problem about dql-Collection of common programming errors

  • rockerest
    php mysql doctrine2 dql
    First of all, I want to apologize for the length of this question; I didn’t know how to properly ask my question without a lot of background. Please bear with me.I’m converting a simple application that I use to hone my skills from my own custom database access schema to Doctrine. I chose Doctrine for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that I use it at my day job regularly. I also like how Doctrine is generally a pretty thin (appearing) layer that stays out of the way while still

  • Mohit Jain
    mysql doctrine dql
    Suppose there are two tables.Table X– Columns:id x_valueTable Y– Columns:id x_id y_valueNow I dont want to define relationship in doctrine classes and i want to retrieve some records using these two tables using a query like this:Select x_value from x, y where”variable_z” and;I m not able to figure out how to write query like this in doctrine ormEDIT:Table structures:Table 1:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `image` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `random

  • calumbrodie
    php doctrine dql doctrine-1.2
    I am trying to perform a simple join on two tables and am having trouble finding the right syntax to use – I know i am missing something simple.From the ‘users’ table i need the id (working fine) and from the ‘meta’ table i need the last_name (not working)$q = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from(‘Users u’) ->leftJoin(‘u.Meta m’);$users = $q->execute();//attempt 1 foreach($users as $user){$user_array[$user->id] = $user->last_name; }//attempt 2 foreach($users as $user){$user_arra

  • Jimena
    codeigniter join orm doctrine dql
    i have 2 tables: “User” and “States”. What i pretend to do, is to count how many users are from certain state, ie:state total users santa fe 5 buenos aires 20and so on.I’m using codeigniter with doctrine, here’s my code:public function countByState(){$this->qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();$this->qb->select(‘s.state_id’, $this->qb->expr()->count(‘u.state’))->from(‘models\States’, ‘s’)->leftJoin(‘s.state_id’ , ‘u’)->leftJoin(‘models\User’, ‘u’)-&

  • calumbrodie
    escaping doctrine2 dql reserved-words
    Using Doctrine 2.I have an entity called ‘size’ and I’m trying to form some DQL (using the QueryBuilder) to pull these entities from the database.It looks like ‘Size’ is a reserved word’m unable to find a way to escape the entity name (I’ve tried backticks and double quotes)$dql = “SELECT product p join p.size size”;Executing the above results in:Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Doctrine\ORM\Query\Que

  • Dan Lee
    php doctrine2 sql-order-by version dql
    I have a table that holds version numbers and I want to read them out naturally sorted. This is no problem with raw SQL:SELECT * FROM versions ORDER BY REPLACE(version, ‘.’, ”)+0 DESCBut if I write my query in Doctrine2 like this:$qry = $this->createQueryBuilder(‘v’)->select(‘v’)->orderBy(“REPLACE(v.version, ‘.’, ”)+0″, ‘DESC’);I only getFatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException’ with message ‘[Syntax Error] line 0, col 100: Error: Expected end of string, got

  • TooTiredToDrink
    php symfony2 doctrine dql
    I have been trying to pull out a random row, I have used this: This is the example code I found which did not really help ( I found here: QuestionRepository extends EntityRepository {public function findOneRandom(){$em = $this->getEntityManager();$max = $em->createQuery(‘SELECT MAX( FROM EnzimQuestionBundle:Question q’)->getSingleScalarResult();return $em->createQuery(‘SELECT q FROM EnzimQuestionBundle:Question q WHERE >= :

  • foozy
    orm doctrine2 dql
    I have following Doctrine 2 STI Vehicle entity which have two child classes named Car and Bike need to count items in vehicles table by vehicle type. (For example; summary of the table: 3 cars, 5 bikes..)/*** @ORM\Entity* @ORM\InheritanceType(“SINGLE_TABLE”)* @ORM\DiscriminatorColumn(name=”type”, type=”string”)* @ORM\DiscriminatorMap({“V” = “Vehicle”, “C” = “CarEntity”, “B” = “BikeEntity”})* @ORM\Table(name=”vehicles”, uniqueConstraints={@ORM\UniqueConstraint(name=”discr_type_name”,columns={“typ

  • TooTiredToDrink
    php symfony2 doctrine dql
    This is my query for getting a random product:public function getRelatedProducts(){$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();$max = $em->createQuery(‘SELECT MAX( FROM GlassShopBundle:Product p’)->getSingleScalarResult();return $em->createQuery(‘SELECT q FROM GreenMonkeyDevGlassShopBundle:Product p WHERE >= :rand ORDER BY ASC’)->setParameter(‘rand’,rand(0,$max))->setMaxResults(1)->getSingleResult()->getResults(); }I get a Undefined method ‘getRelatedByC

  • Marko Jovanovic
    sql symfony2 group-by doctrine2 dql
    I’m trying to translate this (My)SQL to DQLSELECT content, created, AVG(rating) FROM point GROUP BY DAY(created) ORDER BY created ASCAnd I’m stuck at GROUP BY part, apparently DAY/WEEK/MONTH isn’t recognized as valid “function”.[Semantical Error] line 0, col 80 near ‘(p.created) ORDER’: Error: Cannot group by undefined identification variable.$this->createQueryBuilder(‘p’)->select(‘p’)->groupBy(‘DAY(p.created)’)->orderBy(‘p.created’, ‘ASC’)Q: Is it possible to create this kind of que

  • Mohit Jain
    php doctrine dql
    I am firing a update query. Its working for one page and not working on other one. Can anybody take a look. thanks<br /><b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught exception ‘Doctrine_Connection_Mysql_Exception’ with message ‘SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\fanyer\doctrine\lib\Doctrine\Connection.php:1084Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\fanyer\doctrine\lib\Doctrine\Connection\Statement.php(253):

  • h3g0r_
    doctrine dql
    I tried to generate a simple SQL select:SELECT c.com_id, c.pro_id, c.com_nombre FROM bd_fn.fn_comuna c inner join bd_fn.fn_provincia p on (c.pro_id = p.pro_id) where p.pro_nombre = ‘namepro’;But the DQL throw this error:Doctrine_Table_Exception’ with message ‘Unknown relation alias fn_provincia. The doctrine version is 1.XX, the persistence was create by Visual Paradigm. The DQL is this:$q = Doctrine_Query::create()->select(‘c.com_id’)->from(‘fn_comuna c’)->innerJoin(‘c.fn_provinci

  • Jason Swett
    sql symfony1 doctrine dql
    I have the following SQL query:select bank.* from bank join branch on branch.bank_id = join account a on a.branch_id = join import i on a.import_id = i.idIt returns exactly what I expect.Now consider the following two DQL queries:$q = Doctrine_Query::create()->select(‘Bank.*’)->from(‘Bank’)->leftJoin(‘Branch’)->leftJoin(‘Account’)->leftJoin(‘Import’);-$q = Doctrine_Query::create()->select(‘Bank.*’)->from(‘Bank’)->innerJoin(‘Branch’)->innerJoin(‘Accoun

  • Bee
    sql database symfony-1.4 dql doctrine-1.2
    I have following sql error:SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘a.`role`’ in ‘field list’My doctrine select is$query->select(‘a.role AS role’);When i look on the symfony error i see that doctrine makes the ‘a.role’ to a.role. Here the full SQL Statement = at Doctrine_Connection->execute(‘SELECT `a`.“`role“` AS `a__0`, `a`.`role` AS `a__0` FROM `offer` `o` INNER JOIN `account` `a` *******)

  • user1146284
    php mysql database doctrine dql
    I’m trying to execute this DQL:$q = Doctrine_Query::create() ->select(‘*’); ->from(‘Clientes c’); $retorno = $q->execute();My BaseClientes.php:// Connection Component Binding Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->bindComponent(‘Clientes’, ‘padrao’);/*** BaseClientes* * This class has been auto-generated by the Doctrine ORM Framework* * @property integer $pk_clientes* @property string $txt_nome* @property timestamp $ts_cadastro* @property string $txt_diretorio* @property Doctrine_Collectio

  • Ropstah
    doctrine dql
    I’m trying to execute a query but I get an error:Unknown table aliasThe tables are setup as follows:Template_Spot hasOne Template Template hasMany Template_Spot Template hasMany Location Location hasOne TemplateI’m trying to execute the following DQL:$locationid = 1; $spots = Doctrine_Query::create()->select(‘cts.*, ct.*, uc.*’)->from(‘Template_Spot cts’)->innerJoin(‘Template ct’)->innerJoin(‘Location uc’)->where(‘uc.locationid = ?’, $locationid)->execute();Doe