Unsuccessfully calling a function defined in JS file 2 from a function in JS file 1 AFTER the page has loaded/on-click event-Collection of common programming errors

I have two Javascript files, that I will significantly streamline to simplify the issue in hand.


function open_action_dialog(){
   // code to open the dialog..

   // If [Return] is pressed when focus is on the #action field, call the action confirmation function defined in the second javascript file.
      var fn_name = "action_confirm";
      if(e.which == 13)


$(function (){
   $("#dialog_action_open").click(function() { 

   function action_confirm(){
     alert('action confirmed');

So on my page I have a button with id dialog_action_open when clicked opens the action dialog; this is a function from the second file successfully calling a function from the first file.

Inside the dialog, there’s an input text field with id action where I’ve set it so that if the user presses [Return] when their cursor is focused on the field, it should call the action_confirm() function defined in the second file. It does pickup the keypress event, but does not call the function from the second file; inside Google’s code inspector, the error is:

Uncaught TypeError: Property ‘action_confirm’ of object [object Window] is not a function

So, my question is what do I need to do to be able to successfully call the function from the second file from inside a function in the first file? Keeping in mind, I’m aware you can’t immediately call a function defined later. But, even though my action_confirm() function is defined after the function calling it from the first file, isn’t this technicality moot considering the call is occurring AFTER the page has loaded, and more specifically AFTER a click event on the page?

I would appreciate being enlightened.

Many thanks.

  1. Because the function you’re trying to call is wrapped in another function, it’s invisible to the function in your other JS.

    You could remove $(function (){ (and it’s closing }); )

Originally posted 2013-11-13 09:48:47.