problem about requestfactory-Collection of common programming errors

  • Udan
    spring hibernate gwt requestfactory
    I’m using GWT RequestFactory + Hibernate + Spring in my web app. I have Principal and Profile entities that relate to each other as one to one. They share the same primary key. On a client side I write such a code, which causes NullPointerException:If I exclude “principal.setProfile(profile);” code line, principal entity will be stored successfully. I can’t figure out why profile entity can’t be stored along with principal.Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!public Re

  • aez
    google-app-engine gwt requestfactory
    I have a problem using “fire()” with a GWT RequestFactory after I’ve used it to unfreeze and edit a proxy.If I have two request factory objects and their associated contexts like this: private SyntheticRequest req1 = requestFactory.someRequest(); private Request<xProxy> sendRequest1 = req1.something(); private SyntheticRequest req2 = requestFactory.someRequest(); private Request<xProxy> sendRequest2 = req2.something();using “fire()” on the first request works

  • Arturo
    java gwt gae-datastore requestfactory objectify
    I am getting this error on the browser executing the query below, but without the “.order(“position”) it works (but results are obviously not sorted).Uncaught Exception caught: Server Error: no matching index found. The suggested index for this query is:<datastore-index kind=”Box” ancestor=”false” source=”manual”><property name=”diagram_id” direction=”asc”/><property name=”position” direction=”asc”/></datastore-index>

  • manubot
    gwt requestfactory gwtp
    I am using GWTP and RequestFactory on my client. I would like any Fatal Exception to be handled by a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler. I have created my custom handler and registered it in the configure() call of my entry point module:public class ClientModule extends AbstractPresenterModule {@Overrideprotected void configure() {// Register Uncaught Exception Handler first thingGWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler( new CustomUncaughtExceptionHandler() ); …However, if on my client I throw an Exceptio

  • Aman Sharma
    gwt mvp requestfactory
    Please help me resolve this Umbrella exception NewUserPresenter file : file: Entity in server folder: me it seems that it could be the request factory stuff I added to this project has caused these ex

  • jmbz
    google-app-engine gwt requestfactory objectify
    I am having problems creating a simple GWT + GAE (objectify) + RequestFactory app.I followed the instructions here GWTP + RequestFactory + Objectify + App Engine and here Using GWT RequestFactory with Objectify I’m using the example by David Chandler to wire everything in my appI managed to create all the necessary classes (RequestFactory, entities, proxies,interfaces and services) without errors and compile in development mode the only problem I get is this[ERROR] [gwtgaeobj] Annotation error:

  • William Brombal Chinelato
    java gwt requestfactory requestcontext
    I’m trying to integrate GWT and Hibernate using RequestFactory. Everything works well, except when I try to work with an existing entity. It doesn’t matter what I’m trying to do (load, update or delete), the result is always the same: NullPointerException.After some debugging, I realized that when the request is fired, a JsonSplittable that contains only a string with the ID of my existing entity (“1”, for instance) is processed as if it had a JSONObject. The method getOrReify is executed and th

  • Brad
    java gwt gwt2 requestfactory
    I am using GWT 2.4 with the editor and request factory frameworks. I have a model, Trip, which has an Address ‘origin’ and an Address ‘destination’. When creating a Trip via the UI, the two addresses are created automatically and assigned to the Trip. User fills out details and saves. For some reason, I am getting the ‘autobean frozen error’ when trying to persist to the server. This code worked in GWT 2.3 and I cant switch back. I am hoping its not a bug in GWT 2.4. Here is some sample code of

  • Sam
    java google-app-engine gwt requestfactory
    I have three Proxy-Interface:IModuleBaseProxy IBerichtModuleProxy extends IModuleBaseProxy INewsModuleProxy extends IModuleBaseProxyThe funciton clientfactory.getModule(id) returns a IModuleBaseProxypublic IModuleBaseProxy getModule(String id) {return moduleList.get(id); }I have following Problem, while 1. works, 2. doesn’t work:1.INewsModuleProxy nm = (INewsModuleProxy) clientfactory.getModule(id);2.IBerichtModuleProxy bm =(IBerichtModuleProxy) clientfactory.getModule(id);I get following Except

  • B.H.
    android obfuscation proguard requestfactory
    I have an Android app using Requestfactory to communicate with the Google app engine backend.It works correctly in the emulator. But when export a signed apk and I try it on my phone, it crashes on the first request called, with this error in the log :E/AndroidRuntime( 2497): FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #1 E/AndroidRuntime( 2497): java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occured while exec uting doInBackground() E/AndroidRuntime( 2497): at android.os.AsyncTask$3.done( E/A

  • Gerald
    gwt guice requestfactory guice-servlet
    I want to use GUICE on the server side with the GWT 2.3 RequestFactory. I have my class that extends the ServletModule with :@Override public void configureServlets() {// RequestFactory servletbind(RequestFactoryServlet.class).in(Singleton.class);serve(“/gwtRequest”).with(RequestFactoryServlet.class); }and in the web.xml I have added :<filter><filter-name>guiceFilter</filter-name><filter-class></filter-class> </filter><f

  • Robert Munteanu
    java google-app-engine gwt gae-datastore requestfactory
    I m creating a school project where I need to deploy an application connected with an native android app and both of them to share the same entities on Google App Engine Datastore. I followed all the instructions described by official tutorial by Google ( but unfortunately I cannot store any entities on datastore in development mode. I m trying for weeks to configure properly the requestfactory with no success. Below are th

  • Tala
    gwt requestfactory objectify
    I had a look at the example from Google IO gwtgae2011 and got it working. I tried to add some functionality to the project and was constantly getting exception from server (onFailure method was invoked) and the stacktrace is19:47:36.070 [ERROR] [crowd] Uncaught exception escaped One or more exceptions caught, see full set in UmbrellaException#getCauses at$StandardPayloa

  • eguardiola
    gwt requestfactory json-rpc
    Or what is the best way to archive this on GWT.Please post some code of how to call a simple service with parameters using RequestFactory. UPDATE:Thomas, i have updated my code with your suggestions.public interface MyRequestFactory extends RequestFactory {MyRequestFactory INSTANCE = GWT.create(MyRequestFactory.class);MyRequestContext myRequestContest(); }@JsonRpcService public interface MyRequestContext extends RequestContext {UserFullFormattedName userFullFormattedName();@JsonRpcWireName(value

  • Arturo
    gwt gae-datastore requestfactory objectify
    My GWT app includes persistence through RequestFactory + Objectify (GAE Datastore). Code below works (data is successfully stored in GAE), but exception below occurs. Any ideas? Thanks10:22:56.772 [ERROR] [dialective] Uncaught exception escapedjava.lang.IllegalStateException: The AutoBean has been frozenat

  • loki2302
    java gwt requestfactory
    Used this tutorial to understand the basic concepts, but having problems running my app from Eclipse:15:48:04.384 [ERROR] [Main] Uncaught exception escaped One or more exceptions caught, see full set in UmbrellaException#getCausesat

  • Bill the Lizard
    gwt requestfactory
    Cannot validate this method because the domain mapping for the return type (XXXProxy) could not be resolved to a domain type Add @SuppressWarnings(“requestfactory”) to dismiss.Starting with GWT 2.4, RequestFactory interfaces must be validated before they can be used by the RequestFactory server code or JVM-based clients. This document explains the mechanisms for validating those interfaces. according to have do

  • Arturo
    java gwt dao requestfactory objectify
    Everytime I launch my app I get the “RequestFactory Validation Tool must be run…” error even if listEmptyBoxes() is not executed. I already have file requestfactory-apt-2.5.0-rc1.jar on the annotation processing.Any ideas? Below my code. Thanks.MyProject.javaprivate void listEmptyBoxes() {BoxRequest boxRequest = requestFactory.boxRequest();boxRequest.listAllEmpty().fire(new Receiver<List<BoxProxy>>() {public void onSuccess(List<BoxProxy> response) { // List all phantom boxesW

Originally posted 2013-12-02 20:59:51.