Rails 3 & Devise: Error when logout-Collection of common programming errors

Problem solved

klaustopher his answer fixed the problem.

The problem is that i can’t logout when i have or in my layouts/application.html.erb

When i delete this line out of my application.html.erb, i am able to logout without errors. I’ve searched on google but could not find anything about this problem.

My application.html.erb:

     "all" %>


Inlogd als: "flash_#{name}" %>

Piter Jelles © 2012 | Ruby on Rails



Note: i'm from the netherlands so there are dutch words in my application.html.erb

  1. When you are logged out, current user will return nil. Calling a method on nil will return in an error

    1.9.3p125 :002 >   nil.username
    NoMethodError: undefined method `username' for nil:NilClass

    You have to check if current_user returns something other than nil. You can do this by using

  2. you need to check the existence of current_user like: or

Originally posted 2013-11-09 21:07:04.