javascript,ajax,laravel-4,jquery-select2View the original page-Collection of common programming errors

UnKnown Error

  • Aaron J Spetner
    javascript internet-explorer 2013-12-14 2:36:00
    I have a web application that is working perfectly in Chrome and FireFox, yet is crashing in IE. Note, this is not a JavaScript error, but rather the iexplore.exe process actually crashes.The code is posted below. This will crash in IE9 (when the button is clicked). Reversing the JavaScript or making changes to the CSS may eliminate the issue, but realize that this is reduced code from a much, much larger application that can not be easily changed in this way (for example, in the actual app the

  • Everlag
    javascript google-chrome coffeescript web-audio 2013-12-14 2:33:21
    Trying to build a webgl audio visualizer with a small engine I made for column landscape which I thought would be great for a frequency distribution over time.Right now this, which is compiled from coffeescript, crashes the tab:(function() {var context, loadSound, onError, playSound, soundBuffer, url;context = new webkitAudioContext();soundBuffer = void 0;url = ‘MoxxiTest.ogg’;loadSound = function(url) {var request;request = new XMLHttpRequest();‘GET’, url, true);request.responseTyp

  • Muffun
    javascript jquery html jquery-plugins ie7-bug 2013-12-14 1:22:21
    I have a photo/video gallery and I apply the Yoxview jquery plugin on. On every browser their is no problem except for IE7.I try to update my code to the latest version of the plugin but it does not helped.The strange part is that I go on the Yoxview site, IE7 doest not crash.This is the code is use:$(“.Gallery”).yoxview();.Gallery is a div with nested a that contains img.Do anybody have encounter this situation before me?NOTE: The problem exist even if their is only 1 image on the page.

  • rickyduck
    javascript node.js google-chrome meteor v8 2013-12-14 1:06:47
    I have a Node.js / Meteor app that is left consistently running on a screen – it works no problem for around 20 hours, then without fail (when I’m out of the office) I get the infamous “Aw Snap” screen:I have checked the chrome_debug log and the following line indicates the crash: [3868:3656:0515/] SK_CRASHHowever gives me nothing to go on – googling the error and variations retrieves very little results. What could I do to debug further?

  • geet
    javascript android api google-maps-api-3 2013-12-13 23:35:00
    My web app creates an editable Circle on Google Maps using the Javascript API. The circle is movable and works fine in mobile browsers except the Android native browser. For some reason moving the circle around causes the browser to completely crash. Here’s the coffeescript used for Google Maps. polyOptions =center: latLng,radius: 3.44,map: @map,strokeColor: “#FF0000”,strokeOpacity: 0.8,strokeWeight: 2,fillColor: “#FF0000”,fillOpacity: 0.35,draggable: true,editable: false@poly = new google.maps.

  • mmo
    javascript jquery checkbox jquery-ui-dialog 2013-12-13 23:28:50
    in on of my projects i am using iButton ( to style checkboxes.this works fine in most cases, but it crashes if it is in a hidden container, which gets displayed later and it is not working inside the jquery-ui detail: in a hidden container it cannot calculate the correct sizes of the button and the labels and so on. in the jquery-ui dialog the labels of the iButton are not moved, even their margin values change as expected, they sta

  • David Roop
    javascript android dialog 2013-12-13 22:18:17
    I get a crash report every few weeks about a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException and I really don’t know where to start looking. I have never had the app crash while testing it as far as I can tell the app gets opened around 300 times a week so the crash doesn’t happen very often but I would still like to fix it. It says its on a dialog dismissal but I have multiple dialogs in the app. Can any one tell me more about what this crash report means and also how you arrived at your conclusion?

  • alpana
    javascript joomla2.5 webcam setinterval 2013-12-13 21:31:34
    here’s my situation : I have written a small javascript code to autorefresh images coming into my server from external source every 5 Seconds, on the same lines as we would refresh images for a webcam.This js needs to be used in website being made using Joomla. problem The Javascript causes the broswers’ FF and Chrome to crash after sometime. I’m attaching the code. Please tell me where I’m going wrong.<body><center><h2>human cam</h2><img id=”pic” src=”images/CB1.jpeg

  • Tamil Vendhan
    javascript jquery recursion 2013-12-13 19:04:20
    I have this javascript / jquery function:function press_quotes_slider(ele) {jQuery.fn.exists = function(){return this.length>0;}if ($j(ele).next().exists()) {var ele_next = $j(ele).next();} else {var ele_next = $j(‘#press_quotes’).children().first();}ele.fadeOut(4000);ele_next.fadeIn(4000);press_quotes_slider (ele_next);}I’m having a problem with this crashing Chrome. If I disable the recursive aspect of this function, it runs fine so this doesn’t appear to be a syntex error.Can anyone sugges

  • Lance Roberts
    javascript ruby-on-rails ruby json 2013-12-13 18:27:21
    I wonder why i cant decode this json string, all what i want is to convert this to a proper Ruby hash, anyone have an idea? i think the array of objects is cracking it ?Parameters: {“{\”origins\”:”=>{“{\”origin\”:\”this\”},{\”origin\”:\”dont\”},{\”origin\”:\”dont me please\”},{\”origin\”:\”and me please\”},{\”origin\”:\”dont\”},{\”origin\”:\”dont\”},{\”origin\”:\”dont\”},{\”origin\”:\”okay\”},{\”origin\”:\”dont\”},{\”origin\”:\”go\”},{\”origin\”:\”go\”}”=>{“,\”url\”:\”file:///Users/wahe

  • James Simpson
    apache2 httpd.conf ajax push comet 2013-12-13 14:17:56
    I’m trying to setup Ajax Push Engine ( on a CentOS server. I’ve installed the APE Server and verified that it is running correctly. I setup a subdomain on a separate IP, but I still can’t get the javascript to connect. I think I am setting up the virtual host incorrectly, but I’m not completely sure.<VirtualHost *> Servername ServerAlias ServerAlias * DocumentRoot “/home/domain/public_html/ape/” </VirtualHost>The Doc

  • Thomas
    php ajax forms post 2013-12-13 11:17:25
    Im trying to submit user register information with AJAX like this:<script>$(“#submit_btn”).click(function() { event.preventDefault(); var supplied_username = $(‘#desired_username’).val(); var password = $(‘#password’).val(); var email_address = $(‘#email_address’).val();$.post(“register”, { desired_username: desired_username, password: password, email_address: email_address } , function(data){$(‘body’).append(data); }); }); </script>The return data is simply a string of text (i.e. Su

  • Iain
    mysql php ajax 2013-12-13 0:40:18
    The website gets its data from the MySql database.Will a Mac Mini with 2GB Ram and an Intel Core 2 Duo do the trick?

  • Stefan Fandler
    javascript ajax website crash chat 2013-12-12 12:35:48
    I am building a website on a free website provider (000webhost) and I am currently working on a chat. I have set an interval every 500ms which reads a file and checks if a new message was posted. If there is a new one, i load all messages from a .txt-file into a element in html. It is nearly finished but after long chatting or just being on the chat-page (3 minutes or more), my site crashes and I have to wait about an hour till i can access it. I am refreshing the chat using javascript and ajax

  • digiwig
    jquery ajax internet-explorer crash response 2013-12-12 3:20:02
    Another IE problem – this time with ajax reponse data being too large.With FF and Chrome the result is shown almost instantly. IE however freezes for a while before the results are shown. The format is HTML returned from a simple db query, and in some instances the reponse data is 900 rows long.Seriously, what can I do to speed up IE?

  • Joe
    ajax server-side business-logic 2013-12-12 0:52:24
    A typical stack for a web application is a database, a server with server-side code, and a user with a browser with HTML/CSS/JavaScript.Before extensive AJAX, MVC in which the controller was the server-side code rulled. A server had to route answer requests for Dynamic web pages (i.e. templated html solutions like JSP and ASP). The server to coordinate the calls to the database and decide which dynamic page to use to answer the page request. The result of all of this is that server ended up c

  • Mathew Foscarini
    design web-development javascript ajax error-handling 2013-12-11 21:06:01
    What is a hidden AJAX request?I’ve noticed an increase in the usage of hidden AJAX requests designed to make a user’s action appear to happen immediately. I’ll refer to this type of AJAX request as non-blocking. It’s an AJAX request made without the user being aware it’s happening, it’s performed in the background and it’s operation is silent (there is no verbose to indicate a successful completion of the AJAX call). The goal is to make the operation appear that it has happen immediately when it

  • YePhIcK
    jquery ajax http google-chrome crash 2013-12-11 9:09:11
    This thing has been bugging me for some time now and I can’t find a reason/solution on the Web so far. Here is the setup:I have a fat JS client running on a browser, firing up search requests into an internal system. Those requests are just GET’s, nothing special. They return a URL where the search results will be put into once they are available.I then poll the given URL for results (from time to time, say every 5 minutes) and process the data to be presented to user. That URL points to a gzipp

  • Refineo
    6 hooks ajax jquery 2013-12-10 19:38:48
    I’m currently developing a module for Drupal 6 to output my webform entries to a table that can be filtered and searched.I’ve got an AJAX callback function that returns my sql query but I can’t figure out how to add line breaks as the data from each form field is in different rows in the database as per the webform module.This is my callback function so farfunction web_form_table_get_table($arg1){$query = “SELECT nid, sid, cid, no, data ” .”FROM webform_submitted_data ” .”ORDER BY sid desc, c

  • Druvision
    views ajax 2013-12-10 18:55:39
    We have Drupal 7. An AJAX request causes deeply nested divs like this screenshot:(We experience phenomenum #2 from this Drupal 8 issue:View output gets deeply nested in blank divs. This could get insane if the user interacts with the ajax requests for some time.We got auto-refresh javascript in our forex application. When leaving the view open overnight, the number of DIVs is really becoming insane. At some moment, the browser will crash.Is there any Drupal 7 bypass?

  • The Shift Exchange
    php routing routes laravel laravel-4 2013-12-4 7:35:21
    I am new to laravel and learning it now. I am giving following Route in routes.php fileRoute::resource(‘contacts’, ‘ContactsController’);But when I load my page in browser, it gives me following errorUnhandled ExceptionMessage:Call to undefined method Laravel\Routing\Route::resource() Location:/Users/zafarsaleem/Sites/learning-laravel/application/routes.php on line 35My complete routes.php file is belowRoute::resource(‘contacts’, ‘ContactsController’);Route::get(‘/’, function() //<——- T

  • Antonio Carlos Ribeiro
    laravel queue laravel-4 beanstalkd pheanstalk 2013-12-3 6:06:29
    So im trying to get Pheanstalk queue working in Laravel 4, which is built in (i had to composer instal the beanstalkd lib).Now thats done… im trying to send jobs to my workers. Everytime i do i get this error[2013-04-25 08:55:03] log.ERROR: exception ‘Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException’ with message ‘Error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\wamp\www\adam\L4\vendor\pda\pheanstalk\classes\Pheanstalk\Socket\StreamFunctions.php line 55’ in C:\wamp\www\adam\L4\v

  • Mere Development
    php laravel laravel-4 2013-11-27 19:00:31
    I am creating an event based website. I am using laravel for this with backbone. I am retrieving data from database using backbonejs with laravel as followingvar events = new Events(); new EventsView({el: $(“#calendar”), collection: events}).render(); events.fetch();On the server side I have following controllerclass Calendars_Controller extends Base_Controller {public $restful = true;public function get_index() {//print_r(Calendar::all() );return Calendar::all(); }}But this returns following er

  • core_m
    model controller laravel laravel-4 laravel-routing 2013-11-15 7:10:42
    I can’t get rid of the errors. I’ve created an model, and have functions in controllers and a route, but I get model(newsticker.php):<?phpclass Newsticker extends Eloquent {protected $table = ‘aac_newsticker’;protected $fillable = array(‘label’, ‘content’);public $timestamps = true; }my controller (also used for other functions, but used also for newstickers):<?phpclass NewsController extends BaseController {/*** News Repository** @var News*/protected $news;public function __cons

  • Jean-Nicolas Boulay Desjardins
    php laravel laravel-4 composer-php laravel-artisan 2013-11-15 3:59:24
    Here is the error I am getting:Script php artisan optimize handling the post-update-cmd event returned with an error[RuntimeException] Error Output:update [–prefer-source] [–prefer-dist] [–dry-run] [–dev] [–no-dev] [–lock] [–no-plugins] [–no-custom-installers] [–no-scripts] [–no-progress] [–with-dependencies] [-v|vv|vvv|–verbose] [-o|–optimize-autoloader] [packages1] … [packagesN]This shows after:Writing lock file Generating autoload filesI tried to delete all my folders in my v

  • Matanya
    debugging laravel error-reporting laravel-4 2013-11-11 2:42:06
    I’m trying to create an app on Laravel 4 beta but I can’t debug it because it doesn’t show any error, display_errors is on, error_reporting is E_ALL and debug => true (config/app.php). When I try to do an error on public/index.php it shows a parse error, but when I do it on the router it just shows a blank page (White screen of death). How can I fix this?Thank you

  • Antonio Carlos Ribeiro
    php laravel laravel-4 composer-php 2013-11-10 2:44:43
    I just can’t solve this one.I’m on Linode 1G RAM basic plan. Trying to install a package via Composer and it’s not letting me. My memory limit is set to “-1” on PHP.iniIs there anything else I can do to get this installed?Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev)- Installing thujohn/rss (dev-master df80a7d)Downloading: 100% PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘ErrorException’ with message ‘proc_open(): fork failed – Cannot allo

  • erm_durr
    javascript twitter-bootstrap laravel laravel-4 2013-11-3 22:35:07
    I try to load my javascripts like this:<!– Le javascript –> <!– ================================================== –> <!– Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster –>{{ HTML::script(‘’) }}{{ HTML::script(‘js/bootstrap-transition.js’) }}{{ HTML::script(‘js/bootstrap-alert.js’) }}{{ HTML::script(‘js/bootstrap-modal.js’) }}{{ HTML::script(‘js/bootstrap-dropdown.js’) }}{{ HTML::script(‘js/bootstrap-scrollspy.js’) }}{{

  • kkirsche
    mvc laravel laravel-4 2013-10-20 23:10:26
    I am working on an event manager using the Laravel 4 framework and have made a new model in /app/models/Event.php. In this file, I have the method public function postCreateEvent($eventDetails). I am getting the error, Call to undefined method Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher::postCreateEvent(). Can anyone help me identify why Laravel 4 is not finding the function in the model?The /app/controllers/Events/Controllers/Manager/ManagerController.php is:<?phpnamespace Events\Controllers\Manager;use \V

  • devo
    php jquery validation laravel laravel-4 2013-10-19 11:13:34
    I am developing a website using the Laravel 4 php framework, and I have a page which displays a form that is validated using the jQuery Validation plugin.Clicking a button in the form adds several fields to the form with a jQuery AJAX request via the .load() method. Once I’ve added the fields to the form, I want to add validation rules for these fields, which I do using the .rules() method.However, when my javascript is called, I get the following error:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property

  • JJD
    ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 simple-form jquery-select2 select2-rails 2013-11-14 19:30:38
    This select2 jquery library looks awesome. There is a Rails gem but it is very light on the documentation. I would like to generate a simple multiple drop-down menu, using autocomplete. How do I do that?This is my simple_form_for call:<%= f.input_field :neighborhood_names, url: autocomplete_neighborhood_name_searches_path, as: :autocomplete, data: { delimiter: ‘,’, placeholder: “Where do you want to live?”}, multiple: true, id: “selectWhereToLive”, class: “span8” %>I have successfully inst

  • Shruthi Ramesh
    jquery ruby-on-rails twitter-bootstrap jquery-select2 2013-11-9 15:05:57
    In rails 4.0, I am using select2(bootstrap) plugin. I want to generate dynamic data in auto-completion list but data is not loading in the list. If i used below code, i will get an error like “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘toUpperCase’ of undefined”. $(‘#DIV_NAME’).select2({placeholder: “Search for a names”,multiple: true,minimumInputLength: 1,ajax: { url: “autocomplete/names”,dataType: ‘json’,data: function (term) {return { q: term };},results: function (data) {return {results: data};

  • j0k
    jquery jquery-select2 2013-11-8 22:19:02
    I’m trying to programmatically clear a drop down using the fantastic Select2 library. The drop down is dynamically filled with a remote ajax call using the Select2 query option.HTML:<input id=”remote” type=”hidden” data-placeholder=”Choose Something” />Javascript:var $remote = $(‘#remote’);$remote.select2({allowClear: true,minimumInputLength: 2,query: function(options){$.ajax({dataType: ‘json’,url: myURL + options.term,error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){smoke.alert(textStatus

  • oliboon
    javascript jquery jquery-select2 2013-11-6 17:11:25
    I’m trying to use the Select2 library to display a list of categories. I have a working regular <select> at the moment.I added jquery, the stylesheet, the .js file and the function in my html.<link href=”/select2/select2.css” rel=”stylesheet”/> <script src=”//” ></script> <script src=”/select2/select2.js”></script> <script>$(document).ready(function() { $(“#listCategorie”).select2(); }); </scrip

  • Jorge Sampayo
    jquery jquery-select2 2013-11-4 18:35:25
    I’m trying to read a collection from the html5 data-attribute of the input that is converted to select2 to create tags.This is working when I have one input:$(“.tags”).select2(width: ‘220px’tags: $(“.tags”).data(‘collection’) )But I will like to do it more safe using the data of the element itself, I tried this:$(“.tags”).select2(width: ‘220px’tags: $(this).data(‘collection’) )But it fails with the error:Uncaught query function not defined for Select2 investigador_aplicacionesDo you know if it i

  • Anto
    html5 backbone.js backbone.marionette jquery-select2 bootstrapping 2013-11-3 19:15:31
    I load values for select2 like the following way.Declare the Type var AdjustmentType = Backbone.Model.extend({url : Hexgen.getContextPath(“/referencedata/adjustmenttype”)});create instance for the Typevar adjustmentTypes = new AdjustmentType();load the values to select2 boxadjustmentTypes.fetch({success : function() {for(var count in adjustmentTypes.attributes) {$(“#adjustment-type”).append(“<option>” + adjustmentTypes.attributes[count] + “</option>”);}}}); $(“#adjustment-type”).s

  • JanR
    javascript arrays jquery-select2 backgrid 2013-11-3 18:08:19
    I am trying to integrate select2 in backgrid.js. Backgridjs has extension support for select2 and the code for that is {name: “gender”,cell: Backgrid.SelectCell.extend({optionValues: [[“Male”, “m”], [“Female”, “f”]]}),label: “Gender (SelectCell)”}so based on this i tried something like the below since i have to load values to select2 box from the servervar FetchSecurities = Backbone.Model.extend({url : Hexgen.getContextPath(“/referencedata/securities”) }); var fetchSecurities = new FetchSecuriti

  • DubstepCat
    jquery jquery-ajax jquery-select2 2013-10-18 5:35:43
    I need help writing the jquery/ajax to fill a Select2 dropdown box.For those who don’t know what Select2 is, it is a javascript extension to provide Twitter Bootstrap looks and search / type-ahead functionality to an html select list dropdown box. For more information look at the examples here: Select2 Github page UPDATED – Solved!So I finally put this all together, and the solution to my problems was that I was missing functions to format the results and the list selection. The code below produ

  • Ivy
    javascript jquery ajax jquery-select2 2013-9-29 3:31:41
    Im using Select2 jquery plugin to add/create tags for posts on my ASP.NET MVC site. The features I use is “Loading Remote Data” and “Tagging Support” like this : <script type=”text/javascript”>function tagResultList(tag) {var counter = ‘ny tagg’;var markup = “<table class=’movie-result’><tr>”;markup += “<td class=’movie-info’><div class=’movie-title’>” + tag.textif (typeof tag.count != ‘undefined’) {counter = tag.count;}markup += “(” + counter + “)</div>”;mark

  • Dan
    jquery jquery-select2 2013-9-28 16:28:19
    I am using select2 a jquery plugin for selectboxes – good thing about this is the way to have multiple selects but i am having an issue.Problem 1 – when you click the dropdown box the placeholder text disappears which is ok as you can see the list but if you click of the list the placeholder will not reshow until you have clicked again.Problem 2 – if you do actually make 2 or 3 selections and then remove these again when you have removed the last you have t