Rails 3: No Method Error for Attributes-Collection of common programming errors
I’m getting the following error message:
NoMethodError in UploadStepsController#update
undefined method `attributes=' for #
app/controllers/upload_steps_controller.rb:12:in `update'
I’m currently building a wizard that allows users to upload files, with the Wicked Wizard gem. What am I missing here?
class UploadStepsController < ApplicationController
include Wicked::Wizard
steps :audience, :rewards, :review
def show
@upload = current_user.uploads
def update
@upload = current_user.uploads
@upload.attributes = params[:upload]
render_wizard @upload
class Upload < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :tagline, :category, :genre, :length, :description
belongs_to :user
validates :title, presence: true
validates :tagline, presence: true
validates :category, presence: true
validates :genre, presence: true
validates :length, presence: true
validates :description, presence: true
validates :user_id, presence: true
default_scope order: 'uploads.created_at DESC'
new error
NoMethodError in UploadStepsController#update
undefined method `save' for #
app/controllers/upload_steps_controller.rb:13:in `update'
current_user.uploads is AREL object. So u have to specify what upload do u want to update. For example first user upload.
or maybe
@upload = current_user.uploads.find(params[:upload].delete(:id)) @upload.update_attributes(params[:upload])
or all records
@upload = current_user.uploads @upload.update_all(params[:upload])
try this instead:
@upload = current_user.uploads, it is given you the array of uploads object, but attributes methods is apply for single object. So you have to apply each methods
@uploads = current_user.uploads @uploads.each do | upload| upload.update_attributes(params[:upload]) end
Originally posted 2013-11-09 21:04:27.