problem about autoload-Collection of common programming errors

  • teresko
    php codeigniter doctrine2 doctrine autoload
    I got “Message: class_parents(): Class Comment does not exist and could not be loaded” while trying to use Doctrine models in CodeIgniter controller.Here is full stacktrace Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘ReflectionException’ with message ‘Class Comment does not exist’ in C:\Users\user\Desktop\projects\interview\application\libraries\Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\RuntimeReflectionService.php:73 Stack trace: #0 C:\Users\user\Desktop\projects\interview\application\libraries\Doctrine\Common\

  • Anthony
    yii zend-framework2 autoload
    Mainly the question is about ZF2 but the main task is how to integrate ZF2 to Yii.If it’s ZF1 I just have to include files that I need. ZF2 has a little bit more complex stucture.Particularly I need to load ServiceManager module.I’ve tried that:$loader = new Zend\Loader\ClassMapAutoloader(); $loader->registerAutoloadMap(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/lib/Zend/ServiceManager’)); $loader->register();And got an error:Warning: include(/Project/lib/Zend/ServiceManager): failed to open stream:

  • kjy112
    php database zend-framework autoload
    I shifted the site from shared server to dedicated server but the site is not working correctly. I am getting the error as “Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception’ with message ‘The PDO extension is required for this adapter but the extension is not loaded’ in “;Result for:if (extension_loaded(‘pdo’) and extension_loaded(‘pdo_mysql’)) {print “Success”;} else {print “Failure”;}is also false.——Index File——<?php// Define path to application directory defined(‘APPLICAT

  • Kute
    cakephp exception bootstrap autoload
    I have moved the CakePHP installation from my development server to production server (Config file and htaccess updated). The production server was using an older version of PHP and I have requested the host to upgrade it. After they upgraded the PHP version, the site printing the php code on the webpage (Class : /lib/Cake/core/app) .. Also it displaying a fatal error on the bottom of the page, its belowFatal error: Uncaught exception ‘LogicException’ with message ‘Passedarray does not specify a

  • Willem
    php exception autoload
    While attempting to implement some kind of error handling when my __autoload() function fails to load a file I stumbled upon this little ‘oddity’.According to Exceptions thrown from within the __autoload() function can be caught in a catch block since PHP version 5.3+.Note:Prior to 5.3.0, exceptions thrown in the __autoload function could not be caught in the catch block and would result in a fatal error. From 5.3.0+ exceptions thrown in the __autoload function can be

  • Charles
    ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 autoload
    I’ve found many similar questions on here, but none of the answers have solved my problem. I am getting the following error upon loading my page at /user/2NoMethodError in User_data#dataShowing /Users/Jimmy/Documents/Launchpad Toys/LPT_Repositories/orbit-analytics/app/views/user_data/data.erb where line #108 raised:undefined method `<‘ for nil:NilClassExtracted source (around line #108):105: </div> 106: </div> 107: 108: <% if @videos_number < 1

  • Riccardo Mazzei
    php autoload paypal-adaptive-payments
    Trying to run the samples in the Paypal Adaptive Payments API I find stuck with a strange issue involving – apparently – autoloading.In the abstract the problem is that in my situation I have this class structure excerpt:file1.php:class SomeClass extends SomeOtherClass {// … }file2.php:class SomeOtherClass {function foo() {// …} }What happens is that defining an autoloader for the two classes (mapping to the correct file for each one) if SomeClass is instantiated and used it doesn’t appear t

  • Jay Levitt
    ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 console autoload irb
    I have a Rails 3 app with a presenter that lives in lib. The relevant part looks like: lib/channels/channel.rb:module Channelsclass Channeldef current_userApplicationController.current_controller.try(:current_or_guest_user)enddef self.find_by_key(key)@@channels.find { |c| c.key == key.to_sym }endprivatedef self.class_initialize@@channels = []Dir.glob(“#{Rails.root}/lib/channels/channel_defs/*.rb”).each do |f|require_dependency f@@channels << “Channels::#{File.basename(f, ‘.rb’).camelize

  • hakre
    php class autoload
    Trying to autoload classes from <root>/incl/classes folder. The problem is, when I call some class for ex. ip like that$ip= new ip();$ip=$ip->get();PHP gives error message Notice: Undefined variable: path . But in fact file already existsI’m declaring all various paths at the top of page.define(“ds”, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $path = array(); $path[‘root’] = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’]; $path[‘common’] = $path[‘root’] . ds . “common”; $path[‘design’] = $path[‘root’] . ds . “design”; $path[‘co

  • Greg
    php autoload
    My application uses a ‘central’ page controller that grabs a bunch of files (I hesitate to say libraries) each containing a few related classes, using require_once, before fetching the request. As in:require_once (dir_lib . ‘db.php’); require_once (dir_lib . ‘uuid.php’); require_once (dir_lib . ‘data.php’); require_once (dir_lib . ‘token.php’); require_once (dir_lib . ‘logs.php’); require_once (dir_lib . ‘time.php’);etc…I haven’t bot

  • FedericoBiccheddu
    php caching codeigniter-2 autoload
    Good evening everyone,I have a problem since a few days.I would instantiate the Cache class, but I can’t do this with the autoload; I’ve put this configuration file:$autoload[‘libraries’] = array(‘driver’, ‘acl’);but I can’t use it. In every class or model, I should write this$this->load->driver(‘cache’, array(‘adapter’ => ‘apc’, ‘backup’ => ‘file’));can I use$this->ci =& get_instance(); $this->ci->cache->get(‘foo’);like I do with other classes? Because at the moment

  • lesmana
    php autoload
    I have a problem with my database class. I am pushing all the methods I need in it and after closing the class, I am making an instance of it and affecting it to a $database variable. Then on the index page I don’t require the file explicitly, because I am setting an __autoload function to do that for me. But when I just try to use $database->isConnected() method I had set for instance, it doesn’t work. I have to make another instance of the $database on the index page, means recall new dataBas

  • Duroth
    php function autoload
    First, a little background. The company I work for uses a massive function / class library, which gets included on every single page. Thousands and thousands of lines of functions, 90% of which probably won’t even be called on a page.In an attempt to lighten the server load a little, I’ve been experimenting with smarter library setups. To this end, I’ve split the entire file into categorized library files (i.e. sql.functions.php, date.functions.php, and others.)Unfortunately, including every sin

  • Mori
    ruby-on-rails-3 require autoload
    I’m new to rails and making some sort of noob mistake: I frequently need to count the number of lines in a file, so I’m trying to monkey patch class File like this:class Filedef self.line_count( filename ) %x{wc -l #{filename}}.split.first.to_i end endI saved this to /lib/file_util.rb. I thought that this was supposed to be auto-required, so that I could just use it, but that doesn’t work:$ rails console >> File.line_count(‘Gemfile’) NoMethodError: undefined method `line_count’ for File:C

  • Bhavik Shah
    php magento autoload
    I’m using a 3rd party php library to connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which I’ve placed in the /lib folder of Magento.I’ve created a controller for testing purposes, in which I’m including the files from the lib folder (which are being included, as changing the paths throws an error), but when I try and initiate the class defined in one of the included files, i get this warning:Warning: include(DynamicsCRM2011\Connector.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory.

  • Alan Storm
    php magento xml-rpc autoload
    Any idea on what would make this happen? Im trying to use XML RPC zend version but anytime I try to include the client I get some sort of error. Its like its including the client, but then the client does not know how to include the files after that…test connect script is located in root directory, with the following -require_once ‘lib/Zend/XmlRpc/Client.php’; $client = new Zend_XmlRpc_Client(‘’);Any help would be appreciated!

  • outis
    php autoload
    Is there a way I can define __autoload in a class, so whenever I access an undefined class PHP will run the __autoload class method?<?php class Test {public function __construct() {echo ‘Instantiating ‘, __CLASS__, “\n”;}public function __autoload($className) {echo “Loading $className\n”;require_once($className . ‘.php’);}public function test() {$test = new AnotherClass();} }$bill = new Test(); $bill->test();AnotherClass.php:<?php class AnotherClass {public function __construct() {echo

  • Alan Storm
    php zend-framework magento autoload
    I get the following error when i am logged into the backend in magentoFatal error: Interface ‘Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Interface’ not found in /homepages/45/d210005774/htdocs/websitename/lib/Varien/Http/Adapter/Curl.php on line 176Also i got this error previously in my index management section in magentoFatal error: Call to undefined method Zend_Locale_Data::disableCache() in /homepages/45/d210005774/htdocs/websitename/lib/Zend/Locale/Format.php on line 153Could anyone help me out with this? I t

  • Mario
    codeigniter config autoload
    I created a customized config file called config2 and autoload it in autoload.php. In my model, i just use $this->config->item(‘item_in_config2’), it works well. However, in my paypal library, i tried to use the same thing like this: $this->PROXY_HOST = $this->config->item[‘paypal_proxy_host’];an error occur: undefined property $config. Then i tried to add parent::__construct(); under library constructor, server error shows. Previously, i load the config2 manually and it worked

  • symlynk
    php autoload
    On the description for __autoload reads “Attempt to load undefined class”. However, it states you can define the function “to enable classes autoloading.” So, say I define the function like this:function __autoload($className) {if (file_exists(ROOTDIRECTORY . $className . ‘.class.php’)) {require_once(ROOTDIRECTORY . $className . ‘.class.php’);} }Will __autoload still only load classes that haven’t been defined yet, or will the guts of the function as they are written above override this

  • mike628
    codeigniter autoload
    I have:$autoload[‘libraries’] = array(‘database’);and in a Model called teams, I have this inside of a function:$query = $this->db->query(“Select * from Teams”);But I get this error: Message: Undefined property: Teams::$dbBut if I do this:$CI =& get_instance(); $query = $CI->db->query(“Select * from Teams”);it works. I shouldnt have to load CI. How do I get around this?

  • Belmark Caday
    perl oop autoload
    I’ve been playing with AUTOLOAD to create my accessors in Perl and I have encountered this confusion (I have searched google and perldoc already).I have this code:package Class; sub new { ..code for constructor here. }sub AUTOLOAD {my $name= shift;print $name; }But when I do something like : my $a=Class->new; The autoload subroutine still executes, and prints Class=HASH(some weird number);I thought AUTOLOAD only runs when there is an undefined method or subroutine? And also I did this: my $cl

  • gregory
    php codeigniter autoload filemaker
    I’m using FX.php together with Codeigniter to access a Filemaker DB. Library and config file are autoloaded in config/autoload.php.This setup works perfectly well on my development machine (OS X, PHP 5.3.14). However, when I run the project on our dev server (Ubuntu Precise, PHP 5.3.10), it doesn’t work. There seems to be an issue with the config parameters not being passed to the library. I get the following error messages:Severity: Notice Message: Undefined index: dataServer Filename: librari

  • jv42
    javascript triggers fancybox autoload
    I was just wondering if you could please help. I am trying to get the fancybox to load automatically once the page is rendered. However, I got this error message ‘t is undefined’ at line 18 (/js/fancybox/ jquery.fancybox-1.3.3.pack.js). At the moment, I am using jquery version 1.4.2<a href=”#container” id=”profile”>Click me</a><div style=”display:none”> <div id=”container”>Fancybox Content Here …. </div> </div><script type=”text/javascript”> $(document

  • hakre
    php const autoload
    I was hoping that if I were to define constants in a separate namespace, like:namespace config\database\mysql;const HOST = ‘localhost’; const USER = ‘testusr’; const PASSWORD = ‘testpwd’; const NAME = ‘testdb’;That I would be able to use __autoload to automatically include them:function __autoload($className) {echo “Autoload: {$className}\n”;$class_file = str_replace(‘\\’, ‘/’, $className) . “.php”;if(file_exists($class_file)) {include $class_file;} }echo config\database\mysql\HOST;This, however

  • davidsheldon
    php autoload globals
    We have a lot of existing code that, rather than creating an instance of a class, or using a static function on that class, will call the method on a global singleton of that class.For example (stringclass.php):class String {function endsWith($str, $search) { return substr($str, -strlen($search)) == $search;} } $STRING_OBJECT = new String();then it will use this in the following way:include_once(“stringclass.php”); if ($STRING_OBJECT->endsWith(“Something”, “thing”)) {echo “It’s there\n”; }I r

  • Carlos Barbosa
    javascript class autoload
    Can i fallback to another method if method of a given object is not found?say i’ve got (just to get the idea)var phoneCall new function() {function toMom() {}function catchAll() {}}q = new phoneCall; q.toMom();q.toDad() //should fire phoneCall.catchAll();

  • MartijnCMT
    php mysql class error-handling autoload
    I have encountered an issue with using a combination of the following in PHP:A custom classloader “ClassLoader”, implemented as a singleton and registered with spl_autoload_register, which does a require_once to include the classes. Nothing special, just some paths to organize the classes on disk. A database class “DB” extending the mysqli class. It’s created from a factory which currently knows only one instance. It does little more than load the correct config and offer some shortcut methods.

  • pinkgothic
    php autoload fatal-error redeclaration
    QuestionIs there a way I can make PHP ignore re-declarations of classes rather than barf up a FATAL ERROR? Or at least throw an exception? (I could easily catch it then and proceed (as well a log the attempted autoloading).)I’m guessing no and a fatal error is a fatal error – after all, in ninety-nine out of a hundred cases, that’s reasonably sensible behaviour – and I’ll probably just have to fix instances of it being triggered on a case-by-case basis. But maybe someone smarter than me has this