problem about facebook-canvas-Collection of common programming errors

  • Jared Mark
    php oauth facebook-php-sdk facebook-oauth facebook-canvas
    I am doing a Canvas app inside the facebook page.My very simple question is this: With the newest facebook SDK (just downloaded today), if a user has not yet granted access permission to your app, will the facebook class within the SDK automatically determine that and attempt to get authorization?I can manually get auth for my app by going here:<myClientID>&redirect_uri=<myRedirectURL>&type=user_agent&display=page&

  • Eric
    javascript facebook facebook-javascript-sdk facebook-canvas
    I’m trying to resize the Canvas for an app but I can’t get the JS SDK or the fixed height setting to work. In the console for chrome I see:Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘createClass2’ on XFBML:13Firefox:FB.Type.createClass2 is not a function on XFBML:13I have my app Canvas setting on fluid for width, and fixed at 1200px (which has no effect). Note: there is no Settable option.Here is my JS SDK include. It’s right after the <head> tag<script>window.fbAsync

  • chuuke
    jquery facebook facebook-javascript-sdk facebook-canvas
    I can’t get Facebook Javascript functions to work inside of certain jQuery commands…This works:$(“a#GetScrollTest”).click( function() {FB.Canvas.getPageInfo(function(fbCanvasInfoObject) {var fbPosition = fbCanvasInfoObject.scrollTop;$(“a#GetScrollTest”).html(“The scroll top value is ” + fbPosition + “px”);});return false; });This doesn’t (returns ‘Uncaught ReferenceError: FB is not defined’):$(“a.scrollLink”).each(function() {$(this).click(function(){FB.Canvas.getPageInfo(function(fbCanvasInfo

  • Leahcim
    ruby-on-rails ruby sinatra omniauth facebook-canvas
    I’m copy and pasting the code from Heroku’s tutorial about building a canvas app to host on Heroku seen here. However, I’m getting this error which the backtrace (see below) says is related to omniauth. Can anyone explainNoMethodError at / undefined method `include?’ for nil:NilClass file: builder.rb location: call line: 29These are the gems it usesgem ‘sinatra’, ‘1.0’ gem ‘oa-oauth’, ‘0.1.6’BACKTRACE (condense) JUMP TO: GET POST COOKIES ENV

  • Coralie Ve
    javascript facebook flash facebook-canvas
    I’m working on an Facebook app in flash using starling (3D graphics). So my HTML page need to be in wmode=”direct”.I implement the solution given on Facebook put a log into the callback and this log never appear, all Facebook dialog are shown under my flash app. So I don’t think the callback is called.Here my test code for the callback. Do I miss something ? Thank you function test(info) { console.debug(“teste”); }function fbInit() {window.fbAsyncI

  • bevanb
    facebook facebook-canvas
    I’m trying to resize the iFrame in my Facebook canvas app with Javascript. I know how to do this in the code- it’s working fine.However, I can’t seem to get it to work in the console, for testing purposes. In the console, FB is defined but FB.Canvas is not (the closest is FB.CanvasClient). Why is that? How can I test iFrame resizing in the console?

  • user984621
    facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-javascript-sdk facebook-canvas
    I am trying to make work the Open Graph. In the administration of the app I have these 2 items:Action Types: write – note Object Types: noteI don’t know why, but Open Graph still doesn’t work. I followed this tutorial, but when I press the button, still getting Error occured.Relevant code:<head prefix=”og: fb: my_url:”><meta property=”fb:app_id” content=”ID” /> <meta property=”og:type” content=”note” /> <me