UnKnown Error
visual-studio-languages-forums windows-desktop-development-forums c-standards-extensions-and-interop 2014-2-28 10:19:46
I am running VC Studio 2008 Version 9.0.30729.1 SP. Windows XP 64 Professional.When I build a C++ DLL project, the registration fails with this message:C++ Debug Error!R6034An application had made an attempt to load the C runtime library without using a manifest. But I am using an embedded manifest. The .manifest files seem to be okay; below is a copy.My machine has a directory named C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC90.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.21022.8_x-ww_d08d0375. It contains three dlls:
visual-studio-languages-forums windows-desktop-development-forums c-standards-extensions-and-interop 2014-2-28 9:24:53
ok i have this data array as follows:array <unsigned short>^ dataArray = gcnew array<unsigned char> (LEN);I have a few other variables that I would like to be pointing to certain section of the above array.in C we would normally do it as follows:unsigned char dataArray[LEN];unsigned char* section1Start = &dataArray[X];unsigned char* section2Start = &dataArray[Y]; etc etc how do I do these sectionXStart variables pointing to a managed array?
visual-studio-languages-forums windows-desktop-development-forums c-standards-extensions-and-interop 2014-2-28 9:19:42
Hello everyone,I am using C/C++ on Windows. I am wondering how to get the function call stack from my application.For example,if function foo call function goo, then function goo call function zoo, in function goo, I want to output the function call stack (foo –> goo –> zoo), and in goo, output the function call stack (foo –> goo).Are there any samples of how to implement that? Does Windows runtime support this feature?thanks in advance,George
visual-studio-languages-forums windows-desktop-development-forums visual-c 2014-2-28 9:06:45
When I tried to open a file whose name contains non-english words by using ifstream in vc6, everything was OK. But in vc2005, any file path contains non-English words will never be openned successfully. How to do it the right way? My code is as below: ifstream f; f.open(“C:\\Documents and Settings\\Could\\??\\hehe.txt”,ios::in); //f.open(“F:\\My Cpp\\Projects\\__stl_read\\__stl_read\\hehe.txt”,ios::in);assert(!f.fail());__________________________________I know that supporting
visual-studio-languages-forums windows-desktop-development-forums visual-c 2014-2-28 9:00:30
Hi, allI have a question about umdh utility. 004136E0 : MemLeak!CMemLeakDlg::OnBnClickedButton1+00000080this +00000080 should be an offset from OnBnClickedButton1, right?if we can use this 00000080 to get which line in OnBnClickedButton1 it is called?Thanks,Levivoid CMemLeakDlg::OnBnClickedButton1(){ // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here for( int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i ) { int *pInt1 = new int[300]; int *pInt2 = new int[300]; } OnBnClickedButton2();}void CMemLeakDlg::OnBnC
visual-studio-languages-forums windows-desktop-development-forums visual-c 2014-2-28 8:56:33
When I create a file in the temp path with C using the following code:TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, path); std::ofstream tempFile (StrCat(path, “FileName”)); if (tempFile.is_open()) { tempFile << productCode << std::endl; tempFile.close(); }My fil
visual-studio-languages-forums windows-desktop-development-forums visual-c 2014-2-28 8:12:03
Hello, I am working with a Native C++ Win32/API project, and I’ve ran into an unfixible problem. Well, it’s unfixible for me.When I do something like:Code Snippetint Five = 5;SetWindowText(m_hExampleEditBx, “Five = ” + five);That’s just an example, but I do get a errors. Exspecially when I do something likeCode Snippetint i = 5;int j = 5;SetWindowText(m_hExampleEditBx, i + ” ” + j + ” = 10″);. I get a big error.Is there any possible way I can make this all work? th
visual-studio-languages-forums windows-desktop-development-forums visual-c 2014-2-28 8:10:00
Hello,I have a class that is exported from a DLL and has a static member: class __declspec( dllexport ) MyClass {public: MyClass(); static int CONSTANT;};The implementation of the class is in a separate cpp file:#include “MyClass.h”int MyClass::CONSTANT = 0;MyClass::MyClass() { }I try to use the class and the exported static member from a function in another project:#include “MyClass.h”int main(){ MyClass a; int i = MyClass::CONSTANT;}But when I try to build my solut
visual-studio-languages-forums windows-desktop-development-forums visual-c 2014-2-28 8:05:53
I got a Velleman K8055 USB, which came with files that were meant to let me control it using VC++. I just can’t get the files to compile properly – I’ve never called a DLL before so I’m really stuggling – getting SDK to work with C++ in order to build DLLs was interesting enough!Files provided .h, .lib, .cpp, .DLL + some others that I don’t think are relevant.Ive following through the msdn walkthrough MathFuncsDll.dll etc which works fine, but when I try to use the methodolgy on these other fi
windows-desktop-development-forums windows-desktop-search-development 2014-1-9 22:47:19
Hi,we are running a test with WDS 3.01 and my user are loving it. But we have 1 problem, every morning when they boot there computers it take a long time before they get to the the login dialog, if i disable the GP that controls the WDS instalations it working just fine. in my apliaction log I get the followring errors. 3036, 3023, 3024 and 1003.
windows-desktop-development-forums windows-desktop-search-development 2014-1-9 11:12:48
I’m using the Windows Search 4 (June 3rd release, 2008) on Windows XP Pro 32-bit.I had been using the v.4 Preview, but had to disable it due to a multitude of problems (it restarted indexing from 0 every day, indexer kept crashing, explorer kept crashing).Now I’m up to the final release, but have the following problem:When I search PDF files and get results in the “Windows Search Results” window, I can’t preview any of the files.Clicking on any of the search results for pdf files autom
windows-desktop-development-forums windows-desktop-search-development 2014-1-8 20:30:32
Hello,We are a Microsoft Partner and have a long-standing application that heavily relies on file searches. We are currently attempting to update this app for Windows Vista and Office 2007. In previous versions of our app, we used the Office FileSearch object whenever we needed to search for specific files based on text within the files. Upon beginning development of the updated version, we discovered that the FileSearch object has been “hidden” in Office 2007 and can no longer be
windows-desktop-development-forums windows-desktop-search-development 2014-1-8 18:57:19
Hi,I am using WDS 3.0 RTW, when i want to search something, i will click the ‘search’ button in deskbar. Normally a explorer with title ‘Windows Desktop Search Results’ will popup for searching, but sometimes a explorer with title ‘C:\’ appeared instead (where c:\ is my WinXP installation drive). I don’t know when will popup a correct / wrong window for searching, but for my memories it seldom happen. Please provide help if you can. Thanks~Andriy G.
windows-desktop-development-forums windows-desktop-search-development 2014-1-8 11:00:09
I love a lot of microsoft products and technology. I think C# is a fantastic language and a great set of libraries. But I recently started running Windows Search 4.0 because I was getting frustrated with Google Desktop.I was very dissappointed. I’m finding WDS 4.0 almost unusable in comparison. HEre’s my list of gripes…1) Searching takes at least 15 times as long (honestly, 25-30 seconds and the goodle search takes 1-2 seconds). 2) There are the simple things like, when I get a response back
windows-desktop-development-forums windows-desktop-search-development 2014-1-8 6:29:23
Understanding WDS and the FutureThere have been many questions about WDS versions and what is recommended for use as well as development. I will outline what the differences are in the document as well as what is coming in the future.WDS 2.66:WDS 2.66 is the most recent release in the 2.6x lineage of WDS. WDS 2.6x runs in a per user context. This means that all users have their own unique index stored in a location only they can access. While this is sufficient for many scenarios there are a
windows-desktop-development-forums windows-desktop-search-development 2014-1-8 2:40:14
I recently and successfully installed a fresh version of xp pro along w/all upgrades to sp2. Windows Update says there are no more patches to be installed. Everything was running fine. I then loaded the following suites: Office 2007 Pro, Adobe Creative Suite CS3. Everything seemed to be running fine. Then I clicked on the “click here to install instant search” link in outlook 2007. From that point on the computer started locking up on boot-up. It would get me to the desktop, bu
windows-desktop-development-forums windows-desktop-search-development 2014-1-7 10:58:49
I have created a C# program (Application A) which docks to the bottom of the screen, in place of the taskbar, in a custom shell. I used the following codeplex guide to make the window dockable:http://www.codeproject.com/KB/shell/csdoesshell3.aspx The problem is that I have an application (Application B), one which I did not write and I have no access to its code, which crashes if you try to maximize it while explorer.exe is not running. I assume that the program is looking for t
windows-desktop-development-forums windows-desktop-search-development 2014-1-6 9:04:21
I can see the results of certain items in Desktop search from Outlook folders and Inbox; however, when I use search using “Search all mail items” the search does not return any results at all. If I search just in Inbox, valid results appear though.. I have been using Outlook 2007 since its Beta version and it used to work before