problem about jquery-file-upload-Collection of common programming errors

  • teresko
    jquery jquery-file-upload
    First of all I am new in MVC. And I am working on file Upload part which is all together not passing control from Ajax Js call to controller itself. Below is the code: View from Dialog.cshtmlUpload your customized Microsoft Word Document as a confirmation letterFrom Model.jsfunction uploadConfirm(summary, data) {clearErrorMessage();return $.ajax({type: “post”,url: “/Confirmation/Upload?”,processData: false,contentType: false, data: data}).success(function getSucceeded(data) {

  • Rob
    jquery jquery-file-upload
    I downloaded the blueimp Jquery-File-Upload plugin, and outside of configuring it to use my server ( in js/main.js ) and changing the premissions on the upload directory it is the default.When I select a file and click upload in chrome it says:Error SyntaxError: Unexpected token <In firefox it says:Error SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected characterI examined the difference between using it on my server and on the demo server, on my server in firebug the POST return is the entire index.html:&

  • Paul
    file-upload azure blob jquery-file-upload
    When I upload to Azure, the file in cloud storage receives the following header:——WebKitFormBoundarybzJFMKUkIyKi8fb4 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”files[]”; filename=”yif_2.jpg” Content-Type: image/jpeg<file data stuff>——WebKitFormBoundary2HGRqdPKdw6QiYNB–I also receive unexpected end of input when uploading these files.Then, when I download them, they are unreadable — presumably because of these issues.I am using BlueImp’s file upload to handle multi-uploads/chunking/dra

  • Dandan
    amazon-s3 jquery-file-upload
    I’m using Jquery_fileupload (JFU) to send files to an amazon s3 bucket.When a file it chosen by the user, the file is auto uploaded successfully and amazon returns a status code 204 no content. I’ve changed the s3 policy to return a 200 code for simplicity.The problem is JFU gives an error message for each file even though there’s no error:In firefox it’s: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of dataIn chrome it’s: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of inputAny ideas to resolve this would be helpfu

  • Dodinas
    ruby-on-rails jquery-file-upload
    I am having an issue with jQuery File Upload and Rails 4. Everything appears to be working except one thing! The files are successfully uploaded and data is successfully posted to the database. But, I get the following error upon uploading or “creating”:SyntaxError: Unexpected token $My guess: I think it has something to do with it wanting to receive JSON back, but I don’t know how to achieve this or where to put it. Any help would be great!Here is what I have: create.js.erb<% if @choice

  • coryj
    javascript json laravel blueimp jquery-file-upload
    I set up this multiple file upload plugin ( on my local machine (mac osx default server). Everything is working perfectly, when I upload an image I get back this response[{ “name”:”subaru-wrx-poster-i3(1).jpg”, “size”:142583,”type”:”image\/jpeg”, “url”:”http:\/\/\/bundles\/jupload\/uploads\/files\/52\/subaru-wrx-poster-i3%20%281%29.jpg”, “thumbnail_url”:”http:\/\/\/bundles\/jupload\/uploads\/thumbnails\/52\

  • vertigoelectric
    php jquery upload jquery-file-upload destination
    I’ve found other posts that talk about changing the upload path for the jquery-file-upload plugin. However, the answers usually involve hardcoding it into the upload.class.php file.I know how to do this, but the thing is, there will be multiple users uploading multiple files that need to go to different folders. I need to be able to dynamically set the destination path of the files.Is there any way this can be done? I’ve gone over the jquery-file-upload documentation and there’s no mention of

  • TheDude
    javascript jquery .net jquery-file-upload blueimp
    When I try to abort all file uploads for blueimp jquery file upload plugin, the Chrome browser crashes for some reason. It works without issue for every other browser (Firefox, IE, etc.). I’m uploading to a .net iis server. Here is the code://cancel all uploads$(‘#cancelAllBtn’).click(function () {var filesToCancel = $(‘tr td.uploadStatusCol div.cancelUpload’);layoutService.cancelFileUpload(filesToCancel);window.abortAllUploads();});var uploadQueueTracker = []; window.removeXHRfromPool = func

  • DVG
    ember.js jquery-file-upload
    I have an Ember.js controller and I’m attempting to send a file to my rails controller with jquery file upload.I started with this:myControllerAction: ->$(‘#fileupload’).fileupload(url: “/api/v1/comics”dataType: ‘json’formData:comic: {title: self.get(‘comicTitle’)prompt_one_id: self.get(‘prompts’)[0].get(‘id’)prompt_two_id: self.get(‘prompts’)[1].get(‘id’)})Which did work, but it sent the form as soon as a file was selected. I want to do it all when the user submits the form. So I tried this:

  • user1997147
    with this (jquery for fileupload) script I ve got some arror but it’s work en wamp in localfor production I need to stop this alert error ! “SyntaxError: missing } after property list progressall: function (e, data) {“or in Chrome “uncaught syntaxerror unexpected identifier on line 211” the same line than in firefox …does anybody have an idea??<script>$(function () {$(‘#fileupload’).fileupload({dataType: ‘json’, done: function (e, data) {$.each(data.result.files, function (index, f

  • Jonathan Lonowski
    javascript jquery backbone.js coffeescript jquery-file-upload
    I’m having a context problem with jquery-file-upload and Backbone. In the fileupload ‘done’ callback, I want to call another function defined in the Backbone view, but I lose the context. class MyBackboneView extends Backbone.viewinitialize_fileupload: ->$(‘form#my_form’).fileuploaddone: (e, data) ->this.some_function()some_function: ->…The error returned in the browser console is “Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method ‘some_function'” because “this” no longer refers to the Backb

  • ollo
    jquery ruby-on-rails-3 jquery-file-upload
    when i run my app, fileupload function shows errorUncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘fileupload’$(document).ready(function(){$(‘#datepicker’).datepicker();$(‘#fileupload’).fileupload({**Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘fileupload’**url: ‘/create_p’,add: function (e, data) {$(‘#upload’).append(‘<p class=”upl”>Uploading…please wait</p>’);data.submit();},success: function (r) {$(‘#upload’).remove(); //alert(r[“id”]) ;$(‘#id_p’).attr(‘va

  • Sree Raj
    ruby-on-rails angularjs jquery-file-upload
    I am trying to add Angular JS jQuery-File-Upload in my rails application.To implement this, I am using gem Angular JS code from when I tried to add a new file it is showing an errorUncaught TypeError: Object # has no method ‘scope’Here I am adding screenshot of the response that I got on file uploading.Can anyone help me to figure out the error?

  • Dae Il Kim
    flask jquery-file-upload
    I’m wondering if there are any current examples of using the jquery file upload plugin by blueimp with the flask framework. If anybody has some code snippet to share I’d be grateful.They layout seems to be fine and I can add a file and it previews well. The issue is that when I try to go and upload it, I get this kind of an error: [12:47:58.690] POST [HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST 7ms] On the server side, I don’t even have a valid file object that I can print out so I believe the issue here is with t

  • Ryan
    php jquery amazon-web-services amazon-s3 jquery-file-upload
    I am using the jQuery File Upload plugin on a WordPress site. I modified some of the events, so that when it is uploaded, it changes the value of hidden fields, which are passed upon submission to the backend and creates a custom post type in WordPress with that data.I then went to implement a PHP script found here that instead uploads the files to an S3 bucket. That all works fine, except I now get an error in the front end, and it won’t complete the task of updating the hidden values to the fu

  • Austen
    jquery file-upload jquery-plugins jquery-file-upload
    BackgroundI’m trying to use blueimp’s jQuery File Upload to allow users to upload files. Out of the box it works perfectly, following the setup instructions. But to actually use it practically on my website, I want to be able to do a couple things:Include the uploader on any of my existing pages Change the directory for uploaded filesAll the files for the plugin are located in a folder under the root.I’ve tried…Moving the demo page into the root and updating the paths for the necessary scripts

  • Duguleana Mihai
    javascript jquery jquery-file-upload
    I am trying to use the latest Jquery-file-upload plugin. I have the following code:<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><meta charset=”utf-8″><script type=”text/javascript” src=”./js/jquery.1.7.1.min.js”></script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”js/jquery-ui-1.8.23.custom.min.js”></script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”./js/jquery.main.js”></script> </head> <body> <input type=”file” id=”fileupld” /><br/><br/&g

  • DanH
    javascript jquery jquery-file-upload
    I’m using drag-drop to trigger my upload, so I’m not able to simply capture the return from findupload(‘send’) to get the jqXHR.So in the ‘fileuploadsend’ event I’m trying to grab the jqXHR element from the data object, however data.jqXHR seems to be undefined?$(‘#fileupload’).fileupload({…}).bind(‘fileuploadsend’, function (e, data) {console.log(data)console.log(data.jqXHR)});The output for the data object show’s a jqXHR element exists and is an object like so:jqXHR: Object abort: function (

  • Biswajit
    jquery html5 file-upload jquery-file-upload
    I have a popup modal. I need each time popup opens it will allow only 1 successful file upload. That mean if again popup opens (without refreshing the page) it will allow again a single file upload. Now this is my code-if(typeof fileuploadobj != ‘undefined’) {jQuery(‘#fileupload table tbody tr.template-download’).remove();jQuery(‘#fileupload table tbody tr.template-upload’).remove();//fileuploadobj.destroy; // jQuery(“#fileupload”).fileupload(‘destroy’);}// Initialize the jQuery File

  • dodgerogers747
    javascript jquery amazon-s3 coffeescript jquery-file-upload
    Please view the snippet below. I am using jQuery fileUpload and a direct s3 form to upload videos to AWS. I would like there to be a filesize limit of 5mb which is imposed before the video hits any local server. How can I amend this code so that the upload is halted completely and alerts the user when the filesize is over 5mb and if its under, everything carries on as usual?I have added a content length limit of 5mb to the S3 form options, so uploads of larger than this are refused, but it would

  • cetver
    jquery blueimp jquery-file-upload
    $(‘#fileupload’).fileupload({acceptFileTypes: /(\.|\/)(jpg)$/i}).on(‘fileuploadadd’, function (e, data) {console.log(data.files.valid); //undefinedsetTimeout(function () {console.log(data.files.valid); //true or false}, 500);}) ;jsFiddle How to get boolean value of property data.files.valid without timeout ?

  • Holger Just
    ruby-on-rails amazon-s3 carrierwave jquery-file-upload
    I’m getting this errorundefined method `file’ for #<String:0x007ffaf0049a28>when trying to display the content_type (ex. image/jpg) of a file. I’m using Carrierwave + Jquery File (both heavily modified to work together the way I want) + Amazon s3 (click this to see what I’m doing). It was working before with just carrierwave & amazon s3 but when I added the jquery file upload & direct s3, it’s just not working any longer.Can someone please help me out here? Here’s what I’m doing: &

  • Musa
    javascript jquery-file-upload
    jQuery-File-UploadUpload script:$(‘#fileupload’).fileupload({url: ‘api/combox_upload.php’,type: ‘POST’,dataType: ‘json’,dropZone: $dropZone,singleFileUploads: true,done: function (e, data) {attachments = attachments.concat(data.result);refreshAttachments();},add: function(e, data) {var file = data.files[0];data.context =$(‘<li>’,{‘class’:’file-upload-item’}).append($(‘<span>’).text($(‘<div>’,{‘class’:’progressbar’}).append($(‘<div>’,{‘class’:’progress’}

  • Mehedi
    jquery file-upload jquery-file-upload
    I use blueimp to upload file. Bluimp work fine when try to upload a file which size less than php.ini settings. But when exceeds its size than ini settings then it show a error like below<b>Warning</b>: POST Content-Length of 9936183 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br />In my project maximum file uploading limit is 5MB and I found this error when try to upload a jpg file which size is 9.26 MB. How to handle t

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