problem about response-Collection of common programming errors

  • Phil Moorhouse
    php security symfony2 response
    I’ve created a custom voter that denies access to my API if the request doesn’t contain a valid auth header. It’s based on a combination of two cookbook entries: and<?phpnamespace Acme\RestBundle\Security\Authorization\Voter;use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter\VoterIn

  • kurochenko
    json spring extjs upload response
    I was creating file upload using ExtJS 4 frontend and Spring 3 as backend. File upload works, but the response from server has wrong content type. When I send {success:true} using Map<String, Object> serialized by Jackson, ExtJS returns errorUncaught Ext.Error: You’re trying to decode an invalid JSON String: <pre style=”word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;”>{“success”:true}</pre>Why is my response wrapped with <pre> tag? I’ve searched and found out that I should

  • ammianus
    jsp nullpointerexception websphere response
    I have a legacy JSP that has scriplets, I am doing testing of it in our application on Websphere The same JSP, with exact same data works correctly in Weblogic 10.3.2.The JSP uses code to produce a lot of HTML output + javascript. On Websphere is failing consistently with a NullPointerException in the middle of the JSP’s output. Everytime it fails it fails around 680 KB of data in the page.If I view source from a browser, the last line of output gets cutoff, something like this”;docume

  • wuliwong
    javascript json format response
    I am using the Framey API for video recording. When I make a request I get back the json response I expect, but an error is raised:Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :Here’s the javascriptvar url = “ api_key=7VNKGLJZLKSASZ0FXN2TVSZQU&signature=41B08D68E0A4AC2DD91107BBD6AD08B8&time_stamp=1304447242”;$(“button”).click(function() {$.ajax({url: url,dataType: ‘json’,crossDomain: true}).done(function() { $(“.video”).html(“he

  • sotn
    ajax jsp response
    I am trying out some AJAX code, where an HTML page makes an ajax call to a JSP page and gets the date from the JSP to present on the HTML page. The code below just shows the entire reponse in the alert box, and all I get in return is a random number like this :1334754128581. The responsetext is not returning the HTML. The code does return a readystate of 4 and status == 200. Here’s the code in the HTML:<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”tex

  • C.Barlow
    php ajax internet-explorer firefox response
    Ajax responds with an empty string when triggered via form onsubmit in Firefox, but it is working fine in Internet Explorer and Opera (works in Firefox if sent by a submit button instead of form onsubmit).I am simply calling a php file with the ajax GET and the php file response with – echo $response = “something”;. Then the response value is alerted. I am getting it work in IE but in Firefox the response is an empty string (checked by typeof()).code is 4 files: index.php, ajax-connect.js, cbb.

  • Graham Clark
    java ajax jetty response
    Hi I try to run a java server on Jetty which should respond to an ajax call. Unfortunately the response seems to be empty when I call it with ajax. When I call http://localhost:8081/?id=something I get an answer.The Java Server:public class Answer extends AbstractHandler {public void handle(String target,Request baseRequest,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException{String id = request.getParameter(“id”);response.setContentType(“text/xml”);respo

  • Scorpius
    javascript jquery ajax header response
    Exactly what the title suggests:I perform an ajax request to my server, it responds with a 403 but there are headers I want to retrieve and save on localStorage. This is for a phonegap app (Android and iOS), so the initiating domain isLocal (file://). When performing the call, I use the following code to try to intercept the response, but it returns undefined or an empty string.Ajax:$.ajax({url: serverLink+action,type: “POST”,data: “access_token=”+accessToken+”&uid=”+uid,crossDomain: true,co

  • Sandeepan Nath
    json cakephp jquery-ajax response
    My problem is somewhat similar to cakephp, jquery, .ajax(), dataType: json, but my observations are little different.I am working on a Cake PHP project. Consider a group_assoc submodule of opstools module. So, there is this function group_assoc() inside opstools_controller.php which is invoked by an ajax call to update group associations. My ajax post is like this – $.post( url, function(data) {if(data){alert(data.success); //alerts -> undefinedalert(data); //alerts -> {“success

  • Mitaksh Gupta
    java javascript cookies response
    I am setting cookie server-side, using java code response.addCookie(“test1″,”test1”);I found this code to retrieve cookie using javascript (function(){var cookies;function readCookie(name,c,C,i){if(cookies){ alert(“all cookies”+cookies); return cookies[name]; }c = document.cookie.split(‘; ‘);cookies = {};for(i=c.length-1; i>=0; i–){C = c[i].split(‘=’);cookies[C[0]] = C[1];}alert(“required cookie”+cookies[name]);return cookies[name];}window.readCookie = readCookie; // or expose it however you

  • silvesterprabu
    forms node.js upload response
    i have tried to send uploaded file to server by using ajax like thisformData.append(‘foldername’,fname);formData.append(‘file’, file)$.ajax({url: ‘imageupload’,data: formData,processData: false,contentType: false,type: ‘POST’,success:function(response){alert(response);alert(response.imagename);}});it is send data to server successfully but i have sent response from server like thisres.writeHead(200,{‘Content-Type’:’text/html’, ‘Access-Control-Allow-Orgin’:’*’});res.write(JSON.stringify({“imagena

  • Will
    ajax mootools response
    I tryed tu put the ajax response in a variable tu use it later but it’s not workthis is my codevar retourn; var requestData = new Request ({url: ‘dnscheck.php’,async:false,onComplete: function(response){//alert(response); // this work goodretourn = response;} });alert(retourn); // shows me undefinedmootools 1.2.4 versionAny idea how to resolve this plaiseAfter clearing history and trying many time, it work fine thank you Grimvar retourn; var requestData = new Request ({url: ‘dnscheck.php’,

  • Wasim
    php ajax variables return response
    HOW TO USE eval() FUNCTION HERE ajax.jsvar x=”hello world”;var y=”anyother string”;$.ajax({url:”ajax.php”,success:function(data){console.log($.globalEval(data));}});ajax.php<?php exit(“‘first string is ‘+x+’ second one is’+y”);?>I want to return x,y as a variables to ajax response, so console.log(data) can print value of first string is hello world second one is another string but it says “x is undefine”NOTE : I need the solution without passing x and y as data from ajax

  • meagar
    php javascript jquery ajax response
    This question already has an answer here:How to return the response from an AJAX call?4 answersI have a problem with a jQuery ajax call. I need to wait for the call to be finished in order to return a value. However, the script seems to jump ahead and not wait for the call to be over. my function then returns “undefined”.I have tried to use the .ajax() method and set the value of async to false, but this would not work either.I could I get my function to return the value that I could through the

  • Troy Alford
    javascript xml api response
    I am working with this API, which returns flight statuses originating in LHR to MAN (just an example). The response is formatted as XML, but I’m having trouble reading it with JavaScript.I tried the following:function loadXMLDoc(dname) { //the dname here is the urlif (window.XMLHttpRequest) {xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();} else {xhttp = new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);}“GET”, dname, false);xhttp.send();return xhttp.responseXML; }But it doesn’t work. Is there another way to read

  • Thomas L Holaday
    jquery json save response
    I’d like to store my json response in a global variable so, i could use it through my app without making a getJSON request more than once.var data; $.getJSON(“panorama.json”,function(json){ data = json.images[0].src; console.log(data); });console.log(data);If I log it in the actual request its fine, but i get “undefined” everywhere else. Any comment appriciated.Edit [copied from comments]: Tried …$.myglobals = { result: “unset” } $(document).ready(function() { $.getJSON( “panorama.json”, f

  • squint
    javascript ajax json response
    I am using plain JavaScript on my project. How can I get the value of the following example with the category? I need to detect whether it comes back true or false.{“category”: “true” }I can get the entire object, but I just want to pull out the value of category.from comment…The JSON data is returned from the server based on a form submission. It keeps saying myObject is undefined. How can do I pass this so my JavaScript can read the response?from comment…I can get myObject using this: if (

  • Sandeepan Nath
    jquery ajax json size response
    I just need to check if there are some non-zero results in my response object, without having to run a loop ($.each or something) and increment a counter (although I can break the counting after the first iteration). I guess I can use jQuery’s $.size() which returns 1 and 0 if there were results and there were no results respectively. I searched in but did not find the confirmation. Any ideas ?Here is my simple code – $.ajax({type: “POST”,data: postdata,async: false,u

  • Bohdan Hdal
    javascript json jquery-ajax global-variables response
    I have function:function get_playlist(){ var result = jQuery.ajax({url: ‘<?php echo admin_url(‘admin-ajax.php’); ?>’,type: ‘post’,dataType: ‘json’,data: {action: ‘getrandommp3’,nonce:'<?php echo wp_create_nonce( ‘randmp3′ ); ?>’},success: function(response) {console.log(response); // All OK!window.response = response;var customvar = response;return response;} });console.log(window.response); // undefinedconsole.log(result.responseText); //undefinedconsole.log(customv

  • newUser
    cucumber response capybara nil
    I would appreciate some help with the following problem.When I run my cucumber (using capybara) feature using rake cucumber:wipI get the following error: (ie the response object is not defined for some reason)Then I should be able to see 1 announcement # features/step_definitions/view_announcements_steps.rb:8undefined method `has_selector?’ for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)./features/step_definitions/view_announcements_steps.rb:10:in `/^I should be able to see (\d+) announcement$/’features/view_a

  • Community
    java playframework-2.0 response render
    I have Play framework 2.0.4 installed. For the java app I have, I want to render response in JSON format.But when I was using renderJSON, compiler gives:The method renderJSON(Map<String,String>) is undefined for the type Statuswhat am I missing here? public class Status extends Controller {public static void myMethod(String url) {Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();map.put(“id”, “1069”);map.put(“url”, url);renderJSON(map);} }

  • Tapan Desai
    java android response
    I am trying to display the message based on the response from the server but somehow its failing everytime. When i am running the same code from java class seperately from different project by providing static values it is running properly and i am able to get the response code. Please refer the code and help me rectify the error.MainActivity.javapublic class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener, Runnable { Context context; EditText editTextNum, editText, editUserName, editP

  • ihorko
    c# response
    On my site, I build about 2-3 MB csv file and then try to send it as Response, so I do:StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();sb.AppendLine(“Name\tType\tNumber\tStatus”);foreach (string county in GetCounties()){List<StationItem> list = GetStationItems(county);foreach (StationItem item in list){sb.AppendLine(string.Format(“{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}”,item.Name, item.Type, item.Number, item.Status));}}Response.Clear();Response.ContentType = “text/csv”;Response.AppendHeader(“Content-Dispositi

  • peterwkc
    jquery ajax servlets response
    I would like to set the error message on Ajax error operation from Java Servlet. request.setAttribute(BreezeWebConstants.ERROR_MESSAGE, errMsg); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN);error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(“Move Ticket Error – ” + textStatus); console.log(“Move Unknown Ticket Error”); }The textStatus is predefined in Jquery but i need to set custom error message in java servlet and retrieve it on this error function. How to do it?Thanks.