authentication,soap,ntlmRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • STing
    login authentication session
    I have applications that I wrote that use SAML and then a user database to define permissions for them all. And basically once a user signs on via our SSO they can use the applications with their defined perms.I want to do the same thing for WP. Where do I start? I would like WP to recognize their session username before they login and then create wordpress cookie. I saw a root cookie plugin that would pass the user info to other wp sites but how about getting the session username to begin w

  • rfc1484
    plugins php authentication
    As explained in the reply of this post by the Advanced Access Manager’s author I’ve changed the current getCurrentUserRole function in the path /wp-content/plugins/advanced_access_manager/module with this new code:function getCurrentUserRole() {if (is_object($this->data) && isset($this->data->{$this->cap_key})) {$result = $this->data->{$this->cap_key};} else {$result = array();} return $result; }But I get an error when trying to access through

  • Gilles
    ssh logs authentication
    Is it possible to find out which ssh key was used to access an account? I have an account on a server that I let several (trusted!) people have access to via ssh. I’d find it useful to be able to know who logged in and when. I have root access so I can look at the logs, but there doesn’t seem to be anything there. Is there some configuration switch that will put some way of identifying the key in the logs?

  • Justin Ethier
    postgresql authentication concurrency
    For my dissertation I’m running the same cronjob on around 300 machines, which is:10,25,40,55 * * * * /path/to/ 1>/dev/nullThis script gets some values from the system (whether there is someone logged on), and then runs an INSERT statement on a remote PostgreSQL database. In my script, I specify the location of the .pgpass file for authentication, which is in the same folder as this script. This folder is mounted on (I believe) an NFS file system mounted with AMD.Now, mostly the c

  • DSblizzard
    postgresql authentication pgadmin
    I’m trying to register new server in pgadmin3 with following settings:Name: postgres Host: localhost Username: postgres Password: <password which works for psql> Service: empty or postgresBut it shows error:FATAL: Ident authentification failed for user “postgres”I’ve restarted postgresql service, but to no avail.Contents of /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf:# TYPE DATABASE USER CIDR-ADDRESS METHOD# “local” is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all

  • Max Rahm
    osx git authentication github google-authenticator
    So I had git running on my computer just fine. My password was saved with the osxkeychain thingy and everything ran smoothly. Today I decided I should be safe and enable google authenticator 2-step authentication on all the sites that support it. Interestingly github supports it so I set it up. It works fine through the website interface. I proceed to branch a project I’m working on and do a bit of work and then I try to push the new branch up. Not surprised at all when I find out my authenticat

  • mgorven
    mysql postfix authentication dovecot
    First time poster, long time lurker. I am currently rebuilding my postfix/dovecot mail server for support with MYSQL and am unable to figure out which auth mechanism to use.dovecot: auth: Fatal: No passdbs specified in configuration file. CRAM-MD5 mechanism needs one dovecot: master: Error: service(auth): command startup failed, throttling dovecot: imap-login: Error: Timeout waiting for handshake from auth server. my pid=24209, input bytes=0From my /etc/dovecot-sql.conf file:driver = mysql conne

  • DanielGibbs
    apache-2.2 authentication ssl-certificate certificate-authority self-signed
    I am trying to set up part of a Virtualhost in apache to require client authentication. The VirtualHost in question also acts as a reverse proxy for the actual web server. Here’s what I have done:Created ca.crt, ca.csr, and ca.key on the server I am using as the CA. Modified the config of the VirtualHost to look like this:…ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / ProxyPassReverseCookiePath / /SSLEngine On SSLCertificateFile “/private/etc/apache2/serv

  • zermy
    database postgresql authentication
    So, as I alluded to in a past question, I moved the database to a new server, but the DB can’t be accessed by the old code. The query error if it helps:Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: password authentication failed for user someuserNow, from I have read online, am I correct in thinking that this requires a modification to the pg_hba.conf file. But! I cannot find this file. My database cluster is stored in /var/lib/postgresql/9.0, but there is no pg_hba file

  • vij
    java android authentication cifs jcifs
    In the previous question ive asked, ive put all the necessary catch statements to find the exception. here is another one. i am posting the questions with exceptions, because it is easy to find an error by looking at them. since i am new to android, i am posting this type of questions.please see the code below. its saying no class found exception. but i have loaded the jcifs package jcifs-1.3.17.jar. i am not getting why the exception is thrown. please see below:code:package

  • Cikson
    php web-services soap wsdl
    I’m trying to send test message with my PHP SOAP client. I’m using BeSimpleSoap library because I had problems with standard PHP SOAP calss and NuSOAP class. This is my script:<?phpfunction __autoload($class_name) {include “C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\NIAS\\BeSimpleSoap-master\\src\\” .$class_name . ‘.php’; }$full_path=”C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\NIAS\\Unload\\”; $destination=”C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\NIAS\\Arhiva\\”; $OIB_URL=””;//$OIB_list=file_

  • Muk
    magento soap magento-1.7
    When I run following code in magento root <?php $client = new SoapClient(‘http://localhost/mymagento/index.php/api/v2_soap/index?wsdl=1’, array(‘cache_wsdl’ => WSDL_CACHE_NONE)); $session = $client->login(‘testuser’, ‘testuser’); $result = $client->salesOrderList($session); echo”<pre>”;print_r($result); echo”</pre>”; ?>I am getting following errorFatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [4] Resource path is not callable. in /var/www/h

  • maikelsabido
    php xml web-services soap wsdl
    I’m trying to create a PHP script that would send leads to a merchant using SOAP and xml but I’m having this error: Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn’t load from ‘’ : failed to load external entity “”It seems that I cannot connect to the secure web service. They said that I should includ

  • codemania
    php soap
    I’m trying to query a SOAP API and am receiving the above error. If I was to take a guess I’d say it’s relative to this snippet from my wsdl file…<!– User authentication –><element name=”UserAuthentication”><complexType><sequence><element name=”iId” type=”xsd:int” /><element name=”sPassword” type=”xsd:string” /><element name=”sType” type=”api:UserType” /></sequence></complexType></element>In getSoapResults() – do you have any idea w

  • shadyyx
    php soap soapfault
    I am trying to connect osticket support system with opencart. I tried to integrate with this SOAP<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set(‘display_errors’, ‘1’);$osticket = new SoapClient(‘’);// Set up the parameters $args = array(‘username’ => ‘WebService’,’password’ => ‘MySecr3tp@ssword’,’origin’ => ‘Web’,’alertUser’ => true,’alertStaff’ => true,’ticketData’ => array(‘name’ => utf8_encod

  • asok Buzz
    php soap
    its works by hit url but in cronjob script not workes.Cannot instantiate non-existent class: soapclient in command prompt.$wsdl =’********/InvoicingService?wsdl’; $client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array(“trace”=> 1,”exceptions” => 0)); $invoicecheck = array(“username” => “*****”,”password” => “*****”,”invoiceNo” =>”****”); $proxy = $client->getProxy(); $value2 = $client ->checkInvStatus($invoicecheck); $statusInvoice=$value2->return->responseMessage;if($statusInvoice==

  • Andrew Cookson
    php soap
    In my wsdl file I have a user authentication block:<!– User authentication –><element name=”UserAuthentication”><complexType><sequence><element name=”iId” type=”xsd:int” /><element name=”sPassword” type=”xsd:string” /><element name=”sType” type=”api:UserType” /></sequence></complexType></element>I’m trying to instantiate a SOAP call like thus:$client = new SoapClient(“”,array(‘iId’ => 123456, ‘

  • Larry Dougherty
    php soap
    I’m attempting to write a PHP script that will connect to the SOAP client for our SightMax interface. With the code below I am getting the the following error.<?php $client = new SoapClient(‘’, array(“soap_version” => SOAP_1_2));$result = $client->__soapCall(“GetSiteSummary”, array(), array(), new soapHeader(‘action’,’SmartMax.SightMax.Agent.Operator/IRemotedWebsiteAdministrator/CreateCallQueue’));echo “<pre>”; prin

  • rrazd
    php web-services soap
    I am trying to run a few php files that connect to a web service and run as batch scripts to export spreadsheets to an online repository. I solved a couple of errors and am now stuck on this error that shows up in the command prompt when I try and run the php scripts:Fatal error: Call to undefined method soapclient::login() in C:\….Any ideas how to fix this?I am using nuSOAP libraries with my php files, so I thought the login() function is included… I have included require_once(“nusoap.p

  • chris
    php soap windows-7 wamp
    I have a WAMP (windows (7), apache, mysql, php) stack all setup and running. All is well and it is working and running as expected. I use the machine primarily for development however it is accessible to the outside world. Anyways..I recently come cross a client with a pre-existing SaaS product where cURL, SOAP, and the like are used. I drop there system onto my server and a bit of jumping around to set it up, get it setup, start plugging away at things to only come across a section where I am g

  • Mark Tomlin
    ssh proxy putty ntlm cntlm
    I’m trying to get to my SSH server on the internet from a corporate network. All connections to the outside internet have to be proxied through a server that check’s for the NTLM hash of each client on each request. I’m using Cntlm for that, and it’s only half working. It’s working fine for HTTP based connections, but it’s not working for SSH style connections. I know this because, I can connect to Sublime Text’s Package Control Plugin to get and update plugins. I however, can not use it to SSH

  • Matt F
    maven javadoc webdav ntlm wagon
    I’m attempting to use Maven to deploy my Javadocs (which are created successfully) to a Sharepoint server, which requires NTLM authentication. I’m using the Maven Wagon plugin with the WebDAV provider to do this. I am using m2eclipse to set up a run configuration to execute goals within a specific profile.I’ve essentially pieced together a solution from various solutions I’ve found regarding these tools. It sounds as though NTLM may not be supported at all with Maven currently, but other page

  • Matan
    java security kerberos ntlm gssapi
    I’m working with an LDAP in forest architecture (all servers and my server are windows). I’m binding to the AD using NTLM authentication.I have a JAVA code that perform the operations against the LDAP server.The code is wrapped as a tomcat servlet.When running the JAVA code directly (just executing the LDAP authentication code as an application), the bind works both against the local domain (local domain = I logged in to windows, and ran this process with a user of this domain) and foreign domai

  • Nandan Jain
    authentication soap ntlm
    I am trying to consume a SOAP based web service. I have written consumer using CXF 2.5.7 API. Web service has a NTML authentication implemented. I am passing userid and password when invoking it. Code is working fine and I am able to see the response. Same code is also working on one of my college machine but it is throwing error on other colleague’s machine. It throws Authentication failure exception. Though we all are able to access WSDL on explorer. I am not sure where is

  • Mick Sear
    java sharepoint liferay ntlm jespa
    I have some Java code that needs to authenticate against a Sharepoint server running NTLM authentication. I have this code running fine on the command line in my IDE, but when I deploy it within Liferay as a portlet, it’s just failing with 401 Unauthorized.The code is exactly the same except in how it’s invoked. One is during the doView() portlet method (portlet render phase), and the other (which works) is from a public static void main method.I set the Jespa logging at level 4 to see output.

  • Ian Boyd
    security kerberos ntlm networkcredentials
    i want to validate a set of credentials against the domain controller. e.g.:Username: joel Password: splotchy Domain: STACKOVERFLOWIn .NET 3.5 and newer you can use PrincipalContext.ValidateCredentials(username, password).Otherwise you’re in trouble.Following the code in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article How to validate user credentials on Microsoft operating systems, i get to the point where you call AcceptSecurityContext:ss = AcceptSecurityContext(@pAS._hcred, //[in]CredHandle s

  • Chris http iis ntlm wcat
    Does anyone know how to avoid WCAT recording unexpected “401 Unauthorized” HTTP Status codes when testing a web application that uses NTLM authentication? An example of the code I am using for a request is below:request{url = “http://server”;authentication = NTLM;username = “user”;password = “xxxx”;statuscode = 200;}To clarify, this script works fine and does manage to retrieve the content but when ran against an IIS7 server the NTLM negotiation (I believe) means that the initial 401 code is rec

  • Breakthrough
    windows-7 internet-explorer-8 authentication intranet ntlm
    Long text, sorry for that. I’m trying to be as specific as possible.I’m on Windows 7 and I experience a very frustrating Internet Explorer 8 behavior. I’m in a company LAN with some intranet servers and a proxy for connecting with the outside world.On sites that are clearly recognized as being “Local Intranet” (as indicated in the IE status bar) I keep getting “Windows Security” dialog boxes that ask me to log in. These pages are served off an IIS6 with “Integrated Windows Security” enabled, NTF

  • Kristiaan
    linux active-directory squid centos6 ntlm
    I need some advice with an error i am getting when trying to start Squid which has integrated NTLM / AD auth setup.heres the back story:I’ve followed this guide word for word on the setup, installation and config of the server. So far everything has gone smoothly and i feel like i’m minutes away from getting this system running.I am able to-do Wbinfo -a administrator kinit Administrator klisteach command gives a confirmation that it ran successfully and worked as expected.The Linux box has succe

  • Yanick
    java authentication ntlm urlconnection
    I am trying to open an http connection to an url protected with the NTLM authentication scheme. This code has been working correctly for 2 year when we were on Java 6.I wrote a small java program which access that particular url to make the test case as simple as possible.The problem is that I am unable to make the program work on linux and when using versions of the JDK 7. Java tries 20 times to access the URL and then I get an error telling me that the server redirected too many times. It work

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