jquery,validation,datepicker,timepickerView the original page-Collection of common programming errors

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  • Scott B
    php jquery 2014-2-1 14:25:22
    I have a script that needs to set one of two json data call URLs depending on which element was clicked to invoke the query. How can I code the url: property so that its determined by which element was clicked?Off the top of my head, I was thinking to create a hidden input field and set a flag that I can read/write to depending on the link that’s clicked. Then i can wrap the url: parameter in an if/thenHowever, then I remembered that jQuery has an each() method that I might be able to use.Any su

  • ItBHarsH
    javascript jquery internet-explorer iis browser-support 2014-2-1 14:10:14
    I have a View developed in MVC4 that is using the following client side JavaScript using jquery-1.10.2.min.js lib to see if the user’s browser can do certain things or not so we know how to handle them when using http://www.plupload.com/. I’m running IE 10.0.9200.1671 and when I run this code on my local Windows 7 PC running MS Cassini server via VS, my customRuntime is not ‘html4’ which is what I expect. However using other tabs in the same browser and pointing at the same version of this cod

  • MxmastaMills
    javascript jquery html volusion 2014-2-1 13:40:47
    I’m using the JSColor plugin (http://jscolor.com/) which I’ve used successfully in the past but on the e-commerce platform Volusion, there are some issues with getting it to load correctly.I’m working on a test product.And you’ll notice that I have an input working successfully on the left side of the site but the actual text box in the options field is not working correctly. I believe with Volusion, that the option text boxes don’t load until the very end so I’ve always had to use $(window).loa

  • Satch3000
    javascript jquery 2014-2-1 13:14:00
    I am trying to get the childBrowser plugin to work on links by adding the code at runtime to links.Normally, if I was adding to code manually to the links, this is how it would look:<a href=”#” window.plugins.childBrowser.showWebPage(‘http://www.google.com’);>click me</a>Now, because I need to do it at runtime I’ve got this together:$(‘a’).on(‘click’, function () {window.plugins.childBrowser.showWebPage(‘http://www.google.com’);});But the problem is that all links might have a differ

  • RegEdit
    jquery wordpress tinymce 2014-2-1 7:30:11
    I’m working in chrome console and trying to add some jQuery there in order to manipulate runtime styles of objects inside the WordPress TinyMCE editor.I have a div element inside the editor with class “my_box” and I’m trying to manipulate the runtime style via jQuery like so:jQuery(‘#tinymce .my_box’).hover(function(){jQuery(this).attr(‘style’,’border:3px dashed red’)} );However, when I run this in console, the DOM result set is empty []. How can I attach events to objects inside the tinymce edi

  • user1036907
    jquery widget 2014-2-1 7:29:39
    I need to create a framework which should have the capability to plugin new widgets (controls) at runtime. Only some configuration/admin screen should be required to add new control.The website is Single Page Application like Facebook and the idea is to switch the list view (new feeds) with table, network graph, etc. These new views are supposed be added at runtime.The data can be available at client-side in JSON objects or it can be obtained from the server-side of the host website.One way cou

  • Sumon Bappi
    jquery grails intellij-idea 2014-2-1 5:23:04
    I want to use jquery in my project. That’s why I am trying to install it by the following command from intellij >>>install-plugin jqueryAnd when command run it gives the following message >>>Failed to install plugin [jquery-1.7.1]. Plugin has missing JAR dependencies.I have no idea how to fix it. Can anyone please help me on this.

  • Florin
    jquery 2014-2-1 4:10:50
    while exploring jQuery I came up with the following weird script. I don’t see myself doing this really however concatenating strings to achieve a variable name is not unusual in JavaScript. Any feedback welcome….<script type=”text/javascript”>var a = ‘y’;$(document).ready(function() {$(‘p[id^=’ + $(‘p[id=x]’).html() + a + “]”).css(‘color’,’blue’);});</script> …<p id=”x”>2a</p> <p id=”2ay_”>mytext</p>

  • Ayyash
    asp.net jquery forms jquery-plugins 2014-2-1 4:03:09
    Just implemented the JQuery form plugin on an ASP.NET page, and here is the problem:I have one Form tag (inherited from the master page) Form plugin depends entirely on a “form” field being wired upI tried to wire a simple “div” to the ajaxSubmit but it didnt work since formData looped thru form.elements, so I must pass the form of the page…So what would save the day and allow me to use the form plugin is a way to pass a context to the plugin that it selects the input forms i tell it to passth

  • 3gwebtrain
    jquery arrays 2014-2-1 2:25:34
    I am having a empty sendStatus[]. basically i am check the value whether that exist on array while user click on check box. if that’s not there i am just add the value with “add+this.value” in case user click on the check box again, I am checking if the sendStatus[] contains the “add+this.value” if that’s exist i am removing it and adding a new value as “remove+this.value” , so only i will get a value as “add+this.value” or “remove+this.value” in the each of my checkboxes.to do this i used this

  • Joshua Frank
    asp.net-mvc asp.net-mvc-3 validation input-validation 2014-2-1 15:18:29
    In my application, I’m dynamically rendering a UI based on runtime data. There’s a model, but it has no compiled properties. Instead, I’m checking a database and rendering multiple fields using helpers like this:@Html.TextBox(“name”, RunTimeValue)Now I’d like to include validation on these fields, but I can’t see how to do that. A custom MetadataProvider doesn’t seem to work, because this still expects the model to have properties, while the provider provides the attributes. But my model pro

  • Erhan Bagdemir
    java validation spring-mvc bean-validation 2014-2-1 8:37:56
    How can i use @Pattern constraint on non-mandatory form fields ?@Pattern(regexp=”…”) private String something;as soon as i submit my form, i get validation error as expected but the user may leave the field empty, since this is not a mandatory field. PS: i could write my own constraint annotation. However, i just ask an easier way combining annotations or adding annotation attributes. JSR303 implementation is hibernate-validator.

  • Felix Kling
    javascript validation 2014-2-1 1:08:53
    I am developing a web application for a company, I use Javascript files to validate client side form fields. In those JavaScript files I show error messages if the user entered wrong data in the form fields. For example I have this code in my JavaScript files:if(bad_validation) alert(“Error message”) My question is, how can I replace the message inside the alert function by a “placeholder” and in compilation time, the compiler switch the placeholder by the correct message. I want to centralize a

  • AaronSieb
    c# .net asp.net validation 2014-1-31 13:34:20
    I have an Asp.Net repeater, which contains a textbox and a checkbox. I need to add client-side validation that verifies that when the checkbox is checked, the textbox can only accept a value of zero or blank.I would like to use one or more of Asp.Net’s validator controls to accomplish this, to provide a consistent display for client side errors (server-side errors are handled by another subsystem).The Asp:CompareValidator doesn’t seem to be flexible enough to perform this kind of complex compar

  • buffer_overflow
    iphone objective-c ipad validation 2014-1-31 4:31:43
    I want to have runtime validation on my UITextField, i.e. when user starts entering data, it should validate and pop up error message if not correct. How do I implement this feature ?textfieldDidChange or textFieldShouldEndEditing can be of any help ?Any tutorial ?

  • starblue
    c# wpf validation assemblies 2014-1-31 4:29:39
    I’m trying to build a validation rule for a C# WPF application by creating a class that implements ValidationRule. My problem is that I can’t find the System.Windows.Controls assembly which – acconding to the documentation – contains it. Does anybody know the right assembly in the 3.5 runtime ? Thanks

  • Oliver
    javascript asp.net regex validation 2014-1-30 18:25:45
    I am getting a javascript runtime (Unexpected Quantifier) error when a regular expression validator is fired.The expression is – ^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{1,3})?${1,3}I am trying to validate a number with up to 3 decimal places.Can anyone see what is wrong with this?

  • Kawu
    java validation jsf jsf-2 jboss7.x 2014-1-29 22:57:25
    I am having problems with a pure JSF 2 page. When loading the page two inputText and one select is shown. There’s a validation field to the right of each. The two inputs are required fields, while the select always has a selection, so it doesn’t validate at all (at least it shouldn’t).Here’s a screenshot:This is what is displayed when the Create button was clicked. When re-hitting the Create button the following popup appears:OK, nothing without code, here’s the XHTML:<?xml version=”1.0″ enco

  • David
    spring validation apache-camel message 2014-1-29 12:31:40
    I am using camel 2.8.4 in my app. my app will receive request from a queue, then the request will be validated by a Validator. Base on the content of the message, the Validator will forward the request to different destinations. Validator will be a POJO bean. Destinations will be get from database (this is a MUST). I prefer to use spring dsl for camelContext. 1. I dont know how to write the validator to forward req to destinations. 2. Can we use something similar like this <to uri=’method=get

  • M4N
    c# validation namespaces assembly-resolution validation-application-bl 2014-1-29 8:38:48
    We are using version 4.1 of the validation application block. I am relatively new to it so I was wondering if it had the ability to either abstract out the configured namespaces and assemblies or otherwise provide proper validation of their existence?We had an issue recently where someone moved a class and didn’t update the validation configuration file with the new namespace. As a result the validations were no longer being applied to the object. The application block seems to just ignore the d

  • William Niu
    jquery jquery-ui datepicker 2014-1-27 10:46:51
    I’ve used the JQuery UI DatePicker in the past and am pretty happy with it. I’m looking for a way to display to the user multiple dates into the future. I don’t want the user to be able to choose the dates, I just want to make them fixed them at runtime.Is there any easy way to make this possible?

  • Helen
    silverlight datepicker 2014-1-20 5:03:20
    I am trying to add a DatePicker control to my page programmatically, but intellisense is not picking up the DatePicker type as I would expect. MSDN shows this control as being part of System.Windows.ControlsI have referenced this assembly in my project, and in my usings statement, but still VS cannot recognise the DatePicker type.I would expect this to work:using System.Windows.Controls;namespace MyNamespace{public partial class MyClass : UserControl{…public void MyMethod{DatePicker datePicke

  • Millar
    asp.net-mvc-3 razor datepicker 2014-1-18 4:29:04
    I am trying to display a datepicker for my Html.EditorForTo do this I created an EditorTemplate in my Views\Shared\EditorTemplate folder , Named it DateTime.cshtmlbut it is not working ,instead I am getting error —Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn’t support property or method ‘datepicker’Plz help me to fix this errorThis is my razor view page@model MyWebRole.ViewModels.ViewModelEvents @{ViewBag.Title = “Create”;Layout = “~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml”; }@using (Html.BeginForm()

  • oGeez
    javascript jquery datepicker 2014-1-17 14:09:23
    OK so it’s runtime. You are trying to compare Date’s in JavaScript. Now sometimes in your code Dates are Strings, sometimes they are Dates and sometimes they are JQuery Objects wrapping around dates – what is returned from DatePicker.parseDate see: http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/So before you just do:date1 < date2 …You want to ensure both dates are in the correct format, JQuery date object i.e. what is returned from DatePicker.parseDate(). What is your suggestion for doing this?

  • Matt Johnson
    javascript asp.net-mvc-3 datepicker jquery-ui-datepicker datejs 2014-1-16 17:08:31
    I just dont get it why i get this Microsoft JScript runtime error: Out of stack space in my date.js file….return format?format.replace(/dd?d?d?|MM?M?M?|yy?y?y?|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|tt?|zz?z?/g,function(format){switch(format){case”hh”:return p(self.getHours()<13?self.getHours():(self.getHours()-12));case”h”:return self.getHours()<13?self.getHours():(self.getHours()-12);case”HH”:return p(self.getHours());case”H”:return self.getHours();case”mm”:return p(self.getMinutes());case”m”:return self.get

  • Gurnah
    jquery datepicker runtime 2014-1-12 13:01:51
    I have search through the websites but I didn’t receive a clue. I have an index page with <script type=”text/javascript”>$(document).ready(function($) {$(‘.mnclick’).click(function() { <——– when a menu is clicked, i load the data picker.var target = $(this).attr(“id”);$.post(“getParam.php”,{name: target},function(data, status) {$(‘p#dataz’).empty();$(‘p#dataz’).html(data); // $(‘p#dataz’).append(data); // alert(“Data: ” + data + “\n

  • Marco W.
    android datepicker range 2014-1-10 9:37:24
    The DatePicker widget in Android has a range of possible values for each field (day, month, year). The minimum value can be set using the “android:startYear” attribute, the maximum value with “android:endYear”.But is the range of possible values device-specific? I mean, can you set the minimum value for the year to “0000” or are there any devices that don’t support this value for a DatePicker’s year field?

  • Simon Adcock
    javascript jquery datepicker 2014-1-4 13:34:14
    I’m trying to make a jQuery datepicker set minDate depending on the value of a radio button. When I try to write a function returning a string, my JavaScript keeps crashing. Any ideas on why this is not working?$(“#datepicker”).datepicker({changeMonth: true,changeYear: true,yearRange: “-35:+0”,dateFormat: “yy-mm-dd”,minDate: function() {var str = “-35Y”;if($(“#inputfield”).val() == “value”) {str = “-33Y”;}return str;} });

  • NewBie
    java android datepicker 2014-1-2 22:45:52
    When i click on the edit text ….. I get error as in logcatDatePickerDate.javapublic class DatePickerDate extends FragmentActivity {EditText mEdit;@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.search_page);}public void selectDate(View view) {DialogFragment newFragment = new SelectDateFragment();newFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), “DatePicker”);}public void populateSetDate(int year, int month, int day) {mEdit = (Edi

  • raja
    ios uitableview datepicker 2014-1-1 2:29:53
    i have a form in my application with datepicker as input view for one textfield.code executes properly in simulator ,but in device it crashes with following error message”Failed to allocate data stores for 854269899 rows in section 0. Consider using fewer rows”My code for picker is as belowif(self.fromTxtField == textField||self.toTxtField==textField) {textField.inputAccessoryView = self.keyboardToolbar;self. datePicker = [[UIDatePicker alloc] init];self. datePicker .datePickerMode = UIDatePick

  • user2622971
    c# wpf datatemplate timepicker 2014-1-15 4:33:09
    In my Wpf app, I’ve two TimePickers. I’ve used binding for them but their time is not updating. I also want to set selected date for these TimePickers.I tried to bind it as below. But, it won’t work. Actual problem here is TimePickers are inside DataTemplate.Here is xaml:<DataTemplate x:Key=”EditableDataTemplate”><StackPanel Orientation=”Horizontal” Width=”596″><xctk:TimePicker Name=”StartPicker” Value=”{Binding StartValue, Mode=TwoWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=

  • rajeshwaran
    java android eclipse timepicker 2013-12-22 2:30:33
    I’m trying to implement a TimePicker into my source code from the following tutorial:http://www.lukehorvat.com/blog/android-time-picker-example/However when implementing it in my app – I’m getting force close issues. Any suggestions? JAVA:import android.app.Activity; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.w

  • Ant4res
    java android eclipse sqlite timepicker 2013-11-17 0:12:08
    I’ve created a simple record keeping application using various resources around the internet. I’m able to successfully store text data – however when I attempt to incorporate a TimePicker I end up crashing my entire app. I was instructed how to add this functionality in a previous post – but when I attempt to add fields for the timepicker data the entire app closes (and of course does not save the data) How do I store TimePicker Data in my simple record keeping app?I was instructed (by the user

  • NoobNinja
    java android eclipse sqlite timepicker 2013-11-16 20:46:19
    I have an application which stores the CurrentHour and CurrentMinute from a TimePicker in a sqlite database then displays it in another activity ViewCountry java I would like to combine these two fields in and display them together 9:30 – for example in the <TextView android:id=”@+id/codeText”style=”@style/StyleText”/>of view_country xmladd_country xml =================<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?><ScrollView xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android”and

  • NoobNinja
    java android eclipse timepicker android-sdk-tools 2013-11-16 19:30:47
    I’m really not sure what I’m doing wrong at this point… im trying to vew data stored by the time picker – but every time I run the application I get force close errors.P.S.It appears the issue is stemming from Line 74 in View Country.java timeTv.setCurrentHour(result.getInt(timeIndex));DATA OUT – JAVA:import android.app.Activity; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.AsyncTask; im

  • lord_linus
    jquery jquery-ui timepicker 2013-11-15 19:55:39
    Currently I am working on a project with bootstrap supr theme. By default it is loading following js files : bootstrap.js colorpicker.js, date.js, elfinder.min.js, fullcalendar, iosorientation, jpages.min, jquery-ui, jquery-cookie, jquery-datatable, jquery-duallistbox, jquery-elastic, jquery-ibutton, jquery-imputlimiter, jqury, jquery-knob, jquery-lazyload, jquery-min, jquery-ui.button, jquery-ui.button, responsivetable, timepicker-addon etc.Whenever in a page, when I am using timepicker in a pa

  • GBA
    java android dialog timepicker 2013-11-15 16:27:42
    hey I am trying to make a TimepickerDialog. But the app crashes soon as I press the Set Time button. Here is the code.MainActivity:package com.wifitimer; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.TimePickerDialog; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.TimePicker;public class MainActivity extends Activity { DateFormat formatDateTime=DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); Calendar dateTime=Calendar.getInstance();@Override public vo

  • Joel Lewis
    jquery validation datepicker timepicker 2013-11-15 0:37:22
    I have two jQuery scripts that are not working on my page, a validate script, and a timepicker. They are not working at all, however datepicker is working. I get the following error for the time picker:Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘timepicker’However that is the only error I am getting. This is the code I am using:<script src=”/js/jquery-1.10.1.js”></script><script src=”/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.js”></script><script src=’/sorttable.js’>

  • sophie
    jquery datetimepicker timepicker 2013-11-5 18:42:31
    Trent Richardson’s Datetimepicker is not showing the time picker (only jQuery’s date picker). Tested it 2 months ago and it is working properly. Just upgraded the JS last month.This is the current js imports:jquery-1.8.2.min.js jquery-ui-1.8.24.custom.min.js jquery.ui.slideraccess.js (version 0.2.1) jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js (version 1.0.0)already tried .removeClass(‘hasDatepicker’); since it is appending to the class after initialization of datetimepicker the line $(‘#dateId’).datetimepicke

  • SoulieBaby
    jquery jquery-ui datepicker timepicker 2013-10-20 14:40:04
    I’m trying to implement the jQuery UI Date Picker with the Time Picker addon (http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/)For some reason, I’m getting NaN instead of numbers and the little slider isn’t showing up. I downloaded Redmound theme from the UI, so that might have something to do with it? But I’ve also copied the code from the demo website.Any ideas?Here’s the site I’m trying to get it working on:http://citysouthphysio.website.2010.360southclients.com/book-appointment.htmlThe code i