problem about warden-Collection of common programming errors

  • ellmo
    ruby-on-rails rspec devise warden
    This is a spec for a very typical controller with a before_filter which redirects to login page when a not-logged-in user (a.k.a. a guest) tries to access /projects/new.describe ProjectsController do(…)describe “GET new” docontext ‘when not logged in’ dobefore { sign_in_nobody }context ‘creating project’ dobefore { get :new }it ‘denies access’ doexpect(response).to be_redirectendendendend endI have specced all possible outcomes of accessing :index, :show and :new for guests, users, admins and superadmins. I didn’t have any problems using neither logged or guest users, admi

  • ktkaushik
    ruby-on-rails testing rspec devise warden
    I have just begun with testing Devise. I am unable to understand of why i am getting this error :: Failure/Error: subject.current_user.should_not be_nilArgumentError:uncaught throw

  • heavysixer
    rspec2 warden
    I am having a problem getting the Warden’s hash to appear in the request hash in my RSpec tests. When I run my application in development mode the Warden keys are there, but in the test environment everything is nil. I have included my basic rspec config below. If anyone has any ideas where I am going wrong I’d really like to know, I’ve been fiddling with this for almost a full-day.When running in development mode Warden is found, but when running in test mode env[‘warden’] is always nilHere is an example of what I get when I inpsect the warden hash inside request object during development mode:

  • Aymeric
    ruby-on-rails session devise warden
    I am building a RESTful API that is stateless with Rails 3 and the gem devise.Since I don’t want to store any session, I have disabled them by defining in config/initializers/session_store.rb :MyApp::Application.config.session_store :disabledAll my Warden Strategies (http basic auth, token auth) don’t store any information (stored? returns false).I am usi

  • shingara
    ruby-on-rails devise rack functional-testing warden
    In my (Rails 3.2) Test::Unit controller/functional tests, assert_routing is failing with this error:1) Error: test: with an admin user routing should route GET /admin/contracts to/from {:action=>”index”, :controller=>”admin/contracts”}. (Admin::ContractsControllerTest): NoMethodError: undefined method `authenticate!’ for nil:NilClasswith route:authenticate :admin donam

  • varatis
    ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 devise warden
    This would probably be simpler for me if Ruby was my first language, but anyway, here’s my question:Using Rails 3.1, I’m trying to access some of the Warden Manager callbacks with Devise to create a new ‘Cart’ each time a user signs in. I’m placing this logic in my ApplicationController. Problem is, when I create a Ca

  • Chris Peters
    ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 rspec warden
    I was able to use Devise’s sign_in method to log in a user in my controller specs. But now that I’m removing Devise from my application, I’m not quite sure how to get similar functionality working with just Warden on its own.How should I go about setting

  • Silas
    ruby-on-rails authentication devise warden
    I’m trying to do functional testing and need to login with Warden.I have done:class ActionController::TestCaseinclude Warden::Test::Helpers endMy test case is simple:def test_access_admin_as_s

  • poseid
    devise sinatra rack warden
    I am trying to use devise from a Rails app to grant access to a Sinatra application within the Rack middleware.My config/routes.rb has:authenticate “admin” domount Admins::Dashboard, :at => “/admins”

  • Millisami
    ruby-on-rails-3 devise warden
    This is a Rails 3.0 app with Mongoid as ODM. Following is the user model in which the devise is installed.class Userinclude Mongoid::Documentdevise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatablefield :emailfield :usernamefield :loginable_tokenendI’m building an API. So, for authentication I wanted to authenticate the users with :email and :password. From the GUI, its fine and working. Now, I want

  • herrklaseen
    ruby-on-rails login devise timezone warden
    I’ve built a rails app that helps parents keep track of their infants’ sleep. For it to work properly I’ve had to support different time zones. To avoid annoying the user with time zones, I’ve created a little javascript that adds a hidden field to the login form, including the timezone offset. Here’s the codevar timeZoneField = $(“input[name=’user_tz_offset’]”);if (timeZoneField.length) {var browserDate = new Date();var timeZoneOffsetSeco

Originally posted 2013-11-09 22:30:27.