c++,windows,google-chromeRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Paul Michalik
    c++ visual-studio-2010 unit-testing boost boost-test
    I am using Boost.Test Unit Test Framework for native C++ projects. All is working fine, but I’ve got one issue after upgrading to Visual Studio 2010: The messages about failed tests are no more shown in the error list after the tests ran as a post build step. This is a pity since the combination of Boost.Test with native C++ project came closest (although still beeing far away) to the comfort I am used to from unit testing managed projects. I am using the configuration recommended by the authors

  • Xin
    c++ asp.net-mvc azure pinvoke
    I’ve found this says azure web/worker role can load native c++ dll. Does azure website also support this?My site is a mvc site that p/invoke a native c++ dll which read files from local drive and does some calculations. the reason i’d prefer azure website is because it starts from free.Thanks.

  • Guy
    c# c++
    Having A.dll which is a managed c++ project (no other dependencies) From B.dll which is a C# project where A.dll is referenced having a Nunit method foo(). If calling the managed c++ code from foo() I got FileNotFoundException:The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E).I tried to change B.dll to console application and the same exception occurs. If I’m wrapping the managed c++ code in some other c# class in B.dll and then calling the wrapper from foo() everythi

  • Subhrajyoti Majumder
    java c++
    Say I have a static C++ lib, DataPacker.lib and is linked to a shared dynamic link library called Command.dll.The static library exposes following function,//Datapacker.h #ifdef __cplusplus extern “C” { #endif JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java__Observer_sendToClient (JNIEnv *, jclass, jobject); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif//Datapacker.cpp JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java__Observer_sendToClient (JNIEnv *, jclass, jobject) { //Print }Now I tried to call above function from java class as follows,//Observer.Jav

  • Eitan T
    c++ events dynamic-cast
    event is a highlighted keyword in MSVC++ Express 2008, and the following code is used in a framework:else if (dynamic_cast<simulation::AnimateEndEvent*>(event)) { … }What does it mean to dynamic_cast a keyword rather than a variable/object?

  • PSyton
    android c++ android-ndk
    For application build with latest NDK every touch event generates this error message in the application log:E/NativeActivity(20148): channel ‘425e6ad8/android.app.NativeActivity (client)’ ~ Failed toreceive dispatch signal. status=-11Is it a bug or may be something has changed in native input processing? Does anybody know how to fix it on application side?

  • John Smith
    c++ parsing http
    I’m trying to write a small c++ webserver which handles GET, POST, HEAD requests. My problem is I don’t know how to parse the headers, message body, etc. It’s listening on the socket, I can even write stuff out to the browser just fine, but I’m curious how should I do this in c++.Afaik a standard GET/POST request should look something like this:GET /index HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: keep-alive Accept: */* User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.22 (KHTML,

  • DeadMG
    c# c++ .net-4.0
    I’ve got a C# application that calls a native C++ DLL (I control the source of both). I’ve used AllocConsole() from the managed side, and then call into the native side. But the native code won’t output to the console- nothing happens, even though there is most definitely a console available, since I just explicitly allocated one. The code works fine if I allocate a console before the first console output from the native code, but if I try to allocate a console during only some std::cout calls,

  • mma1480
    c++ sockets tcp ip
    I have been learning how to program sockets, but when I try practice writing codes, I have some problems. The code works for connecting to computers on the same LAN but when I try to connect to two computers on a different network over the internet, I was unable to. Is this because of the program or is this because of network security?Where can I find more information on it if I want to make applications communicate over the internet. I was thinking of making a chat program so that I understandi

  • D-Klotz
    java c++ linux jni tomcat5.5
    I have a problem where allocating to much -Xmx causes a problem of the most unusual kind.The Problem: Setting -Xmx to 3072m on a 32bit JVM on a 64bit Linux OS works except for one condition where a servlet attempts to communicate with many outside entities via JNI IPC. When we lower the -Xmx to 2048m it works. No errors within tomcat are ever seen. The only errors that are seen are within the JNI logging code. This leads me to believe that since this is a 32bit process, setting the max java heap

  • Paul
    ruby-on-rails windows installation capybara-webkit
    I need to run tests in Jenkins which is installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, so the advices to run bundle install without “test” section do not fit here.I NEED to have capybara-webkit be installed in Windows. The error message I’m getting, includes, as always, native extensions:Installing capybara-webkit (0.12.0) with native extensions Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.C:/Ruby193/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rbGem files will remain installed in C:/Ruby1

  • renad
    windows win64
    I have developed a windows application using C# VS 2008 and Sql 2005 express, i have testes the application on my machine and it works fine, my machine is win32 bit, when i tried the application on windows 64bit it keeps giving me an error message on the start of the application,although i installed the sql express on that machine but should i install .NETframwork3.5sp1 64 bit also? , the target machine is widows 7 64bit, also is there a technology or a way to make the application work in the f

  • JZ.
    ruby-on-rails windows ruby-debug
    Any suggestions?C:\Users\Steve\barcoden>gem install ruby-debugBuilding native extensions. This could take a while…ERROR: Error installing ruby-debug:ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.C:/Ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rbcreating Makefilemake’make’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.Gem files will remain installed in C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/linecache-0.43for inspection.Results logged to C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/linecache-0.43/

  • Antitoon
    windows svn config git-svn
    This is my first question here, I am not doing anything wrong.As the title suggests, I am trying to work with git-svn on a project which has a central SVN repository. The SVN repository uses auto-props, and if these are not properly set in the local SVN configuration file, the commit is rejected.I have read everywhere, including here on StackOverflow, that git-svn is smart enough to read and honor the svn configuration file, so if I already configured my Subversion client properly, git-svn shoul

  • chacham15
    c windows shell mintty
    I have a program that is running under MinTTY (cygwin’s shell) and calls to GetConsoleMode/SetConsoleMode fail. _getch echos to the console as well. This is a native win32 app without bindings to the cygwin environment, so any cygwin functions are out. How do I turn off the echo so that I can input a password?

  • Chris Collins
    windows ruby installation rubygems jruby
    If I call:gem install sqlite3-ruby –v 1.2.3it works for MRIbut if I call:jruby -S gem install sqlite3-ruby –v 1.2.3it says it’s trying to build a native extension (for Windows) and fails.Why are JRuby and MRI different in the way they treat gems?

    c++ windows visual-studio-2005 memory-management x64
    I have a strongly recursive function, that creates a (very small) std::multimap locally for each function instance using new (which recurses to malloc/calloc in the std lib). After some hundred recursions new fails although i am using a native 64Bit application on Windows XP x64. The machine has 10 GB RAM, The application only uses about 1GB. No other big apps are running.This happens a few minutes after starting the program and starting the recursive function. The recursive function has been ca

  • user2317217
    php windows apache xampp expect
    I am currently working on a script that logs into an ASA executes a command and then exits the ASA.I developed an expect script to login to the ASA (using activestate expect on Windows 7 server). This works fine by itself. I then created a php script that I can call from the command line. I use exec to call the Expect script.exec(‘c:\Tcl\bin\tclsh.exe c:\xampp\scripts\vpnActiveTunnels.exp’,$output);This works from the command line with no problem.I’ve taken the exact same php code that I used

  • skaffman
    java windows glassfish-3 netbeans-6.9 corba
    When I execute code using ArrayList object on Windows with Netbeans 6.9.1 and Glassfishv3, it fails and spits the error below. If I comment out the ArrayList, everything works fine.Appreciate your help!Jan 11, 2011 12:31:29 PM com.sun.enterprise.transaction.JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified initDelegates INFO: Using com.sun.enterprise.transaction.jts.JavaEETransactionManagerJTSDelegate as the delegate Today = 11/03/2010 java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetExceptionat sun.reflect.NativeMethodAcces

  • joaquin
    java python windows exception
    I run windows 7 on a 64bit system. I use netbeans 6.9.1 (the python plug ins are installed) Installed also: Python 2.7.1(64), JDK 6 update 24(64), I’m interested in term extraction so I downloaded montylingua which is supposed to run in Java or/and Python. this is the link: http://web.media.mit.edu/~hugo/montylingua/When I try to run the Sample.java code included in the zip file available, I encounter these problems:****** MontyLingua v.2.1 ****** ***** by [email protected] ***** Failed to get

  • tomek
    google-chrome html5-video mediaelement.js
    When I use MediaElement.js and list first the mp4 file and then webm, then it doesn’t play anything in Chrome (11.0.686.3 dev). It works fine in Safari/FF/Opera. It works fine in Chrome if I list mp4 first and webm second but don’t call mediaelementplayer, using native HTML5 video. It also works fine in Chrome (and others) if I call mediaelementplayer but list webm file first. I’ve tried all variations and can’t figure out this behavior. I got around it on by changing source order on server side

  • Cyril N.
    google-chrome google-chrome-devtools cors playframework-2.1
    I’ve built a web application using CORS for communicating with the API.The API accept all origin and some headers and is written using Play!Framework.On every request made to the app, I add these headers :override def doFilter(action: EssentialAction): EssentialAction = EssentialAction { request =>action.apply(request).map(_.withHeaders(“Access-Control-Allow-Origin” -> “*”,”Access-Control-Allow-Methods” -> “GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS”,”Access-Control-Allow-Headers” -> “Origin, X

  • Jano
    google-chrome selenium webdriver watir selenium-grid
    I’m having trouble launching Cucumber test with Chrome using remote webdriver capabilities on Grid (1 linux hub and 1 linux node with Firefox and Chrome). Firefox test go very well but Chrome returns the following error:unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally (Driver info: chromedriver=2.2,platform=Linux 3.2.0-23-generic-pae x86) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: ja

  • Giuseppe Pes
    javascript google-chrome google-chrome-extension google-chrome-app google-nativeclient
    I am writing a small application to test and understand PNaCl.The aim of the application is to resolve an host name a the ip of an host using HostResolver class from PNaCl framework. The code seems to work properly but I am getting an access denied error (return value -7) because I haven’t asked the permission to access the socket layer (I guess) to the user. The problem is that I have no idea how to do so. I trie to write a manifest file, but nothing happened. Note : this application must run o

  • 8088
    osx google-chrome browser-addons flash plugins
    Looking at the extensions gallery for Chromium there seems to be a number of flash-blocking extensions available:A couple with very similar names even. I’ve been using ClicktoFlash in Safari and am used to it just flat out working everywhere. Unfortunately after using FlashBlock by Ruzanow for a bit I’ve noticed it gets a bit “Hinky” at times (blocking the flash by collapsing the div so you can’t click to enable it, etc.)I have a feeling there may be some other extensions/scripts out there not

  • user3116989
    google-chrome selenium xpath junit4 selenium-chromedriver
    I tried using xpaths obtained from xPathsOnClick Chrome extension. Neither worked in Chrome/html/body/div[@id=’content’]/section[@id=’landing’]/button[@class=’wide’] //section[@id=’landing’]/button[@class=’wide’] System.out.println(“clicking xpath”); driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//section[@id=’landing’]/button[@class=’wide’]”)).click(); Thread.sleep(2000); System.out.println(“clicking xpath again”); driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//section[@id=’landing’]/button[@class=’wide’]”)).click(); Thre

  • Kywillis
    javascript windows google-chrome google-chrome-app
    I have a windows console application and a chrome packaged app that I am trying to get two way communication going with. I’ve followed the example they have with the python app but I have not had any luck. I’ve taken the following steps:Created this entry in my registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\NativeMessagingHosts: my.app.name : c:\path\to\my.app.name.json I’ve created the json file at that location: { “name”: “my.app.name”, “description”: “Chrome Native Messaging API”, “path”: “c:

  • KoopaTroopa
    11.10 google-chrome intel lenovo webgl
    Salutations!So after getting my new lenovo H330 with Intel graphics I’ve been trying to get some native client applications working. I typically used the only browser to have NaCl built in by standard which is of course Google chrome. According to the web, Intel mesa drivers that my computer came with (there’s no PCI or PCIE graphics card) earlier then 7.9 won’t work but according to ‘chrome://gui’ my version is 7.11. but never the less I could only get some of these NaCl compiled applications w

  • izb
    javascript google-chrome optimization garbage-collection v8
    The questionI have replaced some code that I was having performance issues with with some new code that I had expected to perform better. Instead, it performed worse. I’d like to understand why this is the case so that I can work with chrome’s V8 runtime rather than against it.The backgroundMy code is for a browser-based game. During normal operation, lots of xy coordinates are passed around between functions. An example of this before I ‘fixed’ things looked something like this:function doSomet

  • ragulka
    json api node.js rest google-chrome
    I need to test my REST API backend that accepts JSON with the Advanced REST Client or Postman for Chrome. But I am running into issues: I can only send the request using the built-in form and using Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedBut this will not work since I have embedded documennts, for example, I need to POST this: {title:”Awesome post!”, tags: [“blue”, “jeans”] }This is not possible with the built-in forms of either Chrome extension.When I select Raw Body and insert the conte

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