snprintf overflows and prints garbage to file randomly. help-Collection of common programming errors

Here is my code, basically one the 4 computer I have tested it on they all work perfectly with very large data sizes, eg textfiles up to 500mb in size, but when I run them on the server with real data even files as small as 6mb seem to overrun somewhere and writes garbage to the end of my files.

Here is the source of the entire function so people can have a more indepth look

/** Reads values from tagname between start_time and end_time which are strings in the format 
 of 01/01/1970-12:00, a null string is treated as 01/01/1970, values are stored in
 "tagname".csv */
int ReadValues(char * tagname, char * start_time, char * end_time, char * working_directory, char * new_tag_name)
 long lRet;
 int  number_of_samples;
 int     loop;
 FILE *stream;
 char outputFileName[200];
 char szQuality[100];
 char    newTempTagName[100];
 int  Year;
 int  Month;
 int  Day;
 int  Hour;
 int  Minute;
 int  Second;
 long Subsecond;
 int date[10];

    //if we want to change the tagname do it now
 if(new_tag_name != 0){
       strncpy(newTempTagName, new_tag_name, 100);
    } else {
       strncpy(newTempTagName, tagname, 100);  

 // if the tagname contains a character that is invalid for a filename then we have to make a name
 if ( (strstr(newTempTagName, "/")) || (strstr(newTempTagName, "\\")) || (strstr(newTempTagName, ":")))

  sprintf(outputFileName, "MadeUpTag%d", MadeUpTagCount++);

        //If a working directory was passed in use it
            strncpy(outputFileName, newTempTagName,199);   
            } else {
      strcpy(outputFileName, working_directory); //Copy the working directory to the filename
      // Append a / on the end of the working directory if it doesn't already have one
         if(outputFileName[strlen(outputFileName)-1] == '\"'){                   
                outputFileName[strlen(outputFileName)-1] = 0;
            if(outputFileName[strlen(outputFileName)-1] != '\\'){         
                strncat(outputFileName, "\\", 199);                                
            strncat(outputFileName, newTempTagName, 199);   //Copy the tagname to the end of the working directory


 //Add the csv file extension
 strcat(outputFileName, ".csv");
 #ifdef DEBUG
 printf("Output filename: %s\n", outputFileName);

 stream = fopen(outputFileName, "w");
 if( stream == NULL ) {
  printf("The file %s can not be opened\n", outputFileName );
 } else {

  //If start_time == 0 we want to start at 1970
  if(start_time == 0){
   // we want all the data so use an old start time
   struct tm local;
   local.tm_year = date[2] - 1900;
   local.tm_mon = date[1] - 1;
   local.tm_mday = date[0];
   local.tm_hour = date[3];
   local.tm_min = date[4];
   local.tm_sec = 0;
            time_t utc_seconds = mktime(&local);
   StartTime.Seconds = (long)utc_seconds;
            StartTime.Subseconds = 0; 

  } else {
            //we have been supplied a start time
   #ifdef DEBUG
            printf("Start Time: ");
            lRet = convert_date(start_time, &StartTime);
   #ifdef DEBUG

   printf("Seconds %ld \n", StartTime.Seconds);

  //if end_time == 0 we want to go all the way until now.
  if(end_time == 0){
   // end time of 0 means now
   memset(&EndTime, 0, sizeof(EndTime));
  } else {
            //we have been supplied an end time
   #ifdef DEBUG
            printf("End Time: ");
            lRet = convert_date(end_time, &EndTime);
   #ifdef DEBUG
            printf("Seconds %ld \n", EndTime.Seconds);

  // API will determine actual samples that are in that time range

  // API will allocate the memory
  pSamples = NULL;
  lRet = ihuReadRawDataByTime
   serverhandle,  // the handle returned from the connect
   tagname,   // the single tagname to retrieve 
   &StartTime,   // start time for query
   &EndTime,   // end time for query
   &number_of_samples, // will be set by API
   &pSamples   // will be allocated and populated in the user API

        char temp[100];
        char Header[100];
        char lengthOfHeader = 0;
        char SampleAndTag[100];
        int  lengthOfSampleAndTag = 0;
        char ActualSample[100];
        int  lengthOfActualSample = 0;
        char NumberOfSamples[100];
        int  lengthOfNumberOfSamples = 0;
  int  oldQualityStatus = 99999;

  if (lRet == ihuSTATUS_OK)

      // successful read
            lengthOfHeader = snprintf(Header, 100, "[Data]\nTagname,TimeStamp,Value,DataQuality\n");
            if(lengthOfHeader < 0){
                printf("ERROR WRITING TO BUFFER!\n");                                 
            } else {
                if(fwrite(Header, 1, lengthOfHeader, stream) < lengthOfHeader){
                        printf("ERROR WRITING TO FILE!\n");

   for (loop = 0;loop < number_of_samples;loop++)
                struct tm * local;
                local = localtime(&pSamples[loop].TimeStamp.Seconds);
                Month = local->tm_mon + 1;
                Day = local->tm_mday;
                Year = local->tm_year + 1900;
                Hour = local->tm_hour;
                Minute = local->tm_min;
                Second = local->tm_sec;
                Subsecond = pSamples[loop].TimeStamp.Subseconds;

                //lengthOfSampleAndTag = snprintf(SampleAndTag, 100, "Sample %d, %s",loop, newTempTagName);
                lengthOfSampleAndTag = snprintf(SampleAndTag, 100, "%s", newTempTagName);
                if(lengthOfSampleAndTag < 0){
                   printf("ERROR WRITING TO BUFFER!\n");                                 
                } else {
                    if(fwrite(SampleAndTag, 1,lengthOfSampleAndTag, stream) < lengthOfSampleAndTag){
                        printf("ERROR WRITING TO FILE!\n");

                //Doing the formatting ourselves manually per character saves about 20% of cpu time
                //on large databases this can save hours
                temp[0] = ',';
    temp[1] = ' ';
    temp[2] = Month/10 + 0x30; //Tens
    temp[3] = Month%10 + 0x30; //units
    temp[4] = '/';
    temp[5] = Day/10 + 0x30;
    temp[6] = Day%10 + 0x30;
    temp[7] = '/';
    temp[8] = Year/1000 + 0x30;
    temp[9] = '0';
    temp[10] = (Year%100)/10 + 0x30;
    temp[11] = (Year%100)%10 + 0x30;
    temp[12] = ' ';
    temp[13] = Hour/10 + 0x30; //Tens
    temp[14] = Hour%10 + 0x30; //units
    temp[15] = ':';
    temp[16] = Minute/10 + 0x30;
    temp[17] = Minute%10 + 0x30;
    temp[18] = ':';
    temp[19] = Second/10 + 0x30;
    temp[20] = Second%10 + 0x30;
    temp[21] = '.';
    temp[22] = '0';
    temp[23] = '0';
    temp[24] = '0';
    temp[25] = ',';
    temp[26] = ' ';
    temp[27] = 0;  //Null termination

                //This is to save copying the string if it is the same
                if(oldQualityStatus != pSamples[loop].Quality.QualityStatus){
                    oldQualityStatus = pSamples[loop].Quality.QualityStatus;
         case ihuOPCBad:
         case ihuOPCUncertain:
         case ihuOPCNA:
         case ihuOPCGood:
          strncpy(szQuality,"Really unknown",99);

    if ( pSamples[loop].ValueDataType == ihuFloat )
                    //lengthOfActualSample = snprintf(ActualSample, 100,"%s%8.7f, %s, Type:Float\n",temp,pSamples[loop].Value.Float,szQuality);
                    lengthOfActualSample = snprintf(ActualSample, 100,"%s%8.7f, %s\n",temp,pSamples[loop].Value.Float,szQuality);
                    if(lengthOfActualSample < 0){
                         printf("ERROR WRITING TO BUFFER!\n");  
                    } else {
                        if(fwrite(ActualSample, 1, lengthOfActualSample, stream) < lengthOfActualSample){
                            printf("ERROR WRITING TO FILE!\n");
    else if ( pSamples[loop].ValueDataType == ihuDoubleFloat )
                    //lengthOfActualSample = snprintf(ActualSample, 100,"%s%8.15f, %s, Type: DoubleFloat\n ",temp,pSamples[loop].Value.DoubleFloat,szQuality);
                    lengthOfActualSample = snprintf(ActualSample, 100,"%s%8.15f, %s\n ",temp,pSamples[loop].Value.DoubleFloat,szQuality);
                    if(lengthOfActualSample < 0){
                         printf("ERROR WRITING TO BUFFER!\n");   
                    } else {
                        if(fwrite(ActualSample, 1,lengthOfActualSample, stream) < lengthOfActualSample){
                            printf("ERROR WRITING TO FILE!\n");

    else if ( pSamples[loop].ValueDataType == ihuShort )
                    //lengthOfActualSample = snprintf(ActualSample, 100,"%s%d, %s, Type:Short\n",temp,pSamples[loop].Value.Short,szQuality);
                    lengthOfActualSample = snprintf(ActualSample, 100,"%s%d, %s\n",temp,pSamples[loop].Value.Short,szQuality);

Originally posted 2013-11-09 23:23:03.