problem about google-sitemap-Collection of common programming errors

  • Rahat
    iis-7 iis-7.5 windows-server-2008-x64 google-sitemap
    Why do all the sites on IIS start to throw HTTP 503 error after installing google sitemap generator?I noticed that app pools are crashing. If I restart an app pool it crashes again after few minutes. It all started after installing the Google sitemap generator tool (sitemap_win-beta1-20091231.msi).We did not have the problem on Windows server 2003 32bit OS and IIS6. The problem exists on IIS 7 running on Windows Server 2008 64bit OS.

  • Stuart M
    magento google-sitemap
    I’m trying to override Magento’s functionality to create a sitemap.xml file (Catalog > Google Sitemap in the backend). The idea of my override is that not all product- and category-URLs should be included in the sitemap, I need the category-path of a product or category to determine whether to include it or not.So this is what I did, I added this to my module’s config.xml:… <global>…<models>…<sitemap><rewrite><sitemap>Company_Module_Model_Sitemap</sitema

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