problem about tikz-timing-Record and share programming errors

  • Daniel King
    tikz-pgf tikz-timing
    I would like to be able to make the label below (which I have made red) have text size equivalent to \tiny but I can not figure out how to do it? I have not been able to find anyone else trying to change the label text size with tikz-timing; is it a PGF or tikz problem? What is the syntax? I fear this is going to be an obvious misunderstanding of LaTeX, PGF, TikZ, and tikz-timing. I am a little confused which syntax to use when setting the style of the label.I don’t want to apply th

  • Martin Scharrer
    tikz-pgf tikz-timing
    This is (more-less) two (or more) questions in one – however related; so I’ll try to cover all in one post. I have a specific timing diagram layout in mind, and I’m almost there:The complete code for that example can be found below. In brief, this is what I want to achieve:I want to be able to display a multi-line (two line) text label inside the L and H logic characters/symbols: the first line is the value of the signal (0 or 1) – the second line is some sort of an indexing label (which could be plainly numeric ‘1’, or alphanumeric ‘a1’ – passed as an argument, e.g. h{a1}) I want to be able to show a discontinuity in the time axis; the example shows the following variants:Based on D character (with Low and High parallel lines; capital letter name B or V) or based on Z character (line in middle; lowercase letter name b or v) Uses ellipsis (…, that is, \cdots; B or b) or uses “a curvy widget” (here $\iint$) as separator characters (V or v metacharacter macros)(sort of) off topic: I believe ellipsis is an appropriate character/symbol for “discontinuity” in time diagrams, as it also means “omission”; this with the “curvy widget” is something I have from back in the (high school) days (last century). Does anyone know a name for this sort of a “curvy widget” symbol, used in the graphical/diagram sense for discontinuity/skip/omission? I used a double integral symbol, $\iint$, simply because I couldn’t find anything more appropriate; I simply need two parallel ‘S’-like shapes, but I don’t like the clef-like “dot serifs” (how are these called in typography?) that the integral sign has; closest I could find is the Unicode symbol U+2240 ‘≀’ for wreath product – however, I’d need the ‘wreath’ symbol rotated 180 degrees so its oriented rightly (to the right) … and here is an overview of the problems:Only D can accept text characters/labels ‘inside’ itself – this is, however, not really a problem, because in the metacharacter macro, I can first draw a D with thin dashed lines (which also helps me visually – so those dashed lines in the image are on purpose) and the text label, then ‘restart’ the macro drawing, and draw an L or H symbol… but, then:D cannot accept paragraphed content (with linebreaks) – so I have to “cheat” with TeX primitives (\raise/\lower \hbox and \kern) to simulate two lines; as a result these text lines inside are not center-aligned I have to apply the same TeX primitive (\raise/\lower \hbox and \kern) approach, to be able to align the “time-discontinuity” symbol to the Low and High lines of the D-derived logic symbols (B and V); as the alignment is done “by hand”, again these symbols are not properly center aligned (in respect to the entire width of the logic symbol) I cannot visually “interrupt” the D lines (if I try to “break” in code, I’ll get a D transition, which I do not want) – so I have to use \colorbox{white}{…} to specify a white background; but then, this background “spills over” the grid, which again I do not want – I’d simply want a white “interruption” of the same height as the lineI’d also l

Originally posted 2013-09-26 03:16:15.