problem about image-uploading-Collection of common programming errors

  • user937897
    android facebook-graph-api bytearray image-uploading facebook-android-sdk
    I am using Facebook’s API to create a new album with a picture from my android app but I keep on getting these annoying errors that make no sense. I have done some research but have come up with nothing. Please help! String albumName = ((TextView)findViewById(; Bundle params = new Bundle(); params.putByteArray(“pictures”, toByteArray(mediaPath[0])); params.putString(“name”, albumName); request.request(“”,params,”POST”, ne

  • leOm
    image-uploading imagick
    I get the following error when trying to process uploaded images with imagick.Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘ImagickException’ with message ‘unable to open image `9eK59iu.jpg’: No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2644′ in D:\PATH\upload.php on line 77The code looks like this:<?php$new_folder_name = “D:/PATH/content”; mkdir(“$new_folder_name”,0700);$tmp_img = $_FILES[“upload_file”][“tmp_name”];$img = new Imagick($tmp_img);$img->thumbnailImage(100 , 100 , TRUE);$img->

  • hakre
    php zend-framework image-uploading
    i this code for uploading in my zf application :public function uploadAction() {$upload = new Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http();$upload->setDestination(“uploads”);if (!$upload->isValid()) {throw new Zend_Exception(“Upload Error”);}try {$upload->receive();} catch (Zend_File_Transfer_Exception $e) {throw new Zend_Exception(‘Upload Error ‘ . $e->getMessage());}$this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); }and following html :<form enctype=”multipart/form-data” action=”admin/

  • Maciek Simm
    javascript ruby-on-rails image-uploading
    I am developing a Rails app with a module for dynamic – ajax – image upload to gallery. I am doing it basing on this app – multi-file-upload-demo. I am not very keen in Javascript and stuff, so I copy a lot of logic from that implementation.I made up my app following all logic from rounders demo, I have included all gems and javascript libraries, and I get an error:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘innerHTML’ of null in chrome console, which refers to tmpl.js filetmpl.load = function (id

  • Rana Muhammad Usman
    php facebook image-uploading
    I want to upload the image on the facebook but there is a problem. I am facing the following error. Fatal error: Uncaught CurlException: 26: I found the exact problem hereThe solution is give and he said to change the path as # The URL for the Image to Transfer $imageURL = ‘’;I did not understand what is meant by either or localhost??

  • sunil kumar
    facebook facebook-graph-api picture image-uploading facebook-wall
    Iam trying to upload images to face book using php. But Iam getting this error now “Uncaught OAuthException: (#324) Requires upload file thrown in”.$app_id = “257711244318488”; $app_secret = “dc4b279079e4eafdfgdfgdfgf6e5b9ef37fb48402”; $facebook = new Facebook(array(‘appId’ => $app_id,’secret’ => $app_secret,’cookie’ => true)); $fbcheck= $facebook->getUser();if(is_null($fbcheck) or !$fbcheck or $fbcheck==0){header(“Location:{$facebook->getLoginUrl(array(‘scope’ => ‘user_status,

  • hakre
    php file-upload uploadify image-uploading
    I have a fairly simple script that handles the file information sent to the server from Uploadify and everything works except the creation of the thumbnail. Can anyone see where my mistake is?<?php session_start(); include “../”;/* Uploadify v3.1.0 Copyright (c) 2012 Reactive Apps, Ronnie Garcia Released under the MIT License <> */// Define a destination $targetFolder = ‘/images/artist_pictures/’; // Relative to the root $thumbsF

  • Colin
    jquery codeigniter image-uploading
    This is my code to upload image using ajaxfileupload and Jquery in my codeigniter code. But codeigniter code is giving error in log file. its uploading. but when i tested same code without jquery and ajaxfileupload script.<script src=”//”></script> <script src=”//localhost/AjaxFileUploader/ajaxfileupload.js”></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function () {$(“#form”).change(fu

  • EM-Creations
    php wordpress wordpress-plugin wordpress-plugin-dev image-uploading
    I am trying to receive files from a webservice and save them into wordpress but I have following issues,Some of the files will be uploaded but they are corrupted and I can’t open them, although their webservice address is correct. It shows the following errors (although it shows these errors but upload the files anyway, which is good 😀 but I am wondering why I am receiving them).Notice: Constant ABSPATH already defined in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress/wp-load.php on line 22Fatal error: Ca

  • Yeclipse
    imagemagick centos image-uploading refinerycms
    I installed RefineryCMS on my server(CentOs 5.5) and everything works fine except uploading images. It will show an error like:NoMethodError in Refinery::Admin::ImagesController#createundefined method `downcase’ for nil:NilClassI installed ImageMagick by typing: sudo yum install ImageMagickI searched online and it seems ImageMagick installed by yum is too old (Version 6.2.x) Then I removed it, successfully installed ImageMagick v6.7.7 from source code. Now when I try to upload an image, refinery

  • rash
    php ajax image-uploading
    I am doing project in php.I used ajax code to upload the image. It done nicely, everything is working but display notice and i want 2 remove this notice… Notice is as follows:Notice: Undefined variable: errorList in C:\xampp\htdocs\ajax\scripts\ajaxupload.php on line 18 Notice: Undefined variable: errorList in C:\xampp\htdocs\ajax\scripts\ajaxupload.php on line 132i am not understanding what is the meaning of message… How to remove this Notice?

  • Tirolel
    android facebook image-uploading
    Hey there I know a lot of people have asked this question but none of them could help me, this what I want is how to make a button onclick have to start a photo chooser and upload the chosen picture into facebook ?Iam really stuck and none of the answers could help me. I have a code that it sending text and its working fine. But now I want to upload picture too, so how I can make it? Anyone can help me?best regardsUPDATE –> This is what I have to postpublic class TestPost extends Activity{ priv

  • Nave Tseva
    c# file-upload image-uploading multifile-uploader
    I have the following HTML source:<form name=”AddTrack” id=”add_track_form” action=”AddTrack.aspx” method=”post” runat=”server”><input type=”file” name=”file1″/><br /><input type=”file” style=”margin-right: 52px;” name=”file2″ /><br /><input type=”file” style=”margin-right: 52px;” name=”file3″ /><br /><input type=”file” style=”margin-right: 52px;” name=”file4″ /><br /><button type=”submit” class=”blue-button”>???? ?????</button><

  • hamidreza66
    php file-upload upload image-uploading uploading
    How i can detect spoiled images after upload?Im using some code like this:$imageSize = getimagesize($tmp_name); if(!$imageSize || !in_array($imageSize[‘mime’], $allowMimeType)){$this->error = ‘Bad Image’;@unlink($tmp_name);return false; } $tn = imagecreatetruecolor(80, 80); switch ($imageSize[‘mime’]){case ‘image/jpeg’:$userphoto = imagecreatefromjpeg($tmp_name);// Error 1break;case ‘image/png’:$userphoto = imagecreatefrompng($tmp_name);// Error 1break;case ‘image/gif’:$userphoto = imagecrea

  • KuKu
    java jsp servlets image-uploading
    This is my jsp form<%@ page import=”java.sql.*”%> <%@ page import=”*”%><jsp:include page=”common_header.jsp” /> <center> <form action=”projects” method=”post” enctype=”multipart/form-data” name=”productForm” id=”productForm”><div class=”row grid_12″ id=”add_service”><h2>Add Project</h2><div class=”grid_6″><label>Project Name</label><div class=”clear”></div><input type=”text” name=”name” id=”name” class=”text

  • emils
    ruby-on-rails paperclip image-uploading
    I’m new to rails. And to web development at all.Sorry if some questions might seem dumb.Trying to follow this screen cast – But stoped at the problem – when i try to upload an image i get the following error :ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError in PostsController#update Unknown attribute: imagealtough post_controller.rb seems ok (checked many times – it is the same as