Cygwin: Assembly language development?-Collection of common programming errors

You can totally run assembly programs in Cygwin. I’m guessing that your load failed because there’s a bunch of stuff that has to happen between when Windows executes a process and when you get to the main function. When gcc is given assembly as input, it will link in the appropriate boilerplate code to generate a valid executable.

Here’s a sample assembly program. Save it as hello.s:

.intel_syntax noprefix

.section .text

.globl _main
        enter 0, 0

        // welcome message
        push    OFFSET s_HelloWorld
        call    _printf
        pop     eax

        // add three numbers
        push    2
        push    4
        push    5
        call    _addThree
        add     esp, 3 * 4

        // print returned value
        push    eax
        push    OFFSET s_PercentD
        call    _printf
        add     esp, 2 * 4

        xor     eax, eax

// Add three numbers
       enter    0, 0
       mov      eax, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8]
       add      eax, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12]
       add      eax, DWORD PTR [ebp + 16]

.section .rdata

       .ascii  "Hello, world.\n\0"
       .asciz "%d\n"

then run it with

$ gcc -mno-cygwin hello.s -o hello && ./hello
Hello, world.

The reference for your processor’s assembly instructions are contained in the AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual. The C calling convention is documented in this page from the Internet Archive; maybe you can find a similar one that still has the images?

Note that Cygwin will only do 32-bit assembly right now; the (non-consumer) world is all 64 bits now, and in 64-bit mode on modern processors you have many more registers and different calling conventions.