android,contextView the original page-Collection of common programming errors

UnKnown Error

  • vassago
    android onclick textview 2014-3-4 19:52:25
    I have two RelativeLayouts that I am programmatically adding TextViews to from an ArrayList with the intent that, based on the TextView clicked, I can index back into the original ArrayList. For my trivial code example, I’m arbitrarily splitting the items into the two RelativeLayouts.The code works as expected when the first TextView is clicked. The dialog shows up displaying the correct word and index. However, after closing the dialog, if a different TextView is clicked, the word and index (te

  • nmxprime
    android opengl-es-2.0 2014-3-4 19:31:51
    i tired every chunk to correct flaws, but can’t get it working! Below is my Activity code!!protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);ActivityManager actMan = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);ConfigurationInfo mConfigInfo = actMan.getDeviceConfigurationInfo();boolean isES2Compat = (mConfigInfo.reqGlEsVersion >= 0x20000);Log.e(“oGl-es v”,mConfigInfo.getGlEsVersion()+”:”+ mConfigInfo.reqGlEsVersion);if(isES2Compat){mGLSurfa

  • Arun Jose
    javascript android webview 2014-3-4 19:14:08
    In my android program I got a webview and need to set values to the webview elements (textareas, checkboxes etc) dynamically. i have a javascript method which receives values from the program and perform string operations and stores the values to the correct element. But i get this error always… kinda stuck here. Any help will be appreciated.I successfully executed the script in the w3schools TryIt Editor, but not working in the program!final WebView webView = new WebView(getApplicationContext

  • James Wilberg
    java android android-asynctask 2014-3-4 17:46:50
    I have a main activity with launch mode set as “singleTask”. When I bring it to the foreground and the onNewIntent method is called, it runs an AsyncTask containing a while loop which reads lines from a text file. Part way into this loop, the value of one of my integer variables changes to 0. This doesn’t always happen in the same stage in the loop cycle and the loop has nothing to do with this variable at all so I don’t understand why this is happening. Here’s an image that might better explain

  • Sandy
    android 2014-3-4 17:43:43
    I have two activities: Login and List. When i log-in i display the list. When user is in the list activity and press the home button. After that clicks on the app icon it brings to login page for some times only. While it should display the list.How to resolve this?

  • bbullis
    jquery android ajax mobile phonegap 2014-3-4 15:14:34
    I have been reading all over trying to find a reason why my AJAX, getJSON callback, JSONP and POST calls to my web server from my mobile phonegap android app is not working. I have tried every trick in the book and all of them work perfectly when using a standard web browser. Has anyone come across the …Uncaught SyntaxtError: Unexpected token < at error before? I have <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.INTERNET” /> in my AndroidManifest.xml.An

  • Di Wu
    java android activity android-intent 2014-3-4 14:50:27
    I observed from WhatsApp such behaviors: when a new message arrives, WhatsApp will launch a dialog-style activity and such a activity could be cancelled or confirmed by the user.Therefore, I added a similar dialog-style activity to my app. For test purposes, I also added an alarm manager and an alarm receiver so that this activity will be launched every 10 seconds by the alarm receiver.The code I used to launch the dialog-style activity is:Intent dialogIntent = new Intent(MyApplication.sharedApp

  • Hesam
    java android google-app-engine ant intellij-idea 2014-3-4 13:14:56
    Possible duplicate of Google App Engine JDO enhancement is failing. This is my first app engine app which I’m implementing based on “appengine-java-sdk-1.8.8” and Intellij Idea 13.0. Following image shows my application.I have designed my application based on tutorial on Intellij Idea page. In web.xml file if I clear lines 8-18 and remove package from src folder then application works fine and when I click on Run button then I can see my “Hello world” message that I have written

  • Lukas Knuth
    android 2014-3-4 12:48:57
    I m using this tutorial – Programmatically add fragmentI did exactly as is in that tutorial, yet find this error- java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.fragmentdemo/com.example.fragmentdemo.MainActivity}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child’s parent first.this is my codepublic class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {/** Called when the activity is first created. */@Overrid

  • hangman
    java android eclipse sdk 2014-3-4 12:07:47
    I am facing strange problem dont know what is responsible for this. I have 3>registration.xml>main2.xml>terms.xmlWhenever i run 3 views independently there is no issue, when i call Toc from Login or Login from Toc then also there is no issue but when i call ConsumerRegistration form either Toc or Login then it is throwing unexpected error resulting the application to shut down . Codes for java and layout files are as belowLogin.javap

  • Bart
    jquery proxy context 2014-3-2 21:56:55
    This my code, basically, when tags_delete is clicked I would like to access id of the parent div. Somehow the context is not picked up. I have read the examples of $.proxy but can’t get it to work.<div class=”text”> <div id=”894″ class=”tags”> <img height=”24″ src=”image”> <a class=”tags_delete”></a> </div> <input id=”tag_list” type=”text”> </div>$(“div.text”).on(“click”, “a.tags_delete”, $.proxy(function(that){ var ima

  • Mandeep
    context 2014-3-2 17:29:42
    I have the context module installed on Drupal 7. It worked perfectly fine for a long time. But, recently when I try to add or remove a reaction(block) for a context the related page fails to load. I get an error: “The website encountered an unexpected error”.Has anyone had a problem like this?

  • sfussenegger
    java spring constructor context 2014-2-4 14:56:06
    I am having an issue when trying to create beans from a spring Application Context inside a bean instatiated by sptring using constructor arguments. I have implemented the ApplicationContextAware interface but it populates the context after the instance is created (obvious).But then, if you need to get beans from the constructor, and I am talking about a variable number of objects defined at runtime, what would be the correct way to proceed?Thanks,

  • ferostar
    android dynamic load context 2014-2-4 3:26:43
    I am building a component-based application for Android. In short, I would like to load an APK file during runtime and execute code from it.I used DexClassLoader with success to load and instantiate some classes, the problem lies in reading the APK’s resources.I would like to create a custom Context object that I could use to load these resources (with a LayoutInflater instance for example), similarly to the createPackageContext(), which does not work for my application since it is only looking

  • weekens
    spring properties runtime override context 2014-2-2 3:56:59
    In parent context I have the properties declaration as follows:<bean id=””class=””><property name=”locations” value=”classpath:/”/> </bean>After, in runtime, I need to create a child context, and override those properties with runtime data. What is the best way to do that?ADDITION:To be more exact, I’m creating a child context by hand in runtime like this:ClassPathXmlApplicationContext chi

  • Andrie
    android class object context 2014-1-29 15:34:10
    Is there a way to use the getString method from a seperate class?I have a string stored in my strings xml, I’d like to use that string in an object… but the method isn’t even available in the object…any tips?

  • TheJumono
    c# wpf context 2014-1-24 19:06:34
    I am currently working a new project and I need to change the source of a image in my WPF project, but when i’m going into the Code Behind, it can’t find the name in the context. Here my code : <Button x:Name=”mediaControlButton” Width=”20″ Height=”20″ Margin=”161,54,219,26″><Button.Template><ControlTemplate><Border HorizontalAlignment=”Center” VerticalAlignment=”Center” >// This is the image I need to change the source wich the Code Behing can’t find.<Image x:Name=”ic

  • user794510
    windows shell menu context 2014-1-24 12:46:40
    can somebody plesae share me the code for Windows Shell context menu code in C# which works both in 32-bit and 64-bit OS. I wanted to do some action on click of context menu (right click on folder). And I have to use .NET 3.5 only… Please let me know if anyone have the sample code..Thanks Sharath

  • M4N
    c# winforms windows-services context 2014-1-16 21:32:02
    my assembly (service) had developed for using in the WinForms Context. So if there are troubles somewhere, my dll will show error form with corresponding messageBut now I’m going to use it The code is very old and dirty, that’s why I don’t wanna use pattern approaches, etc Anyway, I need to have 100% working way to determine, what context I have.I’m in WinForm I’m in WinService I’m in WebThank you!

  • Ascorbin
    android context 2014-1-15 17:57:34
    I want to read from a text file. In a Java app, thisBufferedReader f = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));works, in Android I triedBufferedReader f = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.autobahnnetz_gps))) ;which crashes the app. If I use this in the main activity class, it works fine. So I guess I have to pass the context to getResources by getApplicationContext().getResourcesbut that doesnt work either. What am I missing here?