problem about uploadify-Record and share programming errors

  • Charles
    javascript jquery uploadify
    I am trying to upload the files with on click event. what i have to do is: HTML: JS:var heading = $(‘.heading’), fileBox = $(‘.files_box’);$(‘#fileElem’).uploadifive({‘auto’ : false, ‘height’ : 20, ‘width’ : 75, ‘truncateLength’: 27, ‘queueID’ : ‘fl-que’, ‘onSelect’ : function(){ selectHandle(); }, ‘onCancel’ :

  • Meisam Mulla
    php jquery forms upload uploadify
    Uploadify keeps giving me a “HTTP error” and its starting to get pretty annoying.Here is how I invoke uploadify:$(document).ready( function() {$(‘#upload_image’).uploadify({‘uploader’ : ‘/templates/v2/uploadify/uploadify.swf’,’script’ : ‘/userimages.php’,’cancelImg’ : ‘/templates/v2/images/cancel.png’,’folder’ : ‘/images/uploads/1′,’auto’ : true,’fileExt’ : ‘*.jpg;*.gif;*.png’,’fileDesc’ : ‘Image Files (.JPG, .GIF, .PNG)

  • Graeme
    swfobject uploadify
    I am using Uploadify and have a pop up which is loaded by jQuery by Ajax. The page on which the popup lives on has an include to

  • Nick
    php upload uploadify
    I am experiencing the following error with uploadify and uploadifive:PHP Warning: File upload error – unable to create a temporary file in Unknown on line 0This is an intermittent issue. Sometimes uploads work OK, sometimes not. Up until yesterday all was working well, and I am not

  • JPM
    javascript uploadify
    Hi I need to save a variable in Javascript and give it to uploadify.This is my code:var mediaID;$(“.edit_photo_media”).live(“click”, function() {mediaID = $(this).data(“media-id”);$.ajax({url: ‘edit.php?action=media_select’,type: ‘GET’,dataType: ‘html’,success: function (select) {if (select == ‘3’) {docume

  • hopla
    If the server returns an error (HTTP response code != 200) when uploading a file with Uploadify, the uploaded file gets a red background

  • mIRU
    yii uploadify
    I’m using , and i spend a lot of time trying to solve error HTTP Error: 500 , and i have no ideia how to debughere is view protected/views/admin/_form_photo.php :

Originally posted 2013-08-22 12:51:45.