problem about datetimepicker-Collection of common programming errors

  • dandan78
    wpf datetimepicker
    I have no idea how to use the DateTimePicker control in WPF. It is not available in the Toolbox.

  • Dave Clemmer
    c# wpf xaml datetimepicker
    I am trying to create a Loaded event for a DateTimePicker where it will get the value from the DateTime object that the DateTimePicker is using as its context then convert the DateTime and set it back.Code:private void dateTimePicker_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {DateTimePicker dateTimePicker = (DateTimePicker)sender;DateTime dateTime = (DateTime)dateTimePicker.DataContext;}XAML:<toolkit:DateTimePicker DataContext=”MyDateTime” Value=”{Binding Path=MyDateTime, Mode=TwoWay}” Loaded=

  • Jhonny D. Cano -Leftware-
    c# datetimepicker
    Facts:I have a TabControl with 2 Tabs, Each tab has 2 DateTimePicker. In the Load event, I set the value of all the DTPs. All DTPs have ShowCheckBoxes set on true AND Checked set on false. When I Execute the program, The DTPs in first tab are OK, but when I check the DTPs on second tab, they show current time, not the time I set on the load event.Why this happen? How can I avoid it?

  • koshi18
    c# sql datagridview dataset datetimepicker
    This is my code: This is in a different class named DBAccesspublic DataSet getRecords(DateTime dtpFloor,DateTime dtpCeiling) {if (conn.State.ToString() == “Closed”){conn.Open();}SqlCommand newCmd = conn.CreateCommand();newCmd.Connection = conn;newCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;newCmd.CommandText = ” SELECT * FROM dbo.ClientInvoice WHERE invDate BETWEEN ‘” + dtpCeiling + “‘ AND ‘” + dtpFloor + “‘”;SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(newCmd);DataSet dsIncome = new DataSet();da.Fill(dsInc

  • Warren Blumenow
    c# exception event-handling datetimepicker
    I have a DateTimePicker which I have set to only show the month and year as follows:myDateTimePicker.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom; myDateTimePicker.CustomFormat = “MMMM yyyy”; myDateTimePicker.ShowUpDown = true;However, I want the value of the date to always be the last day of the selected month, so I set the DateTime in the ValueChanged event using:DateTime selectedDate = myDateTimePicker.Value; DateTime lastDayOfMonth = new DateTime(selectedDate.Year,selectedDate.Month,DateTime.DaysInM

  • Neara
    jquery django django-forms django-templates datetimepicker
    I have a form with 2 datetime fields, I’m using jquery ui 1.10.1, jquery 1.8.3 and datetimepicker I have no problems using datetime picker on clean form, but can’t get it to show for instantiated form.Things I tried:Instantiating datetimepicker same way as for clean form: Shows error: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<s> has no method ‘log’Instantiating datetimepicker with ‘setDate’: Doesn’t do anything, no errors, no dateti

  • sophie
    jquery datetimepicker timepicker
    Trent Richardson’s Datetimepicker is not showing the time picker (only jQuery’s date picker). Tested it 2 months ago and it is working properly. Just upgraded the JS last month.This is the current js imports:jquery-1.8.2.min.js jquery-ui-1.8.24.custom.min.js jquery.ui.slideraccess.js (version 0.2.1) jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js (version 1.0.0)already tried .removeClass(‘hasDatepicker’); since it is appending to the class after initialization of datetimepicker the line $(‘#dateId’).datetimepicke

  • royjm
    php jquery datetimepicker
    I have a page with two forms on it. This shouldn’t be a problem, but it is not working. My jquery looks like this:$(document).ready(function(){$(“ tbody tr td#ejob”).click(function(){var $this = $(this);var col = $this.text();var LeftCellText = $this.prev().text();$(‘#jobid’).val(LeftCellText);if (col == ”)alert(“Please pick another column”);else$(‘#jobUpdate’).submit();});var now = new Date();var month = now.getMonth()+1;var day = now.getDate();var year = now.getFullYear();if (mont

  • bgondy
    forms html5 datetimepicker
    In a HTML5 website, I use the new datetime input type field with an alternative for old browsers.In my case, the datetime field is used to set an upcoming event so it must be impossible to set a datetime defined in the past. The min attribute should allow me to do that but it seems to not work whereas it does the job on date or time input fields.Here is my code (edit View, but same problem in add View) :<input type=”datetime-local” id=”EventDatetime” name=”data[Event][datetime]” step=”900″ mi

  • casper
    ruby-on-rails datetimepicker
    I need to install calendar_date_select gem and i need to know how to use it in rails. Actually I’m new to rails so can some one explain about it I try to follow guide line at linkbut in that second instruction it says add following line to evironment file calendar_date_select gem: ‘config.gem “calendar_date_select” ‘ then i did that and when i try to ‘rake gems:unpack’ it give me an error ** C:\Documents a

  • madth3
    javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap datetimepicker bootstrap-datepicker
    I’m working with bootstrap datetimepicker and I want to disabled the past days and I used startDate: -Infinityto set a minimum date but it doesn’t work. And also i received an error in my console.Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘fn’ of undefinedI also used the working code from this thread but still not working in my project. Here is my code:<div id=”datetimepicker1″ class=”input-append date”><input data-format=”dd/MM/yyyy” type=”text”></input><span class=”add-on”&

  • Miki Shah
    jquery datetimepicker
    I am using Jquery datetimepicker(js/timepicker.js) and getting error “datepicker._defaults’ is null or not an object” in extend method of following javascript fileError comes when loading timepicker.js file.’datepicker’ object is undefined in javascript file.===================timepicker.js===============/*** Extending default values*/$.extend($.datepicker._defaults, {‘stepMinutes’: 1, // Number of minutes to step up/down’stepHours’: 1, // Number of hours to step up/down’time24h’: false, // Tru

  • Van Dang
    jquery ruby-on-rails datetimepicker
    I want to add a datetime picker on my RoR app. I add:1. jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js file in “assest/javascripts”,2. jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.css in “assest/stylesheets”. In .erb file, I add this:<html><head><%= javascript_include_tag “jquery-ui-timepicker-addon” %><%= stylesheet_link_tag “jquery-ui-timepicker-addon” %></head><body><script>$(‘#ngo’).datetimepicker();</script><input type=”text” id=”ngo” /></body> </html>But when

  • Hari
    java struts2 datetimepicker nan
    when we clear the date in Struts2 datetimepicker it is showing a calendar with all days and years are replaced by NaN, months are replaced by undefined.I am using struts2-dojo-plugin 2.1.6 here is my code<sx:datetimepicker name=”application.openDate” id=”opendate” displayFormat=”MM/dd/yyyy” cssClass=”body_1″/>how to resolve this?

  • karthikr
    javascript datetimepicker
    I need to get the value of Datetimepicker in my java-script function , i made something like this but it didn’t work : $(“#date”).click( function(){alert(document.getElementById(‘datetimepicker1’).value); });it gives me ‘undefined’ Can you please help me with this

  • halfer
    jquery jquery-ui datepicker datetimepicker timepicker
    I’m trying to implement Trent’s timepicker, but I’m not being able to do it. I’m testing it in Chrome, Firefox, and IE9.I already imported Jquery and Jquery UI. The only common error I could find was that Jquery UI wasn’t the full version(without slides), but that’s not my case. Anyway, the errors are the following Cannot set property ‘formatTime’ of undefined (line …) $.datepicker.formatTime = function(format, time, options) { (this is the line)Cannot call method ‘_newInst’ of undefined $t.da

  • user1414157
    jquery jquery-ui undefined datetimepicker
    i got a problem with the datetimepicker from this site: is the js-code:var dates = $(“#ArrivalStartDatepicker”).datetimepicker({defaultDate: “+lw”,dateFormat: ‘dd-mm-yy’,changeMonth: true,numberOfMonths: 2,ampm: true,stepMinute: 10,minuteGrid: 10,onSelect: function (selectedDate) {// var option = == “ArrivalStartDatepicker” ? “minDate” : “maxDate”,// instance = $(this).data(“datetimepicker”),document.getElementById(“TotalLabel”).value =

  • p.campbell winforms datetimepicker
    I got the following error when trying to retrieve the data to the datetime picker control when clicking on the datagridview row.Dim i as bytei = tblView.CurrentRow.IndextxtEnterDate.Text = tblView.Item(2, i).ValuetxtPubYear.Text = tblView.Item(3, i).ValueThe string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word starting at index 0.How can this be fixed?