problem about uwsgi-Collection of common programming errors

  • alfish
    nginx django uwsgi 502
    I used this guide to set it up and it was working to server my django app for a while, but after adding a new django module, without touching any of the nginx or uwsgi configs, now the server leads to 502 502 Bad Gateway error. The nginx error.log says:*1 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading responseheader from upstream, client: x.x.x.x,server:, request: “GET /HTTP/1.1″, upstream:”uwsgi://”, host:”x.x.x.x”I appreciate your hints to resolve this.

  • Mediocre Gopher
    logging uwsgi
    I’m attempting to unify the log format of my uwsgi instance. Currently there’s three different types of log items:Sun Sep 2 17:31:00 2012 – spawned uWSGI worker 10 (pid: 2958, cores: 8) (DEBUG) 2012-09-02 17:31:01,526 – getFileKeys_rpc called Traceback (most recent call last): File “src/”, line 13, in application obj = discovery(env) File “src/”, line 23, in discovery ret_obj = {“return”:dispatch(method,env)} File “src/”, line 32, in dispatch raise Exception(“te

  • still.Learning
    python decorator uwsgi
    I am using uwsgi decorators(specifically the cron decorator) to do things at specific times. I have the following code:import cherrypy import uwsgidecoratorsclass TestObject(object):@cherrypy.exposedef index(self):launchapp = self.launchapp(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,”foobar”)return “This is a test”@uwsgidecorators.cron(minute,hour,day,month,dayweek)def launchapp(self,target):print “the target is %s” %targetreturnHowever I get the error:@uwsgidecorators.cron(minute,hour,day,month,dayweek) NameError: name ‘m

  • jbastos
    python heroku uwsgi
    I’m currently using uwsgi + gevent + bottle on Heroku, python 2.7.3. It used to work very well. Since heroku introduced the ‘runtime.txt’ feature, I’m experiencing uWSGI compilation problems every time I push my build to heroku. Does anyone know of a workaround?Counting objects: 2717, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (1127/1127), done. Writing objects: 100% (2717/2717), 462.10 KiB | 144 KiB/s, done. Total 2717 (delta 2008), reused 2073 (delta 1572) —–&g

  • Terry Gardner
    reference hyperlink uwsgi
    Got the following linking problem when pip installing uWSGI in a virtualenv, am I missing some packages?* uWSGI linking *gcc -pthread -o /srv/www/ldap/bin/uwsgi core/utils.o core/protocol.o core/socket.o core/logging.o core/master.o core/master_utils.o core/emperor.o core/notify.o core/mule.o core/subscription.o core/stats.o core/sendfile.o core/async.o core/master_checks.o core/offload.o core/io.o core/static.o core/websockets.o core/spooler.o core/snmp.o core/exceptions.o core/config.o core/s

  • Drakekin
    php nginx fastcgi uwsgi
    I have a single domain where the root is served by a python application running under uWSGI. I however need to run a PHP forum on a subfolder /forum/. I have the following in the apps-available configuration file:location / { try_files $uri @oath; } location @oath {include uwsgi_params;uwsgi_pass; } location /forum/ {alias /home/drake/forum;index index.php; } location ~ /forum/(.*)\.php {include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_

  • Robert Samurai
    python pylons cherokee uwsgi
    I have successfully deployed a Django app with uWSGI + Cherokee. However, I want to experiment with Pylons before I go decide on Django.So far I have followed the instructions/recommendations here: serve works without a hitch. But when I try to serve via uWSGI, I get nowhere:/usr/bin/uwsgi -s :5000 –paste config:/var/www/env/helloworld/development.ini -H /var/www/env -MMy uWSGI master and worker processes are spawned.

  • Uriel Bertoche
    django django-admin nginx django-authentication uwsgi
    I hope you can help me.The thing is, I was editing a user via Django Admin, and tried to add a new group from there. The add group page didn’t showed up, and uWSGI log showed as follow:*** HARAKIRI ON WORKER 3 (pid: 4763) *** HARAKIRI: — uWSGI worker 3 (pid: 4763) WAS managing request /admin/auth/group/add/ since Mon Apr 18 13:00:19 2011 — DAMN ! process 4763 died 🙁 trying respawn …Then I found out that I can’t access group Admin at all! Does anyone knows what is happening here?Thanks!###

Originally posted 2013-12-08 05:36:42.