mysqlView the original page-Collection of common programming errors

UnKnown Error

  • jprofitt
    php mysql login phpmyadmin 2014-3-8 0:30:05
    NEW ERRROR: edit: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘mysql_select_db’ (T_STRING) in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpacademy\tutorials\loginsession\login.php on line 10<?php$username = $_POST[‘username’]; $password = $_POST[‘password’];if ($username && $password) {$connect = mysql_connect(“localhost”, “root”, “rootpass” or die(“Couldn’t Connect”)mysql_select_db(“phplogin”); or die(“Couldnt find db”) ;} ?>

  • user2460744
    php html mysql session 2014-3-8 0:16:27
    I got the error in this code. What’s wrong in this code? With parse error it also gave this error ( SCREAM: Error suppression ignored for).1. <?php 2. session_start(); 3. $name=$_POST[’email’]; //email, pass is the id=” field from table 4. $passs=$_POST[‘pass’]; 5. mysql_connect(“localhost”,”root”,””); //db connection file 6. mysql_select_db(“secg”); 7. $_SESSION[’email’]=’$name’; //for security purpose 8. $result=mysql_query(“select * from student wh

  • manoj
    php mysql 2014-3-8 0:02:44
    Hai i am new to the php programming.When i am trying to update the user deatils into the register table,it shows error.I am using this code:For Profile Code:<?php session_start(); echo “You are Welcome “. $_SESSION[‘user’]; $con=mysql_connect(“localhost”,”root”,””); if(!$con) { die(“could not connect:”.mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db(“manoj”,$con);echo”<body bgcolor=’#FFCC66′>”; echo”<p align=’right’><a href=’logout.php’>Logout</a></p>”; echo”<form name=’f’

  • user3328087
    php mysql sql syntax-error 2014-3-7 23:20:25
    FIXED BY Awlad Liton!! THANKS!!I got a script called look_api.php for a generator.But when I try it I get this:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\look_api.php on line 3The page:<?phperror_reporting(1);$user = str_replace(“‘”, “\\\'”, str_replace(‘”‘, ‘\\”‘, $_GET[‘user’]); if($username = NULL) { $username = “Yvan” };$con=mysqli_connect(“MYSQL_IP”,”USER”,”PASSWORD”,”DATABASE”);// Mysql Connectionif (mysqli_connect_errno()){echo “Ai, check je mysql connection!: ” . mys

  • Aycan Yasit
    mysql sql string varchar 2014-3-7 23:09:25
    I recently discovered an interesting bug in a program, which selects data for a specific customer using their private key. Consider the following:SELECT `id` FROM (`customers`) WHERE `authenticationKey` = ‘#09209!ko2A-‘ LIMIT 1The key is provided at request-time, and properly sanitized before put to query. However, failing to providing a key (which should be caught before; ignore that), would yield a query similar to the following:SELECT `id` FROM (`customers`) WHERE `authenticationKey` = 0 LIMI

  • icedwater
    php mysql database 2014-3-7 22:46:23
    <?phperror_reporting(0); $username = $_POST[‘username’]; $password = $_POST[‘password’];include (“connect.php”);if ($username && $password) {// If Information Is Provided$queryget = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=’$username’AND password=’$password'”);$numrows = mysql_num_rows($queryget);if (!$numrows = 0){$_SESSION[‘username’] = $usernameecho “You Have Been Logged In!;}else{echo “User Was Not Found!”;}} else {echo “You Did Not Provide The Proper Information.”;include

  • Gal Ben-Haim
    mysql ruby-on-rails-3 activerecord 2014-3-7 22:27:48
    I’m changing my Rails 3.2 app from Postgres to Mysql,I have a model with default_scope :order => ‘posts.created_at DESC’if i query for posts with IDs between with the following code:Post.find(:all, :conditions => [‘id >= ? AND id <= ?’, min_id.to_i, max_id.to_i]) if min_id && max_idI get wrong ordered results (because multiple rows have the same created_at time), for example: if post1 was created by code before post2 but they have the same created_at timestamp I would expect the

  • Hulk
    mysql connection visual-studio-2008-db 2014-3-7 22:13:26
    I use a database for a website and a local program in C# (Visual Studio 2008). I downloaded the API connector/NET for mysql database. I setted the connection (Connection succeed) but, when i setted what data i’m supposed to take, i take only the tables. But when i clicked OK, an error message appear > Failed to add relations > Unexpected error.In my Website, i use this database and it works very well. I use innoDB relations (for the website). in the .xsd file (local program) There is only one

  • Charles Harris
    php mysql 2014-3-7 21:36:29
    This is outputting the error listed in the title. Why?$query = mysql_query(“UPDATE users SET imagelocation=’.$location.’ WHERE user_name=’.$_SESSION[‘user_name’].'”);

  • Chailie
    mysql spring hibernate java-ee jpa 2014-3-7 20:42:57
    I know there are many same questions in stackflow,while it can’t adjust my case,i really doubt my issue is caused by hibernate inheritance mapping,anyway,please see detail stuff: 1.Booking Entity@Entity @Table(name=”booking”) public class Booking extends BaseModel{public Booking(){}@Id@Column(length=50)private String bookingNo;@Column(length=50,nullable=false)private String bookedBy;@Column(length=1,nullable=false)private String status;@Column(nullable=false) …@Versionprivate Timestamp timesta