problem about lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgendered-Collection of common programming errors

  • ThOrN135 x
    I want to be a boy really bad. I hate being a girl. Hate it. But I dont actually feel as if I AM a boy, or that I was born into the wrong body, or anything like that. So am I transgendered? Is transgendered being born into the wrong body, or just wishing that you were the opposite sex? Or doesnt it matter? Or is it undefined? Thank you.

  • Ramecia
    Am I pretty? Because boys call me ugly. Anywhere I go . They look at me & laugh. Whats wrong with me?

  • She Who Shall Not Be Named
    My best friend and I have been friends for 4 years now. I can trust her with anything. Shes bisexual. Id like to think of myself as…. Undefined. We play around and call eachother our “girlfriend” and we tease each other about not “making a move”. The most weve done is sleep topless and touch eachother above the waist. I really wanna kiss her, but a part of me is unsure and shy. Should I do it? Or would it ruin our friendship?

  • anonymous

  • anonymous
    Like you know how some women look really feminine and other women look more masculine? What are the specific features? Because sometimes i cant even tell.For example, i feel like i have feminine features, except i have a square shaped face and i feel like this makes me look masculine.

  • anonymous
    Sometimes he calls himself a gay guy. Other times he says transsexual woman. Sometimes he even uses “half-boy, half-girl”. And sometimes he says he “has no gender”, his gender is “undefined”. Is he confused? As a transwoman myself, Im not sure whether to recommend him a gender therapist or an in-patient psychiatrist.

  • anonymous
    Me and my best friend arent dating or anything like that, at least weve never asked eachother out or stated any romantic feelings for each other. But when were together we just act like were a couple almost. We hold hands outside, cuddle when were indoors, we always fall asleep holding eachother, sometimes we get up to sexual stuff too. but were comfortable with everything we do. Its just the way were happy being.Does anyone else have a friend like this?

  • jc803
    While a relationship is in the “undefined” stage (not official yet), is a man looking for a woman to initiate contact or make plans with him or step up and do things for him? Or should a woman be waiting on the man to initiate all contact and set up plans with her?

  • abbas
    I heard about the interests of girls for thicker penis than taller one … for girls the maximum size is undefined and they love biggest one… but an acceptable range in medicine is almost how cm ? my penis is about 17cm tall. my girl friend has a BF before me with a thicker penis and very shorter than myself. she says prefer my penis … but maybe she just love me and dont say the truth.

  • anonymous
    Bad video card drivers! ———————– Minecraft was unable to start because it failed to find an accelerated OpenGL mode.This can usually be fixed by updating the video card drivers.— BEGIN ERROR REPORT 7fe0271 ——–Generated 8/3/11 5:30 PMMinecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1Java: 1.6.0_26, Sun Microsystems Inc.VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.LWJGL: 2.4.2[failed to get system properties (java.lang.NullPointerExc

  • anonymous
    NO HATE COMMENTS!I am gay and I have a boyfriend. There is a girl that thinks its very, very wrong to be gay and she wants to tell me everything in the bible that says something about being gay. I want to believe what she says, but I dont have a bible or a church nearby.Somebody Help!

  • George
    I read once that chemicals , insecticides , pesticides and overmedications,colorants in our food can increase the chances of becoming gay by genetically screwing up our hormone. It is true that homosexuallity is growing big time , with guys looking like girls & girls looking like guys. Should our governement do something to modify this horrible path? It could lead in a few hundred years to extinction of the human race. what do you guys think? I read that medications also have side effects wh