windows-7,emacsRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Jagger
    windows-7 java-7 eclipse-juno eclipse-kepler
    Apparently after aplying some latest updates of Windows 7, Eclipse stopped working properly. It freezes very often for 30 second to 2 minutes. In fact the system also freezes, for example the music that is played in WMP stops, loading web pages stops, etc.I tried it first with the newest Eclipse Kepler and thought it was only the new version but then fell back to Juno and the same thing happens.My JRE is Java 7u45 but I also tested it with 7u7 and no changes.It seems that in the time of freeze s

  • Tshepang
    java file windows-7 desktop
    I have the following method that is supposed to open the file that is passed in the associated program. It works for most files but if I pass any video or music file it prints Failed to open file:/C:/8GB/Bruno%20Mars%20-%20It%20will%20rain.mp3. Error message: Access is denied. (for example) and doesn’t open the file, even though it is associated with Windows Media Player!private static void openFileinAssociate(File toOpen){// Open it using the operating system/environmentDes

  • Lima
    wpf .net-3.5 windows-7 login
    I have an windows application (WPF) in which we are running on each login, however when the user first logs into a new PC the application will need to do some specific tasks, but only on the users first login and never on subsequent times.Is there a way in .Net 3.5 to query wether the user has logged in before (ie some kind of login count)?Failing any native support I will create a txt file in the users registry however I wanted to know if there is a native way of achieving this first.We use red

  • IAmYourFaja
    java tomcat windows-7 configuration
    Just downloaded Tomcat 7.0.26, unzipped it, ran the startup.bat file and it failed with the following error:Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.<clinit>( Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactoryat$ Method) at

  • Jakob Borg
    ruby-on-rails ruby windows-7 bluecloth devkit
    WIth Ruby 187, I had downloaded devkit from and followed the instruction per I had also ensured that devkit is installed properly by following smoke test.I had then tried installing bluecloth (v2.0.10). It had failed with following error:C:\test\typo>gem install bluecloth –platform=rubyTemporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit… Building native extensions. This could take a while… ERROR:

  • skaffman
    .net debugging windows-7 crash adplus
    I have a .NET process that sometimes fails with AccessViolationException in the native code of some 3rd party library.I wish to have full memory mini dump when that happens. I have read this page –, the section “To collect user-mode dumps” and configured the registry as the article explains. However, when the crash occurrs, a really small report is created – no *.mdmp file is in sight.Now, I know how to run the process from within ADPLus or how to make it a

  • maple_shaft
    java dll windows-7 windows-vista java-web-start
    I am having an issue attempting to get a production Java WebStart application running on Windows Vista or on Windows 7. This WebStart application is trusted, and is supposed to have full privileges to read/write/load dlls and other native libraries.It does all of this perfectly fine on Windows XP, however on Vista/Windows 7 it is failing to get access to certain dlls.If I run the application locally apart from WebStart altogether, it IS able to access the dll.I came across the following link: h

  • Paul
    ruby-on-rails windows-7 capybara
    Please help me to install capybara gem in Windows.>gem install capybara Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit… Building native extensions. This could take a while… ERROR: Error installing capybara:ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.C:/Ruby193/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb checking for ffi.h… no checking for ffi.h in /usr/local/include,/usr/include/ffi… no checking for rb_thread_blocking_region()… yes checking for ruby_native_thread_p()… yes checking for rb_thread_call_

  • Donal Fellows
    ruby-on-rails netbeans windows-7
    I’m running netbeans 6.8 on windows 7 pro (x64) with the bitnami stack and I’m using ruby 1.8.7-p72. Note: I can’t change the version of ruby I am using because I am working with a team, this is a college project and we have only 3 weeks left before we have to hand it in. Changing the version of ruby at this time would be too much work I think.I can’t debug my code with the IDE. It says I must have the fast-debugger installed but I cannot install it. When I try through the gui I get the follow

  • Matt Dawdy
    sql-server-2008 table windows-7
    Our underwriting company just sent us a data extract of leads. There are 9 million rows. The rows consist of LeadID (guid), RawLeadXML (xml — probably 3-4kb max), and a LeadStatusID (int).I first tried to add an autonumber integer and make it the primary key of this table. Well, it added the field, but couldn’t make it the primary key (There is insufficient memory available in the buffer pool.)What I need to do is to take every record, 1 by 1, and get the XML, put it into an XmlDocument obje

  • itsjeyd
    emacs clojure nrepl
    What I want:I have a clojure program on a remote site, let’s call it mccarthy. What I want to do is connect to a nrepl-ritz from my laptop, preferably using nrepl-ritz-jack-in. The jack in works fine for a local program, but doesn’t seem to connect to a remote program.Attempt 1C-x C-f on /mccarthy:code/program/project.clj(require ‘nrepl-ritz)M-x nrepl-ritz-jack-inResultEmacs appears to hang. If I go to the *nrepl-server* buffer, I see this:Exception in thread “main” java.lang.reflect.Invocatio

  • sayth
    emacs rubygems jruby
    I am trying to install Rsense, I am following the directions from here Rsense DocsRSENSE_HOME is set but i cannot install the jruby win32-service to complete the steps to have the rsense service started at boot. This is the full error, I also ran as error suggested specifying jruby version. Any ideas on completing the install?C:\Users\RenshawFamily>echo %RSENSE_HOME% C:\RsenseC:\Users\RenshawFamily>jruby -S gem install win32-service Fetching: win32-api-1.4.8.gem (100%) Building native exte

  • m7d
    I upgraded to Emacs 23 a while back and when I did the File, Edit, Options, and other menu options are not available on OS X Snow Leopard. Any ideas how to get them back? Thanks!

  • Luke Girvin
    I’d like to enter the mysteries of Emacs – but gently! Excuse the lack of machismo, but is there a Emacs-clone for Windows which supports mouse-and-menu usage to get me started — so I can delay learning ALT-META_CTRL-C-C for a while.

  • bahrep
    windows svn emacs cygwin basic-authentication
    I’m using on my desktop native windows emacs 24.2 configured to use cygwin bash.When I run SVN from cygwin bash everything works fine. It remembers my authorization credentials and connects to a repository. But when I try to run any version-control command from within emacs I always get the following message:svn: E170001: Unable to connect to a repository at URL’’ svn: E170001: OPTIONS of’’: authorization failed: Could notauthenticate to server: rej

  • desudesudesu
    emacs elisp emacs24
    Can anybody explain me how eval works with emacs24? From eval description:eval is a built-in function in `C source code’.(eval FORM &optional LEXICAL)Evaluate FORM and return its value. If LEXICAL is t, evaluate using lexical scoping.Does that mean, that something like this should work?(setq lexical-binding t) (let ((myvarr 42)) (eval ‘myvarr t)) ; (void-variable myvarr)Update:(setq lexical-binding nil) ;; => nil (let ((myvarr 42)) (eval ‘myvarr)) ;; => 42 (#o52, #x2a, ?*) (setq lexica

  • Hiett
    Can anyone advise how I can move forward (or back) by n commas in emacs?I am trying to navigate my way through a CSV fileI am aware I can do something like:C-u 100 M-fbut being able to do something more reg-exp like specifically on commas would be more accurate

  • Håkon Hægland
    emacs elisp
    I have problem making (move-to-column pos t) work correctly when the cursor is at newline character and I have turned off indent-tabs-mode, that is: (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil).In that case, if for instance the point is at column 0, and there is a newline character at that point ( it is helpful to use (whitespace-mode) to see the newline characters ) and I issue the command (move-to-column 10 t) the point does not move to column 10. Instead the point moves to column 9.UpdateTo give an il

  • robin
    emacs elisp
    I’m trying to set up some tests using ert that need to sleep for a background process to proceed. I’ve tried using sleep-for and accept-process-output. Neither is reliable. Here is a small example.This test just sleeps for 5 seconds and then checks that at least 3 seconds have passed. Using sleep-for it finishes immediately and fails. If the shell-command is uncommented is takes the expected 5 seconds and succeeds! What is going on here?(ert-deftest timetest ()(let ((now (cadr (current-time))));

  • Luke Girvin
    visual-studio-2010 unicode emacs notepad++ linqpad
    I created an ordinary text file on Windows 7 64-bit using gnu emacs 23.3.1. I can edit the file with other programs such as LinqPad (the file happens to be a linqpad script, extension .linq). Everything is fine until I put a Unicode character in the file, a character such as the greek letter ? (lambda). I can input the letter in emacs and it displays correctly. However, emacs refuses to save the file, reporting the following errorFailure in loading charset map: 8859-7If I input the ? in LinqPad,

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