Searching in a multidimensional json object-Collection of common programming errors
I thought this was going to be easy, but it’s turning into quite a headache. I have a multidimensional JSON object being returned from my webserver. I’m parsing it to build a fairly deep navigation pane. I need to be able to search this object, but I’m coming up blank for the means.
The object is structured as so: tree->rows[]=>tree->rows[]=>tree …
Each tree can have many rows, and each row can have a tree etc.
At the row level there are a few variables, I need to search and find the value of one. EX: if(tree.rows[x].tree.rows[y].url =="" return true;
My difficulty is, I don’t know how to traverse the whole object. Even if I do it recursively I don’t know how I could keep going up and down all the rows.
Here’s an example of the object:
var jsonLNav = {itemClassName:"NodeLink",linkClassName:"NodeLinkTitle",linkHideClassName:"HideFromProd",navCategoryClassName:"NavCategory",onLoadJS:"",tree:[{pos:1,wid:"263a97c2-7cb9-470c-bf86-cadc28ae1323",pid:"1",rows:[{hide:0,title:"More IT Help",isNC:0,isMig:0,url:"http://vm-hsspdv-d09p/en-us/Help/Pages/ITHelp.aspx",isOL:0,tree:{pos:2,wid:"263a97c2-7cb9-470c-bf86-cadc28ae1323",pid:"3"}},{hide:0,title:"Office 2010",isNC:0,isMig:1,url:"",isOL:0,tree:{pos:2,wid:"263a97c2-7cb9-470c-bf86-cadc28ae1323",pid:"9"}},{hide:0,title:"E-mail Management",isNC:0,isMig:0,url:"http://vm-hsspdv-d09p/en-us/Help/EmailManagement/Pages/default.aspx",isOL:0,tree:{pos:2,wid:"8be66348-8da1-4e5c-90c5-0930d2f52d1a",pid:"123"}},]}]};
This example piece doesn’t have any child trees of the row, the object that does is tens of thousands characters long, I can post if necessary.
The best code I can think of would be close to this (not tested, conceptually I’m missing something):
function findURL(url)
}//end findURL
function searchJson(tree,url)
for(var x=0; x
Originally posted 2013-11-10 00:16:34.