php,soap,wsdl,magento-1.7Related issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Iain
    apache-2.2 php centos suphp
    We have a server that’s handling uploads. The memory limit is set at a ridiculously high level in php.ini (800 M).. however we have gd, which is managing the image resizing, but it is dying at about 60M of memory usage (our error log is reporting a fatal error at this stage).From all our Apache config files (CPanel/WHM managed), I can’t find a RLimitMem that’s set anywhere either.I’ve looked as well if there’s any limits set in our kernel, but can’t find anything there as well.Is there somethin

  • Haresh Vidja
    ubuntu php wordpress
    I have moved my server data PHP + WordPress and database(mysql) from one server to another server… All things working fine… but some time i got page blank in click submit button.. This problem occures some time ..I didnt get any error or fatal error in errorLog file and not get access entry in accsessLog file also on time of blank page.. Black page issue occurs some time on same taskSo how can I fix this problem..

  • Scott Pack
    apache-2.2 php centos
    So the same code works on my Ubuntu server but when I upload it to my dedicated hosting server running CentOS it seems to add an extra prefix of .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php: I tried setting includepath to different things but it just doesn’t work. The file is in a directory called language in the same folder as the file that is including it and I’m using:include dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.”language”.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.””; include dirname(__FILE__).”/language/language.

  • mike
    php cpanel pdo
    Getting this error: Fatal error: Class ‘PDO’ not foundHave these lines in extension=pdo_mysql.soThis shows up in– –enable-pdo=shared’ ‘Have access to whm but there is no “software” tab from which to access easyapatche? Any suggestions??

  • Mahbubur R Aaman
    php centos zend-framework
    Shows PHP Fatal Errormain(): Failed opening required ‘Zend/Loader.php’I have installed ZF on /usr/share/phpzf command is working. I can create project and do other works using zf command. But while including the library path then shows the error.Am i missing something?

  • Passionate Developer
    apache-2.2 php
    I am getting below errors despite setting memory_limit in php.ini to 64mb:Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 6291456) (tried to allocate 91284 bytes) in /home/favstayc/public_html/coverbuddy2/cake/libs/configure.php on line 1067What could I change to fix this issue?

  • BlaM
    php iis7 stdout stderr
    Okay, this is slowly getting annoying. I’m used to work with Apache Webservers and never had any of these problems. IIS seems to try to be intelligent – or whatever.Here’s my situation: My customer wants a PHP website and it is supposed to run on an Windows IIS webserver.For my development environment I could use my Apache – but just to be sure I want to do it with IIS, too. So I set up a dev-server with Windows Vista, all the latest Updates and installed IIS. Everything fine!I quickly found ins

  • WerkkreW
    apache-2.2 php varnish
    We recently migrated our site to a load balanced apache cluster behind varnish. Since that time a very small subset of users is reporting they cannot view any pages. I have narrowed the issue down quite a bit. This issue was not present before the move, the old infrastructure was a single large box.We are on Rackspace Cloud running 8 apache2 instances behind varnish 3.0 all load balanced using Rackspace Cloud load balancers (Zeus) and 2 mysql instances for a total of 10 servers, all linux.Use

  • Uvais Ibrahim
    php php-extensions pecl expect
    I got some serious error while installing expect extension in PHP.I ran sudo pecl install channel:// got error like this while running make,running: make /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-rootvXp7LZ/expect-0.3.1/libtool –mode=compile cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/expect -DPHP_ATOM_INC -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-rootvXp7LZ/expect-0.3.1/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-rootvXp7LZ/expect-0.3.1/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/expect -I/usr/include/php5 -I/usr/include/php5/main -I/u

  • Justin808
    php http httpd hostgator
    OK, so I’m uploading a 350meg zip file. The file one uploaded is unzipped and the contents are processed. The processing consists of reading in a data file, then copying and thumbnailing images, the adding data to a database. This is all once process start to finish. I can see in the log that the datafile is processed. I can see on the filesystem the thumbnails get created. But then it looks like the whole this starts over from scratch with blank post data and it fails.When I look at the httpd l

  • amazing me
    php web-services soap
    I am getting this error:Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn’t find definitions in ‘https://.asmx’ in /home/.php on line 8My code is:<?php $client = new SoapClient(“https://***.asmx”); $params = array( ‘aaa’=> ‘1’, ‘bbb’ => ‘2’, ‘ccc’=>’3’); $result = $client->CheckPayment($params);$xml = $result->CheckPaymentResult; ?>I have tested code with other web service which works fine. But, not with this one. How can i solve this problem?

  • Figen Güngör
    php soap
    I am trying a simple web service example and i get this error even though I uncommented “extension=php_soap.dll” in php.ini file. Can you help me out? Thanks.Error:Fatal error: Class ‘SoapClient’ not found in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\server.php on line 2

  • GordonM
    php logging soap fatal-error
    Consider the following script run for a URL that’s known not to contain a valid WSDL: <?phpecho “start\n”;try {$test = new SoapClient (‘’); } catch (Exception $e) {echo “Caught exception\n”; }echo “end\n”;As expected, it logs out the following when run: start Caught exception endso the script did run to completion in spite failing to connect to a SOAP server. This is exactly what I was expecting. What I didn’t expect was the following also getting logged to /var/lo

  • Roman Vottner
    java soap jaxb cxf apache-camel
    We have a couple of SOAP based web services, some are exposed via Apache CXF directly via contract first approach some are exposed as a service via Apache Camel and its CXF extension. Up to now we used a PAYLOAD approach as data format for the CxfSpringEndpoint but as requirements changed I have to change the data format to POJO instead to enable the unmarshalled object directly via Camel’s message body.After changing the code to enable POJO data format handling within Camel I’m stuck with the f

  • tutak
    java mysql web-services soap
    im stuck in this terrible problem, I have a SOAP based webservice implemented in Java.The client besides other data is supposed to have “male” and “female” checkboxes so the user can either select one of them or both and the client is supposed to send it to the server to be stored in the database, where it is a multivalued entity, but it gives me Error 500, the failure on Server side, is the way i pass the array and then use it on server side correct? if not how could i pass and process it? here

  • niklassaers
    java soap http-status-code-404 spring-ws
    The short version: My Spring-WS SOAP EchoEndpoint responds 404 whenever I try to access it. Please help, I’ve spent two days trying to get it to work correctly. :-ILonger version: I’ve got a Spring project where I need to make SOAP services that act, look and feel as SOAP services from the system that will be deprecated. Therefore I’m not going to be using marshalling, but rather analyse the envelope contents via XPath and make the response in a way that looks like the old system.But leading up

  • Satya
    android parsing listview soap
    I am creating two java files one is and Category.javaI am adding Library file ksoap2-android-assembly-2.6.2-jar-with-dependencies.jarBut here output is not displaying.I am doing soap XMl parsing.Here Text view but I want to a List. Please Help meMain.javapublic class Main extends Activity {private static String SOAP_ACTION = “”;private static String NAMESPACE = “”; private static String METHOD_NAME = “HelloWorld”;private static String URL

  • karan
    java web-services rest soap cxf
    I’m using the Apache CXF framework with Spring to create a RESTful API for my project. Now, i need to call a SOAP service from withing my REST service. I have generated the java code and a client through Eclipse which generates all client code and a main method to call the service. However, as soon as i put this code in my RESTful service and instantiate the class annotated with @WebServiceClient, i get a Class Cast Exception with the message Failed to determine BusFactory implementation class n

  • Charles
    .net wcf soap
    I’m developing a simple wcf service and trying to expose it as Soap for compatibility reasons: the client will be a flash application with its nice actionscript.I am obviously using basicHttpBinding to generate soap compatible WSDL.Here follows my configuration (anonymized of sensitive data of course):<system.serviceModel> <bindings><basicHttpBinding><binding name=”soapBinding” /></basicHttpBinding> </bindings> <services><service behaviorConfiguration

  • Brian Kessler
    java web-services soap jaxb salesforce
    I was on one Java/Salesforce tutorial but I couldn’t get it to work as is because SoapBindingStub seems to be obsolete code based upon depreciated libraries. So I tried to mesh the code with code from JAX-WS Quick Start, but this didn’t quite work either. No matter what I did, ultimately the sample console application would suffer exceptions, complaining “Web Service Exception creating salesface port.: Unable to create JAXBContext due to the security restriction on class

  • Jayesh
    android web-services wsdl ksoap2
    i am making one example of calling wsdl webservice made in Zend (framework of php) and i am using ksoap api(jar file) and i got this error org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: expected: START_TAG {}Envelope (position:START_TAG <definitions name=’Ccc_Core_Model_Api_Server’ targetNamespace=’’>@2:385 in i read all questions of stackoverflow related to this error, but i am not ab

  • Dinesh Arora
    web-services apache wsdl apache-camel
    I went through the example on Apache camel website and camel in action and both focus heavily on exposing a webservice. The only example I found online does not work.I am trying to access a third party webservice wsdl – service has a operation/method that calculates the currency rate. The operation name is “ConversionRate”.I defined the route like this -<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <!– Configures the Camel Context–&

  • Lena Bru
    java ant wsdl
    I need to generate an Axis Web service wsdl using ant scriptThis is the script i got from the tutorial page – but it doesnt work, and I can’t figure out what is wrong with it<target name=”main” depends=”create-class-dir, create-wsgen-outdir, create-wsdl-outdir,compile”><exec executable=”${wsgen-cmd}”><arg value=”-verbose” /><!– Set the classpath. –><arg value=”-cp” /><arg value=”${class-dir}” /><!– Generate a WSDL file. –><arg value=”-wsdl” />&

  • Itai Sagi
    spring wsdl jax-ws
    I have a WebService which is created using JAX-WS, I’ve written a JUnit to connect to it in the following manner:public class LicenseSvcClient {private static final String WS_URL = “”;private static LicenseService licenseService;@BeforeClasspublic static void init() throws MalformedURLException{URL url = new URL(WS_URL);QName qname = new QName(“http://webservices.activation.cellebrite/”, “LicenseServiceImplService”);Service service = Service.create(url, q

  • brelian
    wsdl mule
    I have a wsdl with this url ( that set username + password on it. Now I want to use this url as a wsdlLocation in my .mflow (configurationXML) file such as thes codes:<flow name=”PostCode” doc:name=”PostCode”><http:inbound-endpoint host=”localhost” port=”8085″path=”postcode/service” exchange-pattern=”request-response” doc:name=”HTTP”><cxf:proxy-service doc:name=”post_code” service=”PostcodeWSService”wsdlLocation=”

  • moritz
    java web-services wsdl wsgen
    I am trying out wsdl generation with the help of the wsgen tool. I have endorsed jaxb-api.jar and jaxws-api.jar files.I have a library TestTo which has TestingTo class ASpublic class TestingTo implements Serializable{public String name; }This TestTO library is included in webservice project.My WebService is as below- @WebService() public class IcfInfra {@WebMethod(operationName = “printTest”)public TestingTo printTest(@WebParam(name = “string”) String string){TestingTo to = new TestingTo();

  • GPS
    java web-services hibernate wsdl
    I am generating a web service in Java with Eclipse IDE that has a class with methods that query the database through Hibernate mapped DAOs. If I create the web service without using all the Hibernate types (as a parameter passed to methods or a return type) it succeed, If I try to use all my Hibernate beans in order to have them mapped it fails. anyone faced this problem before?The problem is I dont have all the Hibernate objects mapped in the web service. of course not having some they are unde

  • ashcrok
    php soap wsdl exist-db
    i’m trying to type a simple access code to the eXist database, but the php goes crazy about the wsdl:The php code would sound like this:$db = new eXist();And in the eXist class, it’s by default $user=”guest”, $password=”guest”, $wsdl=”http://localhost:8080/exist/services/Query?wsdl”Well, the php doesn’t get the wsdl right: SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn’t load from ‘[http]localhost:8080/exist/services/Query?wsdl’ : failed to load external entity “[http]localhost:808

  • brelian
    xml xslt xsd wsdl mule
    this is my .xslt file :<?xml version=’1.0′ ?> <xsl:stylesheet version=”2.0″xmlns:xsl=””xmlns:wsdl=””xmlns:s=””><xsl:output method=”xml” version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ omit-xml-declaration=”yes” indent=”yes” /><xsl:param name=”remoteClientAddress” /><xsl:variable name=”remoteClientAddressTrimmed”select=”substring-before(substring-after($remoteClientAddress, ‘/’), ‘:’)” /

  • hakre
    php soap wsdl simplexml stdclass
    My background is Java. I somehow thought diving into PHP would be fun.I have a WSDL file with a few methods defined that I need to call. Each method typically has one request and one response type defined. These types are all one or two levels deep, no attributes – only elements. Nothing fancy. Almost all methods requires some common arguments, like “username” and “password”.I thought I’d test drive all of this and so I created an indirection which handles passing the standard arguments. The pro

  • brodster
    magento magento-1.7
    after moving my mangento installation fromm To I get an error message:\my magneto is displaying “Site Down For Maintenance” with white screenI get an error in my error_log filePHP Fatal error: Class ‘Varien_Data_Tree_Node_Collection’ not found in public_html/lib/Varien/Data/Tree.php on line 51

  • Will Palmer
    magento fatal-error magento-1.7 lightbox2 wsod
    I’m using Magento Community Edition stopped working after clearing js/css cache via cache management.I receive the following error:PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function addItem() on a non-object in home/*******/public_html/app/code/community/IG/LightBox2/Block/Catalog/Product/View/Media/Gallery.php on line 163The front-end now only shows WSOD / blank page.I have tried:commenting out line 162 & 163, Clearing caches, Logging In/Out, Uncommenting line in index.php to dis

  • rjony
    php magento content-management-system magento-1.7
    When I install any extension or Module from Magento connect, it does not works correctly in my live server. One of them,Fatal error: Class ‘Thebod_Shippingrates_Helper_Data’ not found in /home1/hameem/public_html/ on line 547After installing in localhost/localserver it works correctly. My localhost Magento ver. But When I install it in my live server, it did not works correctly. My Live server ver: Magento ver. Module Compatible with: 1.4.2

  • Meenakshi Singh Suryavanshi
    I have installed a new magento site after which this error shows on the frontend but the backend is working fine

  • user2168570
    I am using cart_product.remove api to remove products from the customers cart. The Api works fine and removes the product from cart. But it does not update the cart total after removing the product from cart. How do I update the cart total?Thanks

  • Abhijeet kumar sharma
    magento cron crontab magento-1.7
    I am working on a custom Magento module and set up a Cron job for it. Every thing is working fine but i am worried about the unexpected behavior of Cron job ( Random number of execution ). When i execute cron.php manually it calls the observer’s method of my module more then 1 times (Number of execution is not fixed, some times 3 some time 5 etc). I just want to execute observer’s method only once. Here is my code.1) Daffodil/Birthdaywish/etc/config.xml ……<crontab><jobs><daff

  • Shadowbob
    magento magento-1.7
    I have a Module that loads a whole bunch of Observers for a specific task on one theme. I’ve setup a mobile theme that doesn’t need this specific module. How do I disable the module for that theme ? I read the answers on Magento, how to disable module programmatically? that isn’t really helpful for my case because I don’t have any controllers in the module.I am checking the Package name if (Mage::getSingleton(‘core/design_package’)->getPackageName() == ‘package’) return true; but this doesn’t

  • alberto2000
    html css magento themes magento-1.7
    I cannot seem to find up to date tutorials for creating own themes from scratch for the current release of Magento, can anyone point me to one? The most comprehensive I know which but is a little out of date is thisOr could anyone give me a short step by step crash course on building one? I have some knowledge about the theme system of Magento by now.

  • Greg Demetrick
    php xml magento google-chrome magento-1.7
    I am working on a relatively extensive but not huge XML file that is being delivered from a custom Module in Magento using a controller. Everything has been going well and I have been able to get it to work and add nodes with no issues. The browser (Chrome in this case) has been rendering the XML document fine and stylizing it as expected. In order to display the XML headers properly via Magento I am using the following code:/* Set display to render output as an XML document */ $this->loadLay

  • Nathan Bunney
    php magento pdo magento-1.7
    I am having a problem similar to The PDO extension is required for this adapter but the extension is not loaded but not the same.The Magento install is running fine but when I try to run:require_once(APATH.MAGEPATH.’/app/Mage.php’); umask(0); Mage::app();in a directory outside of Magento I get the error:Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception’ with message ‘The PDO extension is required for this adapter but the extension is not loaded’ in /home/inzana/public_html/Store/lib/Zen

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