magento install, so I put together an extension that extended the ‘Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Product_Flat_Indexer’ class to rewrite the char limit to 64 using the following code.protected function _MySQLCharLimit() {if (!$this->_isFlatTableExists($store)) {$sql = “CREATE TABLE {$tableNameQuote} (n”;foreach ( $columns as $field => $fieldProp ) {if ( $fieldProp[‘type’] == “varchar(255)” )$fieldProp[

  • Alan
    magento bookmarks
    it shows: “Fatal error: Class ‘Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_action’ not found in …/app/code/local/Magentix/SocialBookmarking/controllers/Adminhtml/BookmarksController.php on line 4″I check it and find that nothing is in bookmarkscontroller.php.on line 4.What’s wrong is it? and i also check it that the social bookmarket plugin still shows in the front page here.Original code:<?php/** http://www.magentix.fr **/class Magentix_SocialBookmarking_Adminhtml_BookmarksController extends Mage_Adminhtml_

  • andyfan
    php zend-framework magento
    I am developing a payment method module in Magento. When I click payment methods menu in Configuration of Magento I get the below errorFatal error: Call to a member function toOptionArray() on a non-object in \xampp\htdocs\magento\app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\System\Config\Form.php on line 421Please see the below link for the code of module which I was developingMagento module Fatal error: Class Mage_Cashondelivery_Helper_Data not found in \xampp\htdocs\magento\app\Mage.php on line 516I am

  • Barry Hamilton
    zend-framework zend-db
    In my model I have the following functionprotected $_users =’users’; public function getbyid($user_id) { $select = $this->_db->select()->from($this->_users)->where(‘users.user_id =?’, $user_id);$result = $this->_db->fetchRow($select)->toArray();return $result; }When it is called it returns fatal error :Call to a member function toArray() on a non-objectCan anyone point in the direction of what I am doing wrong.Thanks. output of Zend_Debug::dump($this->_db->fetchRow($selec

  • hakre
    mysql zend-framework pdo zend-db
    I came across what looks like an odd issue with either Zend_Db or PHP’s PDO MySQL driver, that perhaps stems from my lack of knowledge of those two.Let’s assume I have a MySQL Table with a NULLable TIME field. If I run a query like this in MySQL client:UPDATE mytable SET mytime = NULL WHERE id = 1;Everything works as expected and mytime field will hold NULL as value after this query.However, if I run the exact same query in PHP through the Zend_Db_Adapter, the mytime field is set to ‘0:0:0’ afte

  • JoeyD473
    php mysql zend-framework pdo zend-db
    I am using Zend Framework and am trying to connect to a database by it’s IP address.. I keep getting the following errorFatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Zend_Config_Exception’ with message’syntax error, unexpected ‘=’ inC:\xampp\htdocs\App\application/configs/application.ini on line27 ‘ in C:\xampp\php\zf\library\Zend\Config\Ini.php:182 (I removed thefull stack trace)I traced the error to the application.iniresources.db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL resources.db.params.host = resources.db.pa

  • Gerep
    php mysql zend-framework caching zend-db
    When I have a loop like this:foreach(…) {$r1 = $zend_db->fetchRow(“SELECT … “);$zend_table->insert($data_array, $where); }… running a few thousand times. Is it possible, that $r1 doesn’t contain a record inserted in the previous loop?At http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/query-cache.html they write “The query cache does not return stale data. When tables are modified, any relevant entries in the query cache are flushed.” But maybe ZEND does some unexpected caching for SELECT or I

  • Arun
    zend-framework zend-db zend-db-table
    <?php /*** clmsRegistration* * @author MGUCS-07* @version */ require_once ‘Zend/Db/Table/Abstract.php’; class ClmsRegistrationModel extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract {/*** The default table name */protected $_name = “clms_registration”;protected $_primary = “user_name”;public static function changePassword($username, $newpassword){ //changes the passwordtry {$chps= new ClmsRegistrationModel();$row = $chps->find($username);$row1 = $row->current();$row1->password=$newpassword;$row1->sa

  • Soundz
    sql magento zend-db
    Hi guys I’m having a hard time adding a join in Magento, well I know I can do $collection->getSelect()->join but I need to add a Count() expression in it.What I’m concretly trying to achieve is this query:SELECT `e`.*, COUNT(sfoi.product_id) as `count` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order_item sfoi ON sfoi.product_id = e.entity_id ORDER BY `e`.`entity_id` asc, `e`.`entity_id` asc Edit:THis is what it looks like now:$e = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/product’)->g

  • Marek
    php mysql zend-framework zend-db zend-db-table
    I have a class:class Content_IndexModel extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract {}and I want to insert new row into some table using:$this->getAdapter()->query();(I can’t use insert() method because I need to put “ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE …”)Query looks like this:INSERT INTO some_table VALUES (null, ‘Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla quis pulvinar quam. Nulla quis pulvinar quam. Nulla quis pulvinar quam. Nulla quis pulvinar quam. Nulla quis pulvinar quam. Nulla quis pu

  • Charles
    php zend-framework zend-db fetchall
    I have recently been studying the Zend Framework, but I have ran into a problem. Apache crashes when I run :$this->db->fetchAll(“SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT userid) AS NumberOfUsers, COUNT(id) AS total FROM notebook”)But,this don’t happen if I run$this->db->fetchAll(“SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT userid) AS NumberOfUsers FROM notebook”)or$this->db->fetchAll(“SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM notebook”)error log :————————— apache.exe – Application error ————————

  • Charles
    php zend-framework zend-db zend-db-table
    In idea to write less I’m trying to extend default Zend ORM system. I mean if we get from Db some data via Zend_Db_Table we can later process this data using Zend_Db_Table_Rowset or Zend_Db_Table_Row classes. My idea is to use custom Factory class like this:class Go_Factory {const PREFIX = ‘mule_’;/*** get from database item by specified primary key**/public static function get( $class_name, $identity ){return self::getDbTable( $class_name )->find( $identity );}/*** well, there is a corelatio

  • Matt McCormick
    php zend-framework zend-db zend-view
    I am using Zend Framework.I want the current user (if logged in) to always be available to the view. In my Bootstrap.php file I currently have:function _initViewHelpers() {$this->bootstrap(‘layout’);$layout = $this->getResource(‘layout’);$view = $layout->getView();// <snip> $view-> set some stuff$view->identity = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity(); }And my index.php file looks like:require_once ‘Zend/Application.php’; // Create application, bootstrap, and run $appl

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