android,android-imageview,ontouchlistenerRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Peter Knuke Oberrauner
    android web-services soap ksoap2 android-ksoap2
    After searching for a whole day I still cannot find a solution to my problem.I have an WebService, which gives me the following WSDL file, that i uploaded to pastebin cause it’s really big.For the beginning I’d like to implement the ping function, which you call with a string value and which returns the string value to the client. I think the relevant parts are:<wsdl:operation name=”ping”> <wsdl:input message=”tns:ping” name=”ping”></wsdl:input> <wsdl:output message=”tns:pin

  • Uriel Arvizu
    android websocket titanium titanium-modules
    I’m working with Titanium SDK 3.1.3 and trying to build an application with a chat that connects to a node js server. So far I’ve tried two different modules to do this, but haven’t had any luck with both of them. The first module I’ve tried was, my code for it looks like this:var io = require(‘’);var socket = io.connect(‘IP:PORT’, {‘force new connection’:true});socket.on(‘connect’, function() {// Connected, let’s sign-up for to receive messages for this room

  • user1701098
    android camera zxing autofocus
    I am using ZXing Barcode Scanner library in my app and I’m experiencing the following bug: camera auto focus works only if the device is plugged to the charger. As soon as I unplug the device, the camera stops continious auto focusing, but once the device is plugged again, auto focusing immidiately resumes (image focuses every 2000 milliseconds). The battery of the test device is fully charged.It should be noted that the sample code from XZing works properly, but since I am using some part of it

  • Herry
    android gridview scrollview
    Here is My GridView implement for android application. For Program First time it Work well.But after making some Scrolling Up and Down My problem is when in gridview i scroll it some time put wrong textview in unexpected position.My Source Code For GridView Adapter is Following.@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.main);mGridView=(GridView)findViewById(;InitializeVariable();mGridView.setAdapter(new

  • mcwadar
    android lifecycle
    I have been developing an application for a few months now and getting ready to go to release. I have been using the Motorola Xoom with Android 4.0.4 for testing throughout the process and everything has worked without fail. I purchased a Nexus 7 from Google (running Jelly Bean 4.1) and I am now getting all kinds of problems with the activity life cycle when the device sleeps or turns off.I created a new project for the sole purpose of checking the life cycle and this is the results I came up wi

  • MHero
    java android spring rest
    I’m trying to POST to a rest service using spring for android(I’m new at this)The restful service has this structure@POST @Path(“/ider”) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public SearchOutRO hashTrackInJSON(SearchInRO in);with(shortened object code):public class SearchInRO implements Serializable {private Double latitud;private Double longitud; }public class SearchOutRO implements Serializable {private Integer searchId; }so I’m trying this(from android)St

  • user2084934
    android android-cursor
    I am creating an Android app with Eclipse and trying to use a Cursor to query a SQLite database. I can’t figure out what is causing this cursor to fail:public List<Word> getAllWords() {List<Word> words = new ArrayList<Word>(); Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] {FIELD_PRIMARY_DEFINITION}, null, null, null, null, null);cursor.close();return words; }When I run this code, my Android emulator says the program has stopped. When I comment out the cursor line, it runs f

  • Bilal Javed Iqbal
    android android-ndk mips toolchain
    Possible Duplicate:How to build android standalone toolchain in windows 7 I am trying to build standalone toolchain using ndk 8 for mips by following “docs\STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html” but when I run following command “ –platform=android-14 –install-dir=/tmp/my-android-toolchain” in command prompt I got errors such as command not found etc. Error details are following:./../core/ line 21: basename: command not found ./../core/ line 324: exp

  • Szymon
    android android-4.4
    I decided to start testing my app with Android 4.4 and noticed that the Android HTTP connection APIs are much stricter than before? I have never had this issue and I assume it is some type of bug.I’m connecting to SHOUTcast broadcasts that contain the particular icy header response.Has anyone seen this issue? How can I get around it?URL used for this test: of exception: 11-01 23:47:57.299: E/ConnectHelper(3081): status line:

  • Tamas
    android amazon proguard in-app-purchase
    I’m trying to set up a basic proguard with amazon iap integrated. However when I’m trying to export my apk, I got the following errors:[2012-06-17 10:59:44 – sc] Proguard returned with error code 1. See console [2012-06-17 10:59:44 – sc] Unexpected error while performing partial evaluation: [2012-06-17 10:59:44 – sc] Class = [com/amazon/inapp/purchasing/KiwiResponseHandler$PurchaseResponseHandlerRunnable] [2012-06-17 10:59:44 – sc] Method = [run()V] [2012-06-17 10:59:44 – sc] Ex

  • Binghammer
    android bitmap android-imageview android-image bitmapimage
    I have 1024 x 900 image coming from server. And I want to get the half of this image. I use this code img.setImageBitmap(Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap,0,bitmap.getWidth()/2, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()/2));But when I do this I have this error y+height must be <=bitmap.getHeightWhat should I do here for not getting the exception.

  • pasta12
    android drag-and-drop imageview android-imageview ontouchlistener
    SOLVEDSee the simple solution in the accepted answer I posted below.The Original ProblemSo I’ve created an onTouchListener for dragging Views. Images drag smoothly if I use getRawX() and getRawY(). The problem with that is the image will jump to the second pointer when you place a second pointer down then lift the first pointer.This onTouchListener attempts to fix that issue by keeping track of the pointerId. The problem with this onTouchListener is while dragging an ImageView, the ImageView jum

  • DonGru
    android android-layout android-imageview
    I am referring to the photo detail view where it looks likeGoogle+ header ——— Photo transparent background meta data (user, description, etc) comments ——— Add comment text input that is always on screen bottomThe Photo, transparent background meta data, and comments all scroll while the Add comment text input remains fixed at the bottom of the screen.  Is this just a ListView with a special zooming ImageView that has the photo size set at runtime?

  • user1129655
    android android-imageview device-orientation
    Below code is to create imageviews dynamically and add to its parent layout on click of a button. This works well. When i change the device orientation, everything is vanishing. i.e, After adding images if i change the device orientation the added images are missing. Why? How can i get back my images after changing the device orientation also? @Override public void onClick(View v) {//create an imageviewImageView img = new ImageView(getApplicationContext());//set layout parametersimg.setLayout

  • Dimitri
    android android-imageview
    I am having trouble to make my imageview appear half of the screen can someone help. here is my xml file. It should take up half of the screen size and also the linear layout with the textview should be at the footer of the imageview.xmlns:tools=””android:layout_width=”fill_parent”android:layout_height=”fill_parent”android:background=”@drawable/fond” ><RelativeLayoutandroid:layout_width=”fill_parent”android:layout_height=”fill_parent”android:layout_alignPar

  • Daniele Vitali
    android android-imageview
    I want to place 2 ImageViews, one above the other. Here is an example with a square and a circle.How can I do that? I know only in runtime what images to use, so I cannot specify them in an xml file.Thank you in advance.

  • Sajirupee
    java android android-listview android-imageview android-arrayadapter
    I have a ListView that I use to display file/folder hierarchy inside my application. I’m using a custom layout with an ImageView and a TextView. I want to change the image of the ImageView according to TextView text is ether folder or file. Can I do this without using a custom ArrayAdapter or if I have to use a custom ArrayAdapter how can I change ImageView icon in the runtime.?

  • GAMA
    android android-layout android-imageview android-gallery
    I have working sample of image gallery.Now if I have 10 images in gallery, few of them gets displayed initially, lets say 3 (based on image thumbnail dimensions), and rest of the images can be viewed by scrolling the gallery.I want to change this a bit. Based on image thumbnail dimensions, few images should be displayed initially and instead of scrolling, there should be previous and next buttons, on click of which images will shift left or right.Any help appreciated.

  • GrIsHu
    android android-imageview android-scrollview
    I have a layout in which i have two button:1)back 2)helpand ScollView in which i place two image Views: 1) firstImageVeiw 1) SecondImageVeiw first image View will be displayed on front and second is placed beneath the 1st image. Now i want that if i click on help button the the scrollView automatically slides to 2nd image view. Any help or suggestion.

  • Pablo
    android imageview android-linearlayout android-imageview
    Welcome all.i have a LinearLayout that must show a ImageView. The imageView must fit all the width of the LinearLayout, so i used match_parent for the width, and it must keep the aspect ratio, so i used wrap_content for the height and setAdjustViewBounds to true. But something is not working because the width of the ImageView is correct (it fits the width of the linear layout) but the height of the imageView is wrong (the image is being cutted in the upper and the lower part)I tryed with all the

  • pasta12
    android drag-and-drop imageview android-imageview ontouchlistener
    SOLVEDSee the simple solution in the accepted answer I posted below.The Original ProblemSo I’ve created an onTouchListener for dragging Views. Images drag smoothly if I use getRawX() and getRawY(). The problem with that is the image will jump to the second pointer when you place a second pointer down then lift the first pointer.This onTouchListener attempts to fix that issue by keeping track of the pointerId. The problem with this onTouchListener is while dragging an ImageView, the ImageView jum

  • Mathew
    android ontouchlistener
    I have tried to launch this code, in order to print lines onTouch. The code contains no error, but when i launch it…the emulator shutdown unexpectedly. Can you help me figure out the problem?import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Display; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnTouchListen

  • Bernd Meyer
    android button media-player ontouchlistener
    I want to create a button during run time. The button should start playing a sound when it is pressed and stop playing when the the user stops pressing the button.Browsing the web and Stack Overflow I come up with this code:// Create a new button and place it into a table rowLinearLayout lnr = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;Button b1 = new Button(this);lnr.addView(b1);// Associate the eventb1.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();@Overridepubli

  • vatsalya_mathur
    android android-fragments ontouchlistener
    I am implementing an OnTouch listener through a fragment class.public class ButtonFragment extends Fragment implements OnTouchListenerthe Overriden onTouch function looks like.@Overridepublic boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubswitch(v.getId()){case : {mAction = new Thread(){@Overridepublic void run(){try {ChartJNI3D.cameraPos(1.0f, ‘U’);mAction.wait();} catch (InterruptedException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();

  • user1818702
    android ontouchlistener
    I am trying to start voice recognition on a touch but the issue is OnTouchListener is not called when user touches the screenI tried to put breakpoint in function but it does not come in function at allOn my laptop the Logcat is not working so I cant use log and thus using a toast to see if the function is called.Code is as below. can anyone please help why this function is not called on touch??Updated:I am calling setOnTouchListener in OnCreate and now after using view my application is crashin

  • Yharooer
    java android ontouchlistener
    I was wondering how one uses OnTouchListener. (I’m using Android Studio.)This is my code and when I press the “Vibrate” button, the button image doesn’t change to it’s pressed state:vibrateButton = (Button) findViewById(;vibrationInstance = (Vibrator) getSystemService(this.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);vibrateButtonPressed = false;if (!(vibrationInstance.hasVibrator())) {vibrateButton.setEnabled(false);}vibrateButton.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {@Overridepublic boolean

  • Marshall
    android ontouchlistener
    I am making an app where when you hold a button, a textview with numbers increases (until you let go).I tried using the OnTouch, but that doesn’t increase the number unless you move your finger in the button. I tried looking at some answered questions here in stackoverflow and implementing the solutions suggested, but it seems to just crash now…The ontouch listener:upb.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener(){@Overridepublic boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {// TODO Auto-generat

  • Carrotman
    java android listview multi-touch ontouchlistener
    I came across a crash in Android 3.2 when trying to test out Multi-touching with a list view. I can reproduce the exception with a simple layout containing only a ListView and less than 20 lines of Java code. Anyone’s advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated.What I’m trying to do:I want to have the users be able to check many items on the ListView by dragging without getting in the way of scrolling the ListView, so I figured users would use one finger to scroll the ListView, and click a

  • DDL
    android layout view onclicklistener ontouchlistener
    I wanted to test how to change views dinamycally on Android, without starting another activity.So I wrote this code and it crashed whenever I implemented OnTouchListener and OnClickListener together but if I used just one of them, it worked fine (although it didnt do what I wanted it to do).public class Test extends Activity implements OnTouchListener, OnClickListener {ImageView image; Button ret;@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setCon

  • user1743643
    android button crash ontouchevent ontouchlistener
    im new with Android, but have experiance in c# and c++.Im just trying to display whenever a button is pressed. I searched and found out, that the onClick event cant do that, therefore i use the onTouch-event.For the first button it was fine and worked. Then I added a sencond and a third one, but now the application crashes, when I execute it.If I delete the second and the third button with their events, the application still crashes. Not before I delete the first Button and his event the applica

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